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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. I think you mean a bad townie. Good townies don't try to kill other townies. Somewhat ironic given I lynched him, but I only did that because of his continued efforts and poor justification to kill me!
  2. I don't disagree that Square were better back then, but they're still good now. They actually have Dragon Quest now at least unlike when they were just Square, and the remade FFXIV is really good. Kingdom Hearts and the next FF game looks to be shaping up pretty good, and I've enjoyed their recent HD remakes. Not like Capcom's recent Resi which I found pretty terrible.
  3. I am stupefied by that result. What the frack, Jonnas. We just did that, actually, and Jonnas was town (I would have lynched him regardless of the system). And I'm really annoyed by it because his behaviour and overly aggressive play towards me made me push for his lynch. Even though nearly every other god damn player agreed to the plan he singled out me and tried to argue it was the perfect Mafia plan, which it really isn't. The luck is just not with us as it was a straight 60% chance that we should have found a Mafioso right now. Anyway, saying that Vote: Rummy I could go for Cube, which still seems like a decent idea, but for all I know he's being as stubborn as Jonnas was by holding out. With Rummy, he'd want to have gone through with the lynches so far as all have been townies, and this is just my feeling but I would have thought he'd have more to say about this random lynching process. And in general. So that's my vote. People can join it or do whatever. Feel the game is slightly ruined for me now by the total curve ball Jonnas has thrown.
  4. Nah, S-E is still pretty hot. Just been playing FFXIV and they've been doing a smashing job, and their dragon quest games have been excellent. And even though I didn't enjoy Bravely Default there's no denying it did pretty well.
  5. At the point the plan was suggested, the plan was in favour of a Mafia lynch within two days. You're even agreeing on that, as you returned a value of nearly 60%. That's why it's a pretty stupid plan for a Mafioso to suggest. It also eliminates Mafia interference as your three votes don't count for toffee if the whole of town votes you based on RNG. I don't even need to defend my lynch of you, as your name was put forward by a confirmed townie.
  6. Way to totally undo your team by lying. Tales preceded the plan - his suggestion for lynch was performed before the plan came in - ie. his name was not suggested by a confirmed townie using a RNG. So all in all, not a watertight Mafia plan whatsoever. In fact, simple calculation will tell you that: - In a 9 player situation with 3 Mafia (ie. start of plan on D2), the chance of randomly hitting Mafia is 3/9 aka 33%. - Continue the plan to the next day (ie. lynching Jonnas, today) and the random chance we hit Mafia is 3/8. Aka 37.5%. In total, over just 2 days the combined chance of hitting scum is therefore 70.5%. In a game where Mafia losing 2 players results in their loss, a plan that offers a 70.5% chance of killing one of them in 2 days is, frankly, retarded. No Mafioso would suggest this plan, and no Mafia would want to follow it. Yes, the game is entirely in the hands of the Mafia. Not at all the townies suggesting the RNG targets. The plan will effectively disband after a lynch of Jonnas anyway so this is by no means 'the plan of the game'. If Jonnas flips scum, his RNG target should he provide one will effectively be worthless.
  7. If you are actually town, and by some miracle Jonnas is, then you have nobody to blame for you and Jonnas's vendetta against me. If you go to such lengths with such crappy reasoning (like saying I won't go through with my plan, which is a lie) to try and lynch a townie then that townie is going to try and lynch you. That's why you'll get no forgiveness. Of course I'm placing my chip on the tile that says you're Mafia so hopefully no disdain will be getting dished out.
  8. Well that leaves @Mr\-Paul to cast votes. I have to say, if you are town @Cube I'm gonna be seriously unimpressed at your not realising the obvious here. Although right now it seems much more likely you're Mafia. Paul is the one I'm least certain will add his vote on Jonnas out of him and ReZ after his comment yesterday (but he did say he trusted Jonnas least, so we'll see), but if that's the case then you know you're probably looking at a Jonnas, Cube and Paul scumteam instead of a Jonnas, Cube and Jimbob. Often hard to tell either way with Jimbob because he doesn't always think things through. As proven here, his lynch justification is ridiculous. The good thing is that if my lynch stupidly goes through somehow then you know to at least immediately lynch Jonnas, so all is not lost. I'll have a good laugh at the end of the game if none of these targets were right, and townies were just playing as mentalists for whatever reason.
  9. Yeah, because two random lynches means I should die. I actually manipulated the townies into giving these RNGd players.
  10. Yeah because I so didn't say that I was going to vote Jonnas next day yesterday. Really weak reasoning.
  11. Vote: Jonnas. His last post made pretty much no sense, and everything he's said so far is not like him at all. Oh really? I've voted for Shorty and Jonnas who were both RNG targets. The reasons you're giving make no sense!
  12. I honestly have no clue what point you're even making here. Is that supposed to be a defence?
  13. Oh HAI THERE!
  14. Yeah, I left my PS4 on to do the download as the patching was done in a sort of nonstandard way. Not sure if it would have worked in standby mode.
  15. Yeah you should create a new service account. That's their jargon for a thing you pay for. I think their account making process could be streamlined incredibly. By the way, the initial class you choose determines which of the 3 cities you start off in. You can travel freely later on though so it shouldn't matter too much.
  16. That's weird, sorry I didn't reply before. I think there might be a small PS3 update in order to get to the menu to register? After you make your SE account I'm pretty sure you can register your codes and get the PS4 update. Worth noting you can never play on your PA3 again though.
  17. What, letting Jonnas off? Even if we ditched the RNG target then, I'd still propose Jonnas.
  18. I remember you saying that the quality would deteriorate now that PS Plus was required, but I don't think that's the case here (rather, it's just too soon). I don't think anyone thought they would be releasing retail PS4 games straight away since nobody would buy them normally otherwise.
  19. What with the free Mario Kart 8 game giveaway, that took my Wii U to full straight away.
  20. This more or less highlights the irony in Serebii's posts - he is criticising the lack of space on other consoles for patches yet on Nintendo's console there is barely enough space to house a couple of Wii U games.
  21. I'll tell you what's unacceptable; that these games require electricity. This in no way affects me as I live within a power station, but on behalf of remote villages within Africa I am so personally ashamed that I'm going to be throwing my consoles off the nearest cliff.
  22. The good thing about the controller is that it makes this game much more accessible. A keyboard is definitely still needed for chatting but everything else is done really well. You basically hold L2 to access all your assigned buttons on the bottom left of the screen and R2 for the right. Pressing the touch pad in also moves the cursor to various things like your active quests on the right side of the screen, which you can then click with X to see more about them. Mouse and keyboard never feels good on my TV but the dualshock is perfect. The HUD's also perfectly sized for a TV.
  23. Why the fuck is that unacceptable? Game sizes (read: Next gen PS4/X1 games) have ballooned in size so you can expect game patches to increase from now. In the month or so between games being sent off for burning and packaging/shipping I would be downright appalled if the developers just sat on their backsides and considered their games done. Good for them that they are continuing to find things they can fix or tweak. In an ideal world there would be no errors in their game, but given how complex games have become it's hardly outrageous that there are still bugs to be ironed out, some of which might even be spotted by critics and whatnot in that month or so period. As long as the bugs aren't gamebreaking, which they almost always aren't, I'm happy. As for the internet speed woes, cry me a god damn river. Nearly everyone in the UK has at least 2Mb broadband, many even higher, so you're looking at an hour max for most people for your average game patch. Hardly the end of the world. What?! You don't have any damn issue whatsoever with broadband speed yet are making a big deal about it. Any excuse to criticise, right? You are one of the most cynical people here and categorically, without a shadow of a doubt, the most disillusioned person here, it's just that you are those things to anything not Nintendo (or for Nintendo, if trying to support it).
  24. Yeah same as mine. Through registering the codes you will get all the stuff, don't worry. Although you can't ride your chocobo/couerl until you do one of the story missions around L20. You can pick up all your DLC stuff at the Moogle NPCs in towns that are carrying a little mailbag by the way. Loving this game still, keep hearing remixed Final Fantasy tracks in various boss battles. Such win.
  25. Seriously, what the heck is your problem? How many games have a 13GB patch? Seems very much like you are cherry picking examples to tar an entire crowd. Even then, why does this 'ruin' it for you? Are you on dialup internet? That's because you have an unhealthy fixation with Nintendo. Anyone here could tell you that.
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