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Everything posted by Stealthttd

  1. its microsofts answer to the ipod..basicly...i going to go againt everyone eles and say if ur going to get both anyways go for the zune frist...chances are the wii will have a price drop sooner or later and it might save u some money...for sure game prices will go down for older games so u will also be albe to get games most people are paying full price for at launch for a few bucks cheaper...
  2. o my fault didnt read that thread asumed it was for wii game releases not vc games:D dont hate me cause im slow :-P
  3. NES Mario Bros. The Legend of Zelda Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Jr. Ice Hockey Pinball Soccer Tennis Urban Champion Wario's Woods Baseball Solomon's Key SNES F-Zero SimCity Nintendo 64 Super Mario 64 Sega Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog Altered Beast Golden Axe Columns Ecco the Dolphin Gunstar Heroes Space Harrier II Toe Jam & Earl Ristar Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine TurboGrafx-16 Bonk's Adventure Super Star Soldier Victory Run Bomberman '93 Dungeon Explorer" "http://www.nintendowiifanboy.com/2006/11/01/virtual-console-titles-available-by-december/" it wont let me post links but yeah
  4. That really makes me sad that square-enix isnt making the game...it is just a name now...these are the people that make poke'mon games for cube and 64 right...<sarcasm>we should see a lot of great rpg gameplay here</sarcasm>
  5. ff:cc was a great game and the gba connection was needed for multi player the game would just not work with out it...if everyone had 2 use one screen to get their items ready then that would just make the game suck it really would...i played both multi player and single player and the singel player was great as well.. I think alot of bad things were said about the game cause it wasnt a turn based rpg...but if it wasnt a ff i bet everyone would think the story and game play was perfect...and it did have a story not a deep one but it was differnt...not like every other rpg were u go save the world from someone who is trying to put all the stones together and blah blah blah...i liked the main charter being you and having your memories and not the typical ff people...it was a nice change..
  6. yeah that page tells me nothing but lets hope for some good info...megaman and sonic come on
  7. someone is taking this way to serious no?....u know that i was just trying to say that if weight was realisc in the game then it would be impossible for like to hold all he does...its not the reason he runs funny..i never even thought he ran funny to start with...just chill man its just a game its not real...link is not going to have back problems in the future cause his shild is to heavy..that would be pretty funny in the game tho haha if he hurt his back
  8. his stuff dosnt weigh all that much come on...he uses fairy magic to shrink it all down and put it in his pocket so its really small..how do u think he can hold all that stuff to start with? do u see him with a backpack? nooo
  9. no one will post negatives about that game...that is blasphemy and will be punished by nintendo hunting u down and burning u at the steak......its truth so just smile and say its the best game ever :-P
  10. yeah...that sucks u lost ur orb.... ...i never even had an orb so feel lucky... really tho does no one remember this game?
  11. Stealthttd


    Does anyone rember orb? After seeing the frist screens of it there has been no news...is it not being made anymore cause it sounded like a really good game from an indie devloper...anyone heard anything bout this game?
  12. I just saw a video of white knight story for ps3 and all i have to say is...omfg that is the best grapics i have ever seen...i couldnt belive how real the trees and everything looked...it makes resident evil 4 look just ok...but is it worth $600...i wonder..anyways if u havent seen the video u should its amazing i cant post the link cause im new...but u can find it on youtube
  13. I seen videos on this game...it game play looks amlost 100% like halo....I dont know if it will be better but i expect it to be a halo copycat i really do...they are trying 40 player online tho...witch i find very umm well i just want it...i would own so many people...im looking foward more to halo 3 tho cause it is proven multiplayer goodness...
  14. o i do love the same old zelda..i do they is why i buy them all..and i will buy this one.....it has solid gameplay and i guess thats always a good thing...if its not broken dont fix it is nintendos way i guess...u cant be the best unless u push ur games tho and i dont feel that nintendo has done that sence the n64 era...the next wii zelda i am looking forward to more than tp and tp isnt even out yet...cause the next one nintendo said would be way diffent right or maybe i dreamed that?
  15. i dont think it is unlikely...the psp is going to allow u to stream games to the psp...it would be a really good idea for nintendo to steal one from sony for a change...downloading to the ds would be pretty impossible because the lak of storage space on the ds...but streaming games is 100% possible i hope they do it...I think some n64 games would work on the ds 2...useing the touch sceen for the c buttons...maybe not tho..
  16. I think Nintendo is great...do i think they will make a zelda game with a huge world that is empty? yes did u play wind waker? bigger isnt alway better thats all im saying...i would rather see the game being non stop fun then long... and nintendo is great but they have been slacking in my option in trems of games...mario 64 and zelda OOT were great changed gaming....what have then given sence then...add a water backpack here...put mario in a baseball game...mario party 18 or what ever...zelda with better graphics bigger world same game play...I think the best game from nintendo last gen came out of retro.. metriod pime..why cause it gave a freash look at an old game...I just feel things getting a little to cookie cutter...i want them to break the mold and make everyone feel like when they frist started playing games... on another note i hope that they have a hard mode in tp...i mean really hard cause i beat wind waker way to fast...i wasnt even trying to i just never died never had a hard time beating a boss...i was so used to the way the game went..
  17. i was thinking about what WiiAlive24.com could be...maybe a channel were u can create games on movements with the alive program?? wii connect 24 could send nintendo data on movements people make to make there own games better? or maybe it has nothing to do with the alive program
  18. to be honest wind waker didnt send chills of awesomeness....it was a great game but just nothing new..grapics changed yes and i loved them...the boat was differnt but it wasnt better than the horse..I think nintendo is going to do something really diffent with the next zelda cause they said this would be the last zelda like this right?? I think zelda has always been more than just a great game...it has been the best of its kind...now it seems like other games are to much alike it to feel great....and all this talk about a huge world makes me worry 2...Think about the fact that this is all running on a gamecube disc...resident evil 4 took up two disc...and if it is suppose to be more epic i wonder how empty the world will be...either empty or repative take ur pick...
  19. i love zelda dont get me wrong...but come on making zelda darker and more mature isnt going to make the game any better....it is a new coat of paint at best...the reason OOT was so great is because it was a perfect game of its time...great grapics, great controls, and everything felt new...majoras mask was a good game basicly the same engine but with a little bit of diffent stuff..like mask ant the time thing...but most people will say that OOT is better because of what it did to gameing... think goldeneye for n64...not newer one eww...now alot of fps are better than it now but goldeneye was so good and changed gameing to some it is the best fps ever made...perfect dark was just as good if not better and it gets less respect... thats why i say i really hope the give everything and more in this game to make it the best zelda ever i think they have to...giving more places to go and a bigger world isnt enough to make anyone have the feeling like omg!!!
  20. is this a new studio? Those charter models look like really bad...Im not gonna hate tho cause it is prob a new group of people right out of college and this is a start for them...if not i think they should find better modelers...yep yep
  21. I really hope nintendo dose something differnt with this zelda...oot was the best game for alot of people because nothing was as epic and beautiful on a game console before...Now with all the zelda like games on the market it wont be so special will it..unless the do something big..with copy cats like spinx and beyond good and evil..not saying those games wernt great but zelda like none the less...The wolf is ok i guess but it really dosnt scream the next big thing to me...I hope they make link be more your link by the end of the game...like they need to add more than 3 swords to the game...more shields..maybe even away to upgrade your armor...staying with the green tunic of course..but diffent chain mails underneath...stuff like that...I really hope its not a go to this place to get a heart peice then this place...hearts shouldnt be the only way u feel like u progress in strengh...I am really hoping for more than what nintendo will give me tho...but i will still love it non the less
  22. WiiSports.com WiiKaraoke.com WiiCooking.com WiiPower.com WiiLove.com WiiVC.com WiiWorld.com WiiFamily.com WiiFun.com WiiMusic.com WiiLife.com WiiConnect24.com WiiHistory.com WiiStory.com Wiiareone.com WiiSchool.com WiiNews.com WiiMagazine.com WiiPuzzle.com WiiChannel.com WiiExecxutive.com WiiGeneration.com WiiActive24.com WiiAnimation.com WiiChallenger.com WiiGetTogether.com WiiManagement.com WiiBreeding.com WiiCountry.com WiiLanguages.com WiiScenario.com WiiParents.com WiiCreator.com WiiAlive24.com WiiJourney.com WiiStudent.com WiiVenture.com WiiFitness.com WiiPuzzle.com WiiScience.com WiiBeauty.com ShallWii.com WiiGirls.com WiiBoys.com WiiEarth.com WiiMoney.com WiiFitness.com WiiScience.com do u think anyof these could be wii channels in the future? i was just membering this thread and with all the wii channels that are blank maybe this was wii channels before they were wii channels..or something
  23. hey..I'm new here...well I been reading here alot but never said nothing...On the subject of DS connecting to wii, I really hope they do something big with it and not just have a few games like poke'mon that use the ds... I would like the wii to be albe to use the ds as a screen and a controller for vc games on the go...sence the wii is always on with wii connect 24 it would be cool if u have a connection with ur ds to be albe to connect to your vc games...this would only work with everything b4 the snes era tho because of lack of buttons..but it is possible if the wii is doing most of the work and the ds is just handeling the controls and the picture...that would be nice
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