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Everything posted by Stealthttd

  1. well it is flash so u cant expect it to be dvd quilty...until ninteno gets a media player thats what were gonna have to liv with...its gonna be about the same as you tube videos but most of the time better by far...if is jumpy make sure ur not running anything eles on the computer that is streaming the file it might make it lag some..
  2. I couldnt believe it but i guess LoZ:tp didnt sell all to well..Prob well but not up to zeldas standards...will this mean more mini games fest from nintendo o god no we have enough...anyways what dose everyone think of that do we not wanna play long games and rather simple but fun ones? http://www.maxconsole.net/?mode=news&newsid=16582
  3. it can be done...pikmin didnt have high rez and u still could tell the diffence then when u had a bunch on screen...and i could so tell the differnce in c&c64 it wasnt as good as pc but it was good enough
  4. blizzard is more than likely still working on ghost...I think i read somewere that they decided to move it to next gen cause it was so close to the end of last gens life cycle..Blizzard is a great developer and dosnt put out much of anything that isnt great..down side games take a while to make...plus im sure they are happy ranking in the money they get from wow right now..
  5. I dont think resolution is as big as a problem as that...they did starcraft on n64 right
  6. Starcraft would easyily sell a million if they just made the multiplayer bigger maybe added 2 new races....people still play it like 10 years later...they just should make starcraft 2...infact i think all blizzard games should come to wii... but i can only dream..wow would work great on wii to with voice chat :-P never going to happen tho.
  7. well that is just not even a good reason...and i think that the smash brothers one had a pretty good looking donkey kong..i might be mistaken...im sure it lookes better than that tho
  8. they still have there forms up and running tho and the mods still say that orb is coming...hey i would rather them not work on the site they are short handed as it is..
  9. were is are rts games?....omg starcraft is the best game ever ever..MIO and when i saw the wiimote for the frist time i was like that could work really good...but no...no nothing not c&c nothing...it would be perfect to start up nintendos online to... starcraft would be just playable 56k with 8 players...now with cable being more popular...how cool would it be to have a 20 player war...they could even leave the grapics the same cause they were good enough for me.....and not just starcraft that is just what i would like but it baffels me why no company has thought to make a rts yet...really it seemed like a duh move to me
  10. Really?....well i want it so you look at the sun for to long the person in the game gose blind and...o how about splinters from holding the axe wrong :-P...Im just playing tho i dont expect the tress to blow in the wind and if ur expecting it ur geting ur hopes up...I cant think of anygame that has tress moving in the wind...unless it was cgi... dont expect more from them as u would from anyother company that makes a wii game...or no matter how good there game is it will be bad to u...and what fun is that....If it comes out and is just ok i think thats pretty good for a first game...they can only get better right...:p
  11. why dose donkey kong look like they used the model from the 64 version...why not just use the donkey kong jungle beat model with the great fur....why o why..im not a grapic whore or anything but...come on put in effort here nintendo i expect more from u...maybe if this was a 3rd party game but its not...so step up and stop makeing it ok to slack...ur setting a bad example....this is just fugly
  12. ..... please tell me it looks bad cause they are making it online and it will help with lag and loading...wait remembers wow had to be pulled away... i dont wanna be addicted to a game like that again.....
  13. I liked ult spider-man more than spiderman 2...i didnt really like spiderman 2 much at all..I still don't understand why they have that voice that tells u how to move and swing and stuff...totally ruined it in the frist 5 min i wanted him to shut up so bad...please tell me that voice isnt in spiderman 3 and i will prob buy it...ok so i prob wont..give me a cel shaded comic book spiderman...those controls would of worked so well on wii to..they should just port ult spiderman...ok rant is done
  14. well i loved Xenogears one of my fav rpgs but i never played the sagas...just never got around to them i guess and i think the espiode thing made me not want to play it..i think the thought of putting 60 hours into just eps 1 and still havinging to wait for an ending would of killed me....They really havnt done to much as a company so i cant wait to see what they come up with...disater cant be the only thing they are working on cause they did what 5 rpgs in a few years...even tho sagas engine was used 3 times so maybe they are not as big as i think...hmmm... I would of rather kraft...cause i like mac and cheese... ps...NINTENDO BUY CROSSBEAM I WANT ORB IT SOUNDS SO COOL :p...sry fro the all caps i was really yelling at nintendo :p
  15. i tried Red Kawa b4 but it makes u convert the video file to flash b4 u can stream it to your wii...tversity will let u use many types of video files and will convert to flash as it plays...lot less work and im lazy dont want to wait to make flash videos
  16. i dont think there is a way to steam songs from psp to wii...whats not woking about it DiemetriX...after u get your ip is should be cake from there...
  17. yeah u have to make sure u get the right ip or it wont work...there are differnt ways of fining out none are that hard..google :p.... and one more thing for wii the adress after its all set up is http://yourip:41952/flashlib if u dont put flashlib it wont work
  18. no it converts any video file as it loads it into flash..i have tried both divx and avi and work great..watched a whole 2hr movie and the pic is good...i have also loaded about 1000 songs 2 my playlist so its like really nice
  19. OK so i dont know if anyone knows this but wii can now stream video pics and music from ur computer...sooo koolio beans yep yep..anyways anyone that is interested go check it out at tversity.com it works really good : peace:
  20. Sega have confirmed that NiGHTS is definitely heading to the Wii <a href="http://www.maxconsole.net/?mode=news&newsid=15275">
  21. why do you really care what this guy says tho..Why is there a 4 page tread on this? No one is solving anything by talking about this....This is a nintendo site so i figure most people here like nintendo and if u don't then you got lost along your trip threw the internet...What he says dosnt matter and even if it did you telling other people that also think he is wrong wont make anything better...just let it go...and bring on prime 3 cause thats all i really want right now
  22. I agree with most but who says that as games look better they become harder to play? They are not related at all game play and graphics dont effect each other you can have both so i guess i dont know were you are coming from there... The fact is nintendo has cheaper hardware and game play to its advantage...ps3 will not always cost 600 dollars and sony plans to keep it out for 10 years instead of the now custom 5...So in 5 years when nintendo releases there new system they will be playing be way behind in userbase compared to ps3 and 360...Sony and MS have 5 years to come up with a new way to play games but they can do it on the systems they already have...in 5 years nintendo will be starting over and I wonder if that is such a good thing
  23. I for one would love a sequel and im sure that anyone that gave the game a try would say the same...The gameplay wasn't the reason it didn't sell and i feel it was more of the name of the game..BG&E sounded really generic to me when i first heard it and im sure that is how many non core gamers felt..
  24. This guy has a right to think what he thinks...he was given a chance to rant and that is what he did just as all of u are doing about him....This is really childish and not really important unless you make it so...just be :awesome:
  25. yeah i dont know about this one yet...as james said it looks like it would get old fast..I like the way u cast spells in the game tho looked fun...but it being on rails exploring is out..that sucks
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