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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. I have one stamp to get. This may be what I need to do. I don't' think I have every played as everyone in a GP. Though now i'm just gonna have to go through them all one at a time so I know I get them all. Been having fun just trying to get some funny/decent screenshots lately too.
  2. Question. When on Miiverse I sometimes see posts with a Highlight tag. Where or how is this done? I can't seem to figure it out. Most are usually on screenshots and it is not one I can select from the small list.
  3. Been using the time trials mode to try to get some interesting photos lately. This is one of my favourite views in the whole game.
  4. I would love to get the network, if however, what people are suggesting does come to light and it's only through Sky, I won't be getting it. I use Virgin broadband and until sky can match their speed, I'll stick with it. Also it needs to be priced decently. £9.99 a month would be great, if it is bumped up to what a normal PPV is on sky (or more) then it's just not worth it.
  5. I am still using it, but I have no idea if anyone shows up in my game. I do have someone on one of the climbing challenges at the moment though.
  6. Not sure how new it is but I got a spot pass for a new puzzle last night, Super Mario 3D World.
  7. Not quite sure if this is awesome, but it certainly is amazing to watch. This slow motion video shows how dogs drink water.
  8. Great news. In sad news, one of the greatest women wrestlers, Mae Young , passes away at the age of 90.
  9. Sorry, I had a declining week in the turnip market.
  10. I saw this yesterday too, loved it. I thought the way they made the spiders talk, was very well done, as many times in films, talking animals just don't come across well. Smaug was done pretty much perfectly, great design, great voice and that fire which he breaths was amazing, the way you saw it build up from inside him. Great build up to the end of the film too, really was the perfect place to stop it, as it had me and my friend both shout out "noooooo". I can't wait for the final part next year.
  11. I caught the Dung Beetle yesterday which means I have now caught all the bugs. Only then to realize that I have to wait until the next Bug Off tournament to get my Golden Net. Anyone building Snowmen? There are four different Snowpeople and one is the Snowman who gives you a bingo card and displays a number each day. You can get numbers from other towns, so it might be great to get some FC's from others to get more numbers each day.
  12. I have noticed some difference. I have been getting 7-10 hits for the last few days, all in groups of 3 at the same time. I like it cause I'm getting new Mii's, but then that's no good for my Streetpass Quest game as no one is higher than level 2.
  13. I'm all updated to Wiifit U and have added myself to the community. Though I only see a few people in there, I guess it only shows teh people you have exchanged NNID's with. So if anyone in the community wants to add me, please let me know. I'll be getting into the game in the coming days.
  14. Thanks, this makes it even more of a reason to get it then. Now just to get the WiiFit Meter first so I know I can pair it with the free download.
  15. I'm considering getting this via the free demo and the Fit meter. However, I really only use WiiFit on the Wii for a 30 minute workout each day and have not transferred it to the WiiU (I don't intend to). Is it still worth getting this and basically starting a new file? From what I've seen in here it looks so much more involved with more fun stuff to do.
  16. I've read that you also get the spotpass light show up if someone visited your Dream Town via the Dream Suit. It makes sense to me as I've noticed that light about the same number of times I checked for spotpass stuff and found nothing.
  17. The Tree grows after 50 days of playing. that's when you can sit there.
  18. I got one of them. I subscribe and the magazine was in it's normal wrapping, but the AC gift was placed in another bag outside the normal mag, so I wondered if it was subscribers only.
  19. Yes, anything that you put in your wardrobe/locker in your town, you can access from the train station locker in another persons town.
  20. Yes you can go into it and even get coffee. However, unlike in LgttC, I've heard that you cannot store Gyroids in there this time.
  21. I think it was more central in its slices. I don't think it was the Smash emblem, but I dug it up so I could be wrong.
  22. I've been doing a little bit of landscaping this morning and I have noticed something with trees that you chop down. Most of the time you see a ring of circles but on two occasions I have seen different shapes on the stump. So far I have seen a heart and something that looked like a pie chart divided into 4 pieces. Anyone else seen these, and know if there is any way to make it happen? I'd really like one of those by my house.
  23. I've read that he appears randomly one day a week in town. Which works for me as I have seen him twice since I started playing.
  24. Most paths that I know of, are just patterns that people create to make a path. I don't believe there is a path that you can lay down. I've had two requests from Lily to come to my house and she showed up both times about 25 seconds or so after the time set. Curlos asked me to go to their house, I showed up a minute early and still did the visit thing.
  25. Made over 100,000 bells at the island last night. Managed to play off my 98,000 bell loan to Nook, and still had enough left over to pay for the bench that I had built this morning. Along with the bells, I donated 9 new bugs and fish to the museum that I caught there. There is a new building being built on Main street, just next to Nooks. Although it's a pain waiting, I love how the town develops and is gradually built up. Feels more real that way.
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