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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. I know @Glen-i is not around but is there any Smash tonight?
  2. Great racing guys. Some close fun races. I got the results @RedShell so I’ll send the, to @Glen-i and @Dcubed as soon as possible.
  3. Looks like this will be a low numbers night. @RedShell I’ll be taking pics but please do so too just in case I miss one. @Louise can you play tonight? We could do with a few more.
  4. Well yeah. I should have said main line games.
  5. Are these “Raid battles” the first main feature to come over from Pokémon Go? They are pretty much them in a nutshell. Take more then one person to beat and appear larger then normal Pokémon.
  6. Highlight time, and @Glen-i what’s happened to the results and table from Thursday?
  7. Update from my last post. The girl messaged me the next morning and said she wasn’t really looking to date right now and just wanted to be friends. Had me a bit confused after the way we left the day before but it’s ok. A new friend is one more than I had before.
  8. @Hero-of-Time thanks for that link. I managed to watch an hour of it before work and when I came home it had been taken down. Luckily I found another one uploaded (no where near as good quality) but was watchable. Have to say I was impressed with the show and it’s certainly has me wanting to watch more from them.
  9. Had a quick look for it but I wonder if it’s been taken down as I couldn’t see it. Still looking for a way to watch it.
  10. I think it was only in the last couple of weeks or so. ‘I didn’t end up seeing the preshow but I have seen the after main event spoiler. I think I will see if I can find highlights to watch from the show later.
  11. Dang. 20 years and I still remember it so well. And today Bret is the only remaining member of the Hart Foundation left. (Bulldog, Anvil, Owen and Bret)
  12. I may check out the preshow. If it’s any good I’ll try to watch the main show.
  13. Just adding my name to those that don’t sell. I have SNES and N64 games still in original boxes and in good shape. I have all my GC, Wii and WiiU games too. Handheld too. I just like to keep them as they are part of my childhood and growing up. I hear a lot of times that games like Conkers Bad Fur Day fetch quite a nice sum for good copies and I know mine is in very good condition but I would just never want to sell them.
  14. So I’ve started a title project in which I’m making a simple set of videos featuring all the Final Smash attacks. First two videos are done.
  15. Here goes. Some good ones from me this time.
  16. Seen Angel mentioned a few times but want to say Buffy the Vampire Slayer for me had one of the best endings. Wrapped up but left that little openness of all the potential Slayers coming into their power. Also so one that is always praised, Futurama. All the endings, lol. But especially the final final ending. Just perfect.
  17. Thanks. I now have 100% completion.
  18. Hmmm. Could be that. And yes. I’ve only faced the pair together. Was the first ending I got. How do you fight them alone? Is it too late?
  19. Can any possibly tell me what I’ve missed? I think I got all the spirits. The fact that I got true ending must mean I beat everyone and collected all the spirits right?
  20. Saw someone post this and I think it’s the only good ending.
  21. Read that they have blown it out of proportion and it was a scheduled thing he needed doing. Also been reading that when Sky’s contract is up with WWE they are not renewing and BT Sport are getting it. If this is true then I’ll be finding other methods to watch it. I’m not paying another subscription price just for one show on BT Sport.
  22. First to fifth all within coming off the final ramp. Yes, yes I do.
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