Grrrrr, So I thought I managed to not lethally stop all the enemies when saving Malik, seems when I EMP the big 'ol robot it killed the enemies after I stunned them, will this count against me?
I don't mind it at all, everyone kicks up a fuss, Facebook don't care, people continue to use it...So why should they care. Only thing they did listen to was the ability to hide the chat box.
Fifa 12 will be great simply because they fixed those stupid shitty menus that always judder about and make it look poop while it's loading, saving and syncing with whatever it syncs all in one go.
Been playing the demo more and I am enjoying it more, getting used to the tackling still only managed to score one goal mind. Seems you need to build build and be patient to get that final ball away.
Agencies were a god send when I was in Australia, the only problem I had with them was they would often call at 7:30 in the morning and I would have to go down to the internet cafe to look at the job description and then email the woman back to say I would take it, some of the work was only a few days but technically I could pay rent and eat for two days work so I wasn't that bothered.
They found me frequent work, so I never had any problems with them.
Ah cool. One of the reason I only play team deathmatch is because no one would cap flags and bases and just go for kills. Hopefully this will now change it.
My guns are all poop, I just find ammo and quick reload attachments, do you all but them from shops? Tranq gun is my fave, did start out with a stun gun but got rid of it, kinda wish I kept it now though.
What gun is the p90, am i missing something?
Can't put this down, best game I have played in a long time.
Love reading the emails in computers, especially ones such as people leaving things in fridges or the amount of car parking spaces, it's just like where I work!! Nice to see a spoof of the nigerian scam emails as well
Oh and a gas mine is mucho fun, you can bring down a slew of enemies in one perfectly placed gas mine.
Me three, You got a quality player, so gutted to see him go! (if he does)
2310: Confirmed: Chelsea have signed Raul Meireles. And Arsenal have signed Mikel Arteta and let Nicklas Bendtner join Sunderland on loan. Phew.
Apparantly the Meireles thing was handed in this morning, Liverpool prolonging the statement for some reason, seems he might be narked liverpool never offered him a better contract after a gentleman agreement when he signed for us last season that they would.
Harry Redknapp claimed it was 40 million, this is the same man that claimed Bayern Munich put in a 20 million pound offer for van der vart just before he signed him for Spurs, both Real and Bayern strenuously denied this.
Take anything 'arry says with a pinch of salt.
STOP PRESS - Meireles has submitted a transfer request!!