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Everything posted by monkeyking87

  1. YAY FOR IRISH ACCENTS! I have a "Drawdaa" acent, and though people from home think I sound really posh and slightly Dublin 4-ish, I have a tendancy to speak different to different people. TTo people from home I can speak in my regular accent, including slang etc but with friends on LIVE etc I try to clean it up a bit though Caris and Nintenchris seem to think Im totally un-comprehensable at times!!
  2. I was never the big fan of him, but I must admit he is missed, it seems like his humour as well and must admit it had me laughing through the ad, what a great way to be remembered and if it saves some lives, GOOD ON BOB!!
  3. None more overused than in my profile!! YAY! PS seriously Sparta RULEZ!1!!!1ONE!!!11!
  4. 3 days. PWNED
  5. Yeah Im glad to see that Crash is there, but how does playing it on yur psp work? does it save to the memory stick? because if it does Im screwed mines the small one that came with it!!
  6. Well Im the original, Im superior, I class myself as number I and all those that follow will be designated numbers accordingly, the 87 is there to make sure y'all knew what a great year it was! I was expecting the PC Police to come shouting and sreaming for the Madeleine reference, but bravo no harm in having a giggle!
  7. Thanks, and happy birthday mate!
  8. Gears of War?
  9. Yeah think its gotta be that guy with the monkey, which Im going to call monkeyking II! monkeyking FTW!
  10. Im not sure if it was here or on another forum but didnt someone say it was Madeleine McCann? Oh wait maybe it was my sister... hmmmmmm
  11. Whens that update out?
  12. Why? Do you love them? Nah its just that shes gonna wn it because shes "so cute" or "so small" yeah sure the girl can sing, so can a lot of people but in 10 years time Im not so sure that she'll be launching an attack on the charts.
  13. Well to be honest Im sick of the many many singing competitons that there are now, so no matter how good these singers are they definately shouldnt win Its called Britains Got TALENT not Britain Can Sing (Didnt you already know?) Therefore I think that the impressionist or monkeyman or some act like that should win. There are so many opportunities for singers in RTV these days, yet true variety acts are ignored, and probably will be by this as well. Ive a feeling the 6 year old is sickeningly gonna walk it, itll be mirrored by the 10 year old girl who won Americas Got Talent.
  14. is there a saving feature on POP?
  15. Nah tonight is the boot camps then we go into the live shows. Im really looking forward to see what the live set actually looks like, if anyone has followed Americas Got Talent (starting next friday on ITV2) then they know how impressive the final set was. Also seeing lots of similar talents between the two versions, but from what Ive seen America definately has more talent, well at least a lot more varied than Britain! In response to Jordan, well thats just it aint it, haters will hate it and likers will like it. Its rare to pick and choose shows from a genre you dont like, you either like this sort of TV or you dont!
  16. whens the home beta out, by the time the beta is up you can just get it anyway, same for LBP!!
  17. 3 sounds great, but Im in all day too so would be eager to get a few more in earlier than that as well if possible? thanks!
  18. no real miss really, havent played the beta since it started!! all that fuss for nothing, how do we delete it from our hard drives now or is it gone?
  19. Yeah I badly need to start scoring some achievements, just let me know when and where!
  20. Russell Brand is HILLARIOUS! Thanks fr reminding me, Im actually gonna pick up his DVD today in town! *twirls*
  21. The first series of this show was brilliant, then it went all crap. The project was actually to get you having a laugh on a friday, wheras now Alan and Justin are funny, but the gags and sketches dont get me laughing anymore, so its must miss tv nw... Must be the old age setting in!
  22. Sorry this isnt as niche as some but I love the music from the Sonic games, even the 360 one! ESPECIALLY any of the Dr.Robotnik songs (Eggman who?) atm Ive been listening to the Boss Music for "Sonic 3D Flickies Island" (Terrible game, great tunes though!) Its been on for about 3 days via the sound test screen, LOVE IT!! Any other Robotnik love?
  23. OMG MAYBE TO MIRROR MS'S ANNOUNCEMET.......PACMAN JR? *Fans myself with a piece of paper* Dont think I could take it personally....
  24. Caris has seemingly removed me from his friends list :(:(
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