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Everything posted by monkeyking87

  1. I speak english just you guys havent a clue what Im saying!! lol anyway its time for ninja gaiden demo!!
  2. I was nine I remember waking up and comming downstairs and my mum was in her dressing gown and was stunned watching the news. Was too young to know what had happened though, but Mum really liked her and still does Im sure BTW Why is there fuck loads of empty seats? Was it not free or something?
  3. Can anyone translate Geordie?
  4. yeah i guessed so, but still excited, have you got it then? is it any good? never played or even heard of Ninja Gaiden til recently, though Im really looking forward to it!!
  5. OMG NINJA GAIDEN DEMO IS IN THE STORE Sorry Im probably ages late but just copped it now, its a HUGE file, over a gig so Ill have it sometime next week, if Im lucky! lol and yeah ThatGuy, it feels a bit dead sometimes but its not as bad as I thought....
  6. Yeah Ive got one charging it atm, when do you fancy a session?
  7. I did actually! I was just about to go find it so I could do it as I only read it in passing Gonna try it out now thanks mate! Ive got pictures that I want to save onto the hard drvie, when i connect the camera up nothing happens and when i stream them i cant save them, any ideas??
  8. Itll probably be a major announcement at E3 About time itd be nice to get that controller active!
  9. If I can get this Motostorm working then Id be good for a game!
  10. Jesus what a turn around! Im glad you are keeping it, must get on there one night for a game of something when you ever get a game for it!
  11. what guide have you been using as I wouldnt mind doing it all again to get the collectables....
  12. i thought you were selling yours mate?
  13. Yeah cheers mate Im a total spa Im not there just yet! Thanks anyway!
  14. Cool stuff on the PSP Your PS3 can wirelessly stream to your PC so you can view photos, videos and music on your PS3. These can all be streamed to your PSP and using remote play your PS3 can be reached via the internet ANYWHERE in the world. Ive tried it recently and its fucking witchcraft Selected games from the PSN can be downloaded and played on the PS3 which can be saved onto your PSPs Memory Stick and played there too! The PSP is a pretty cool gadget anyway with some good games Im not sure what you mean by scratch easily? The discs need to be taken care of and wont scratch. The casing itself is shiny and nice and unless your gonna drag it down the highway then all itll need is a dusting now and then The PS3 gets nowhere NEAR as hot as the 360, it has a great cooling system and its really quiet as well, Ive often forgotten the PS3 was on leaving it on overnight or when I went out only to discover it was still running! Hopefully Ive answered your questions good enough, if not let me know and Ill try again and if youve anymore Ill take a stab at answering them for you!
  15. GAHH!! I know I have to kill myself in the graveyard and Im there now, anyone know what to do? HELP PLEASE!!!!
  16. Out of the box PS3 Wireless Controller Wireless Internet connection Chrome Finish HDMI port 4 USB ports Thats the main things Those contorller thingys are quite strange as far as I knew Sixaxis was the PS3 controller, maybe they are Sixaxis and dont say or arent, otherwise stick with Sixaxis as its the best for use with games that have the feature. The boomerang controller was a prototype that never made it to devolopment tough a Sixaxis with rumble is on the way. As for the colours Im sure there are just not right away. It was the same with the PS2 and look how many colours there are now, and even if it were soon itd probably be Japan only. Any more?
  17. ah fuck like i said im too warm
  18. jesus christ imagine Barney started shouting "DEATH TO MUSLIMS" jesus
  19. Well theres a few games comming out or it that Im interested in Ratchet and Clank5 MGS4 Resident Evl : Umbrella Stories All pretty good really. Blu Ray player is just a good a reason as any to buy one its what I mostly use mine for as well as the PSN Cant really think of things to say before buying one though apart from if you intened on carrying it home do weights because its HEAVY! Ask more questions and Ill try helping you out mate Oh it can do cool stuff linked to a PSP There cant think now its too warm!!
  20. lol well sorry im not into all this DW stuff, but I do like the weakest link having said that K9 as a contestant looks familiar
  21. Its new methinks, it had Annedroid at the start and K9 is a contestant
  22. Oh right so thsi is all for 360? Worth a buy?
  23. Thank you to this thread for making me see that The Weakest Link is on!! YAY! Two Annes?!?!? Oh christ!
  24. what the hell os orange box-y thing? is it just a half life 2 expansion or something?
  25. My copy of Motorstorm stopped working, so Im gonna trade it in for a new copy! (it doesnt look scrathced or anything just wont work, maybe it was that update or something??)
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