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Everything posted by Cookyman

  1. If that was the case with the last Tomb Raider how much money did Microsoft throw at them to get exclusivity this time? It really is a dick move, I just hope Sony don't lower themselves to this level and do the same with another title.
  2. Disappointed - I thought it would be gorier. When did California become an island?
  3. Sony Exclusive - Resident Evil 7 : The Apology (because the last one was so shit!).
  4. Hurrah patch is finally up.
  5. Hmmm weird I'll log on again later and check.
  6. Nope it's not up yet here. Give me a holler when you want to play.
  7. Yes of course but games with photo mode allow you to freeze the game rotate around the character, zoom in and out, add various effects and then take the photo you want
  8. Nice Graphics, so why have a shitty live action trailer?
  9. WARNING THIS THREAD WILL CONTAIN MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE LAST OF US AND OTHER GAMES. THERE WILL BE SPOILERS AHEAD! Have you seen this vid made entirely with photo mode? I think you'll agree it's very impressive. More and more games have a photo mode in them - The Last of Us, Infamous and Drive Club to name a few so I thought we could have a spoilerific thread to post our endeavours and by adding captions have a little fun. There is only one rule to this thread, your pics must be your own - no nicking them off NeoGaf. Here are a few to get us started. "DFS Sale Now on!" "And you thought Luigi's stare was scary!" "A fun board game for all the family!" "Some people take dieting to a whole new level" Joel's Tommy Cooper impersonation "just like that!" "Ellie gets the horn" "The Last of Us - PG edition" "Ellie shows Joel her powers of levitation." "I think he got the point" "The goose aerial display team are back on form" "Come Dancing" "Homes Under The Hammer - Apocalypse Edition"
  10. Just kidding - I can hear you perfectly.
  11. Interesting - since Naughty Dog implemented the live update to improve multiplayer they have uncensored it (the game was censored in Europe). Now your character gets bloodier with the damage they take, blood spatter sprays on walls and deaths are far more gruesome! Let's hope they don't notice!
  12. I think you'll struggle to get 5 a side from here
  13. It's being addressed it sold far more than they projected. I played online yesterday with no issues at all.
  14. Good times mate let's see if we can get 4 of us playing next time for maximum lolz. Disappointing news on WiiU headset but hardly a surprise.
  15. No no no, you've all got it wrong the main protagonist is a transvestite it's Assassins Creed : Rouge.
  16. I seem to be the only person who has this on here but if your interested in it - it's good! I must be the luckiest player ever check this out!
  17. Nice trailer - now I'm interested in this.
  18. That's what I'd do too. Here's another multiplayer vid - good times! I think we should have a photo/caption thread - what do you lot think? Here's a taster - More below. "DFS Sale Now on!"
  19. You ideally want to do all 3 as this will mean minimum losses.
  20. It's not frustrating for you, your good at it.
  21. I wouldn't have recommended Battlefield 4 when it came it out as it was plagued with online issues. However it now works brilliantly and the 64 player online is insane! Two teams of 32 players which can have in it 4 player squads Your free to run and gun, drive bikes, jeeps, tanks, boats, jetskis, helicopters and Jets. It really is quite something - too bad I suck like a Dyson at, it but it is fun.
  22. Killzone, Battlefield, Last of Us - anything really I'm not fussed. I think voicemail is for TV output only. Online can be seriously enhanced if you have a group of people working together. A four man squad in Battlefield can take command of a vehicle for example with one of them being an engineer to repair damage. In the Last of Us you will be far more successful online as part of a 4 man party. Killzone has the DLC and now stand alone Co-op mode where teamwork is essential (I said in its thread I bet I can't play with 3 others from our community and so far I've been proved right). Playing with randoms is ok but since we're all part of this great little community shouldn't we play together too? also if other people from your friends list get involved then they may help the community grow and join the forums - it's a win win situation so for a change lets do something about it eh?
  23. Hmmmm I'm not sure! I'm week 9!
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