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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. The bit where this guy turns up?
  2. New trailer: http://www.bleedingcool.com/2012/05/03/watch-brand-trailer-for-amazing-spiderman/ Found a Youtube link as well:
  3. Glad to see the a load of direct trains have been put on to Wembley for tomorrows match, I was gonna have to change trains otherwise and I hate doing that.
  4. This is my point. The books you listed ReZ could have had those stories regardless of the change. I read Earth 2 as well. Thought it was good but im not a fan of:
  5. I was thinking yesterday how rare it was for Joss Whedon not to cast anyone from his previous shows in a new movie/show. Then of course I checked IMDB and found out that Alexis Denisof voiced "The Other" (Im assuming the Chitauri leader)
  6. http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/05/03/elder-scrolls-online-announced-an-mmo-set-in-the-world-of-skyrim/
  7. Been thinking about the DCnU some more lately. In the beginning I thought I was enjoying the DCnU but the further its gone along the more im realising thats not the case. The only books I still properly enjoy are Batman, Green Lantern and Aquaman, all 3 which barely anything changed (less so for Aquaman but I would say hes on track from where we left him in Brightest Day.) Maybe Justice League gets a pass as well but im not entirely sold yet. Superman especially annoys me. Gone is the character that everyone looked up to and would always say the right thing, I loved that about his character. Now we just have a mopey guy in crappy looking armour. I really wanted to embrace this new universe and not cling to the past but it doesnt look like its worked out that way.
  8. Just got back from seeing it a second time, still awesome! :P I paid a lot more attention to Captain America this time after reading some of the complaints in this thread and to be honest I probably liked him even more this time than I did the first. I thought they did a great job showing why he is the number one hero in the Marvel Universe, despite the fact that he isnt one of the strongest.
  9. We better not, looking at that team sheet the majority of the players have been used a lot this season and shouldnt really be thought of as a weakened team
  10. Well not really, as I said ive only scratched the surface so you carry on to the higher level stuff like building jetpacks and quantum armour, making yourself a nuclear reactor to power all your other machines along with other stuff. Thats only the Buildcraft and Industrialcraft parts of Tekkit as well, I havent even touched the forestry or railway mods. Plus if you like mining then dont use the Quarry :p I only use it to pump all the excess dirt and cobblestone into an alchemic chest so once enough are in there it creates me diamonds.
  11. Ok if there is enough interest then I am planning on starting up a Tekkit server, take a look at the video in my above post if you havent heard of it before and let me know if you'd be interesting in joining in. With Tekkit its different to other mods as it has its own Launcher so doesnt alter the normal Minecraft folder at all, just creates its own. This also means theres no messing around installing the mods, you just download the launcher and put in your log in details and it does the rest for you. I'll add some mentions here as I know a lot of people dont check this thread anymore since it was moved from General Chat. @nightwolf @Shorty @Emasher @ReZourceman @MadDog @Raining_again @Ville @Nintendohnut @Dyson @Debug Mode @Supergrunch @Sheikah @The Peeps Few examples from my single player world and ive barely scratched the surface so far:
  12. Wow, thats terrible news. You are the only person Ive heard say they actually like Teen Titans or Superboy, everywhere else they are getting panned so this is a very weird move from DC. I already dont like Superman in the DCnU but I still tried to read the issues, if Lobdell is on then I wont even do that.
  13. I dont need Spider-Man in an Avengers movie anyway, I would rather just stick with the main Avengers and introduce some extra ones every now and again. In the Avengers comics Spider-Man is pointless on the team and Bendis still hasnt done anything worthwhile with him (and as he's leaving Avengers, I guess he never will). I guess I wouldnt mind him appearing in a cameo or even fighting alongside them if the problem was big enough but thats it.
  14. Looks like they're doing a cross between Knightfall and No Mans Land stories. Also, I just couldnt be less excited for this movie. Nothing I have seen for it makes me interested. Also also. Bale's Batman voice is still fucking terrible.
  15. Yeah I had noticed that as well but with the 3D glasses making everything so dark I couldnt make out a lot of background stuff Id like to have seen better. I expect screenshots will be leaked onto the net soon and if not I'll be freeze framing on blu ray!
  16. I just checked my TPB and the Chitauri do shape shift I'll get right on that :p
  17. Yeah im pretty sure the Chituari are just Ultimate Skrulls. Maybe the mutants in the Marvel Movie Universe just arent public knowledge yet. It may get a bit confusing if both Fox and Marvel are using mutants but I wouldnt think the concept of mutants would be part of Fox's deal with Marvel and it isnt Marvels job to line up their fiction with Fox's if its not going to work.
  18. Marvel Looking At New Hulk Movie For 2015 http://www.bleedingcool.com/2012/04/30/marvel-looking-at-hulk-movie-for/
  19. So the guy from Mortal Kombat is getting his own spin off game now?
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