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Everything posted by kiwikid

  1. Is Cube magazine still being produced. It suddenly stopped being sold here in NZ at about issue 53. I miss it as it was the only Ninty mag we got here and I liked the DVDs that came with it.
  2. I guess that since we don't have a distibuter here in New Zealand, Aussies ads and the like may trickle onto our TV screens - mind you we don't get any DS advertising here whatsoever so I can't see the Wii taking off here anytime soon. People are in love with Sony too much here. Although the 4 month delay on the PS3 did hurt a few people.
  3. Whats next, Sony Bank accounts, Sony Cars, Sony Mortages. Next we will have a planet named Sony. They seriously want to take over the world and have their brand on everything. They make me sick. Fools
  4. Does anyone remember the line out of Ocarine of Time where link has just grown up and gone into the first shop in Hyrule market after crossing the (broken) drawbridge and the chap selling ghosts (poes) says something along the lines of - If I was as handsome as you I could be in a completely different line of work -. Is it just me or does that line sound a bit dodgy. Whatever the deal Link is a hottie and I'm not afraid to admit it.
  5. I know that electronics get beefed up all the time. DVD players etc. get new models every year by their respective manufactureres but in the case of gaming and particularly Nintendo I have noticed a trend of re-releases of sorts. A console should last 5 years without the need for upgraded models. The PS2 went slimline which I guess was a upgrade of sorts. Have any other console manufacturers done the same sort of thing. I'm probably just ranting now without making my point clear enough. Someone set me straight on this as it's doing my head in. Ta.
  6. Actually it was a bit premature of me to say that they are forcing me to buy twice for the same product when in fact I don't even own a DS and only bought a Game boy Advance SP (second hand no less). But I feel sorry for the real hard core gamer who has forked out twice for these products when I feel that if they thought of the improvements first then people wouldn't feel like they have been short changed. I guess I'm just a tight-arse
  7. I can see both positives and negatives sides to this idea. Nintendo are very cunning at milking their games and hardware and squeezing more money out of us. Nintendo really need to start thinking about what they are doing and do it right first time instead of updating everything partway through it's life cycle. Gameboy to Gameboy colour (there was a long time between both however) Gameboy Advance to Gameboy Advance SP Nintendo DS to Nintendo DS Lite. N64 to N64 with expansion pack Now updates of already existing games with motion controls. I for one am sick and tired of forking out twice for essentially the same product when they should have got it right the first time. I am also getting angrier with the whole Zelda TP debarcle. The GC version should have been released already in my opinion. I love you Ninty but sometimes you make me sooooo mad!! Does anyone else feel the same?
  8. I shall have mine placed vertically as it does loook rather sleek. In all it's white glory will be a contrast to all my other black components. The controller will be placed proudly on my coffee table too. I can't wait till this thing is released.
  9. I'm not sure if this has been discussed before but I was wondering would peoples thoughts would be if Rockstar decided to make the GTA series a Wii exclusive. I know this won't happen but what road do you think the Wii would take? Would Playstation fans suddenly think "oh its on a Nintendo platform so it will probably suck" and not buy it or would PS2 fans start jumping ship. Do 3rd parties hold the power when it comes to which system will sell the most depending on which platform they decide to release their big titles on. I have probably left out a lot of factors to consider but I'd like to hear other peoples thoughts on such a thing happening.
  10. It allowed me to explore the wonders of the Resident Evil Series and also see Nintendo's shortcomings. By this I mean the lack of flare with their own titles. Mario Sunshine, Zelda - Wind Waker, Mario Kart. I felt that these game sdidn't have the greatness of their N64 cousins. However the machine itself is better built than the N64. Memory card slots, no trouble with them unlike the slots on the N64 controllers. I often had to blow onto a cartridge to remove dust sometimes to get it to go if it wouldn't power up the first time I turned on my N64, no such troubles with the GC. The Wave Bird - brilliantly designed and worked perfectly. I was also introduced to alot more 3rd party titles such as splinter cell and timesplitters. Rare were the magic developer on N64, I reckon Capcom worked some lovely magic on the Game Cube.
  11. Another thing I observed in my EB store was the positioning of that poster. It's below the PS3 one which makes me think it's at eye level for kids whereas the higher PS3 poster is for adults. I'm probably reading far too much into that though.
  12. Here's an interesting thing. EB Games has moved all there DS stock to the front of the store. Also there are posters saying it is back in stock. Thats a bit of a Sony marketing ploy if ever I saw one. The DS will never go out of stock here, demand is not big enough. There is a preorder poster for the Wii as well as the PS3. Both posters off a trade in deal. The PS3 deal is if you trade in your PS2 or Xbox as well as 25 games you will get the PS3 for NZ$899 saving $300. The Wii offer is the same but you will save $300 of the price of the Wii. I guess that means that the PS3 will retail here for $1,199 which I think equates to roughly 400 Pound in Britain. By the time PS3 is released on Nov 17, I predict the Xbox 360 will be half the price. Rumours suggest that the Wii may cost around $400 in NZ EB have tidied up their stores and the GC is no longer in a messy pile at the back but on an opposite wall to the PS2 gear. Xbox 360 is also at the front. I believe that stores are realizing that Nintendo isn't a write off after all. Whats next - TV adverts. I'll fall over when that happens. More news as it comes to hand.
  13. PS3 is now available on preorder in a couple of stores here now. The Gamesman here have dropped all GC stock and would have no more than 20 DS titles on show in a dark little corner of there shops. EB are a little better and still stock GC stuff. They are currently reorganising their shop displays so god kows how much room they are going to make for the almighty Sony. It really saddens me to see this happening. It's almost as if Nintendo are not allowed to advertise their products here. I reckon there is a deal between Sony and the large department stores that stock their products. I sometimes feel like a Nintendo needle at the bottom of a Sony haystack.
  14. I remember that scene in eternal Darkness - a flatmate was watching me play that and it was broad daylight and we both nearly fell over and yelped like a couple of girls. Very unexpected.
  15. OK This is my first ever thread creation on anything like this and I was wondering if there are any other NZers out there who feel as strongly about Nintendo as I do. The state of Nintys sales here is abysmal. NO Marketing, bugger all advertising. Sony seem to own everything and have managed to infect everyones minds regarding the superiority of there brand and it annoys me so much. Nintendo were first on the video game scene (out of Sony and Microsoft anyway. and now its like they don't even exist. Does anyone else feel the same? Apologies in advance if this is the wrong place to ask this.
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