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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Read the controls, you have to hold the letter of a higher ring down for one arm, then the other. Can use other controls to push yourself up (can't remember which, space and mouse button maybe?) Danny, pics or GTFO :p
  2. Oldddddddddd, but thanks :p On that site there is also a great ninja game. Addictive. My record is 10.8 I think, I have a screenshot somewhere because my mate didn't believe me!
  3. I think I've made that joke several times in the Football Thread. I'm a big boy outside the thread though, inside I'm a newb
  4. An arsehole supporting Arsenal? Who'd have thought ay :p
  5. Ouch. Is that meaning you were better than him so they kept you on for a bit longer?
  6. Clever advertising idea.
  7. Surely it's the other way around. His Dissertation is probably worth the same credit wise but he did a lot less work. E.g At my university, one of my housemates has a 14 page dissertation with some other bits. Whereas, another housemate has done a lot more (not sure on page number). Both worth 40 credits out of 120 though!
  8. When is the new season starting?
  9. I would have if I had seen Mad Men.
  10. I'm reporting this vulgar conversation.

  11. A 5-1 friendly win over Eights United didn't help my form at all! Made it worse!!!
  12. When my friend showed me the trailer I was shouting, MATT PARKMAN FROM HEROES. Didn't realised they'd based it on actual actors.
  13. Stop talking about me
  14. I wondered where you were whilst all this was going on ReZ! Seems like the perfect thread for you.
  15. We aren't married, so I'm surprised you've given us your blessing.
  16. I didn't say it was difficult, I just meant it takes time away from the moment of passion, for lack of a better phrase.
  17. He just pokes girls and they soon seem to be all over me. Best. Wingman. Ever.
  18. I find the intimacy/ romantic moment is ruined when you're having to faff about opening the bloody packet and get that damn thing on. Me and my girlfriend use extra safe ones. Just a habit/ I've had a few rip on me before. My ex rang me up and gave me a pregnancy scare once after one had ripped a little while before. Bad times.
  19. Admitting I got my wingman out in front of a doctor would have been a fine thread starter post by me. Finally, my man is getting the attention it deserves. Shame most of the posts were by guys
  20. Doctor said more like 8-90% for condoms, but I think he was doing it for the scare factor.
  21. Yes your guess that my face looks like a leg was correct!
  22. I think most guys probably can.
  23. Yeaaaaaaaaaaah
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