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Everything posted by martinist

  1. this is a fairly n00bish question but i have just taken an in-game screen-shot and i don't know where the hell the thing has stored the picture. Any ideas on where its went?
  2. *slaps sence into Chose* get a hold of yourself man! you don't know what your saying!
  3. I looked at an old man on the bus and he hit me with his waking stick and told me not to look at him like that again or he would hit me even harder. The guy must think all teens are neds or somthing.
  4. take revenge on my enemies
  5. the cake is a lie!
  6. yeay! my steam rating is 9.9, i wonder what happens when it gets to 10?
  7. when i first glanced at this picture, i thought he was flipping me off
  8. I just finnished Ep2. This is what i have to say: *screams prophanities whilst beating a dead horse*
  9. the cut-scene you are talking about is pretty vital to the storyline, its annoying that you can't experience it in all its graphical glory
  10. my copy of HL2 used to stutter and crash all the time, i just updated with new graphics drivers and everything ran smoother than a laytex catsuit
  11. is it me or am i hearing Steve Blum and Wendee Lee in everything i watch? I think i heard Melissa Fahn in GITS last night also
  12. 16.75323 Core 2 Duo E6420 @ 2.13GHz, Nvidia 7900GS, 7200 RPM HDD and 2GB of ram.
  13. i lol'd at the song that played at the ending of portal, great stuff. on to eppisode 2...
  14. mine was quick, only took a couple of minutes. also i've almost finnished portal, i was laughing all the way through because of that vioce
  15. wooo!! portal and HL2:ep2 is decrypting ^_^
  16. www,gamestop.com says the orange box is released in 1 hour and 40 minutes....maybe i can play portal sooner than i think ^_^
  17. Thanks to buying the orange box i now have an extra copy of Half-Life 2, anyone with a steam account who doesn't have HL2 (which i'm guessing is nobody) is welcome to it. All i need is your e-mail addy.
  18. I've allways liked the names Mimi and Amy, best names on the planet. any girl named after the place they were born should stay 50 feet away from me atall times
  19. a while back i finished HL2, then i played through it again for the hell of it although i couldn't be arsed doing Ravenholme again so i left it. Last night i suffered through it and finaly finnished it for the second time. Right after that i started playing episode 1 and finished that in one sitting, although it is kind of short. Now i'm all ready for episode 2, and also portal which looks kickass ^_^
  20. my mother went half blind from smoking. She was smoking for about 20 or so years and then she stoped suddenly. Apparently her body couldn't handle the loss of the nicotean and so the retena in her eye detatched and the blood vessels burst.
  21. i bought the orange box last night and discovered the joys of peggle, my mother enjoys it too. Its the most fun i've ever had with marbles and a firing mechinisum. time to buy the full version me thinks
  22. "piiiiiiiiisss out my aaaaaaassss" rofl, great episode, good to see its back on again
  23. aaaarrrg....i almost finished the cortana mission when i went and started campaign on-line and when i quit out it saved my progress so now i have to do the damn cortana mission all over again >_< i was at the part where you have to destroy the reactors or somthing....*sigh* i hate the damn flood
  24. file encription.....*thinks of somthing else*......a.....wallpaper....i think
  25. buy it now.....the hypnotoad commands you, all praise the mighty hypnotoad *clapping in unison*
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