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Everything posted by martinist

  1. My doctor looked like that right before he lubed up his fingers and took my dignity away....i'll never get it it back EDIT: also a Chopin CD out of HMV for around a fiver
  2. "Women need a reason to have sex, men just need a place." - Billy Crystal
  3. i went short-sighted playing games. It didn't make me see better, i guess it was my own fault though.
  4. This was kind of wierd, i think i mentioned it before on here also. I got up this morning and was still kind of tired, all of a sudden i see a white flash covering my entire field of vision which is accompanied by a very loud sound, like a large gust of wind or a gun shot. After doing some research i find out that this is somthing called "exploding head syndrome" may go and see a doctor about this. lol found this in wiki regarding it:
  5. Just finished ep 17 of Welcome to the NHK. Its pretty good so far. Still have to watch Haruhi after it also. I downloaded it ages ago but i forgot about it and still haven't saw it yet.
  6. Just saw a trailer for this on youtube after reading your post and this looks interesting. I may pick it up some time
  7. I want to hug it to death.
  8. Don't worry, i also failed my A levels due to lack of studdy and i turned out just fine, kind of.
  10. All i eat is dinner and if i'm up in time then i might have some breakfast but thats about it for me.
  11. I also chew on the little end part of the stylus, but it still slides lovingly into my DS' sidie hole.
  12. This game is pretty simple once you get the hang of it
  13. Is that a ship? and the quote under it made me laugh a bit so you get a 7/10
  14. A scene from the classic wii trailers, awesome 8/10
  15. their originally bred a herding dogs so i guess they must be pretty intelligent.
  16. Welsh Corgies are the way to go for me, there so small and cute and have tiny wittle tales....I want one so bad.
  17. i've been meaning to watch that and Haruhi since i got them, haven't read the manga though. Can't find it anywhere.
  18. I've fainted a ton of times. First time was when i was ill and i was on my knees vomiting into the toilet. I was getting alot of hot flashes and my head was spinning so when i finnished and stood up i fell backwards, heard a loud bang and then everything went black. I didn't feel my head hitting the floor, it felt like i was dreaming or somthing. When i woke up my parents were staring at me with a confused look on their faces. Second time was when i was getting blood taken because my doctor thought i might have a low white cell count. So I was sitting down and he stuck the needle in and everything was fine untill i hear this weird gargling sound which really made me feel wierd. The room started to spin and then i hit the floor. I was still fully concious but i didn't know where the heck i was, when i got my head he had my legs in the air and pressing on the soles of my feet. Third time i was again getting blood taken. This time it was because they were checking for a hyperactive thyroid. There was also a student nurse in the room who was overly happy. I sat on the bed and he then started to take the blood, then that gargling sound started and i got really dizzy and lightheaded. This time i got through the entire extraction without fainting but when the student nurse said to me "now the hard parts over" i droped off the bed and smacked my face on the floor. Forth time was when i got up too fast. I was sitting on the end of my bed and then decided to take a wonder into the living room. When i got up my heart was racing but i thought nothing of it, when i got into the living room i started to get tunnel vision, then i droped and smashed my head on the fire hearth. Fith time was the most recent, i was walking through the Loreburn shopping center in Dumfries and started to have a panic attack. I started having hot flashes and my chest felt like it was on fire. I passing security guard wonderd what was wrong and i said my chest hurt and i couldn't breath. He then immediatly thought i was having a heart attack and called an ambulance. Once they arrived i was freaking out and every passer by was crouding round me making me feel ever more anxious. The medics were trying to calm me down but before they could i hit the floor and then i start hearing a dull screaming noise. A moment later i woke up in hospital where i spent the rest of the night.
  19. For the love of god.....
  20. At the end of Home Alone 2 and that part in Armageddon where Bruce Willis was telling his daughter he wasn't coming home, then blowing himself up Armageddon
  21. around 28 or 29" BMI of 18.2 weighing 9 stone 10 pounds at 5 feet 10 inches
  22. When i left high school. Thats when the madness started.
  23. I was in Dumfries looking for some public toilets. I eventually found some. The problem was there were two automatic barriers in my way. The first time i tried ot get through i got through the first one but i wasn't fast enough and got stuck in the middle of them so i had to roll under the second one. Now when i use them i just run past them as fast as i can.
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