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About martinist

  • Birthday 10/27/1988

Personal Information

  • Real Name
    Martin Irving
  • Location
    Moniaive, Scotland


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    SNES, Gamecube, Wii, WiiU, DS, 3DS, Switch
  • Other Systems Owned
    PC PS2 Dreamcast , PS3, PS4
  • Favourite Game?
    Super Smash Bros Melee
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    MKDS: 1375-0411-2246

    Tetris DS:



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  1. Got booted, trying to rejoin gives me a communication error
  2. I think i remember palying Mafia with you a couple of times years ago.
  3. I've only really read the first 12 issues or so of IDW Sonic but that made me want to look into the old Archie Sonic comics. I've found a place online where i can read them all including the old spinoff series so i'll be doing that. Heres the reading order i came across.
  4. ooof Don't like the look of that "New Soundtrack" ...
  5. guy was Australian so i'm honnestly not surprised there was a timezone issue with an announcement from an American company.
  6. I was watching the Square Eye'd Jack livestream for this last night when he was watching the countdown and playing THPS 1+2 HD. The countdown reached zero and did absdolutly nothing. He seemed pretty dissapointed. I guess it worked off of PST or something. I'm more familliar with 3 and 4 than i am with 1 and 2 so i'll be picking this up for sure when it comes out.
  7. I don't really buy a lot of comic books. The last lot I bought were the Invincable compendiums, but i've heard good things about the IDW Sonic comics.
  8. I played live and reloaded on the Xbox years ago and was dissapointed when they censored all the swearing while they left it uncensored in the N64 version. Still played it though, was really fun.
  9. Hi I'm just here to say I really like Joe Hendry.
  10. So I'm like 20 issues into Invincable and its surprising how much story is just glossed over or ignored in the prime show. Alot of characters were also wildly changed or just left out entirely. The comic really fires through the storylines and it's really picking up a lot of pace. I'm also looking at those hard cover IDW Sonic collections, might pick those up eventually.
  11. Two seconds and a third. Not very often that happens
  12. Traded in my old Kindle Oasis for a Kindle Scribe. Got quite a bit off of it too.
  13. Just watched Frieren, but the anime ends after the mage exams so I ended up buying 11 volumes of the manga... At least I'll get to know what happens.
  14. Gat out of Hell is done and i'm playing through Saints Row 2022. It's actually kind of fun, when it first came out everyone was saying it sucked because of the characters and the story but the gamepaly is still Saints Row. Still has insurance fraud and the mayhem stuff it's just packaged differently. All the DLC adds a lot to it too, Real shame Volition shut down, would have liked to see this continue but i guess it didn't sell...
  15. Currently finished Saints Row, 2, 3 and 4. Working on Gat out of Hell then i'll move on to Volitions death nail that is the Saints Row reboot..
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