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About martinist

  • Birthday 10/27/1988

Personal Information

  • Real Name
    Martin Irving
  • Location
    Moniaive, Scotland


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    SNES, Gamecube, Wii, WiiU, DS, 3DS, Switch
  • Other Systems Owned
    PC PS2 Dreamcast , PS3, PS4
  • Favourite Game?
    Super Smash Bros Melee
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
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  • Switch Friend Code
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  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    MKDS: 1375-0411-2246

    Tetris DS:



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  1. I've just came back from day surgery. Never have a flexible cystoscopy. It's like sounding but they go right into the bladder. Fun times. Also my bladder is full of crystals and i'm pissing blood.
  2. Just checked if i still had access even though i canceled and it says I have "Complimentary Access" untill January 1st.
  3. Can't make it tonight.
  4. Ended up cancelling my subscription myself a few days ago. Said it ends December 8th so i'll check back on the 9th.
  5. Steam sale
  6. Still trying to finish Xenoblade 2 but i popped this in for a bit and got my starting party together. Never played 3 before, first Dragon Quest I played was 7 on the 3DS and I never finished it. I'll get to this as soon as I'm done with Xenoblade 3 which will probably be quite a while down the road.
  7. Got a d-dimer test when I got there, showed a clot. Was on thinners for a couple of days untill I got this fucking horrible pain in my chest for about 2 minutes before subsiding then i get this feeling in my left leg like someone shot a molton bullet down it. All of a sudden all the pain goes away and it's like I'm totally fine. They're giving me a 24 hour tape, if that shows nothing they'll put in a cardiac monitor implant that records for 5 years. Said if I get anything like that again just call an ambulance.
  8. Been on the phone with nhs24 for a few hours. Ambulance comming, possible blood clot. Fun times...
  9. Having heart issues, had to quit Might be a 111 job, we'll see how it goes
  10. Always take wrong turns on the tour tracks. I'll give it a go though.
  11. I don't see a lot of Japanese bands get noticed internationally as Baby Metal has. Actually heard them played on the radio a year or so ago. I don't really know how they've managed to branch out when others haven't.
  12. I saw the announcement trailer but thats as much as i've seen. Never really kept track of the release date. Looks fun though, if the ship combat is like assassins creed 4 then I should be having a fun time but you know what the Yakuza games are like. They'll probbably throw in all this other stuff with it.
  13. I think i got about half way through the game on the WiiU. Got my Skell, did all the licencing (aka mindless tutorials) then just gave up there. Didn't even get to the flying part, just the driving around part. Might try again in March when this comes out, never finished it. Then again I've never finished 2 or 3 either.
  14. Honestly didn't do too bad tonight. Think I finally found a kart that works for me.
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