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Everything posted by DiemetriX

  1. Yes it should. [Moved] Oh and i find what you say a bag of rubish. Sony wil lose it market share. 360 is an awsome machine. All the games that are out are rushed for launch. And they are all good. The games are only using 1 of the 360s 3cores. Revolution wil also steal sony market share. Any way you look at it's a game console. PS3 wil be to expensive for the avrage gamer. And although it wil be good. I cant se PS3 outselling the 360 that will cost half the price.
  2. PHILIPS 17PF4310 1280x768 It has a High Definition WXGA. Iguess a TV has to have component 1280x720 to be called a HD tv
  3. I read it on a well known norwegian IT site ( http://www.itavisen.no )
  4. Got an xbox360 that overheats or crashes? dont want to send it in? Here is how you fix the problem. Hang your Powersuplay up in the air or simply let it stand on a open cardboardbox so that it's bottom don't touch the floor. That was easy.. wasen't it?
  5. So no more cheap PS3 then... :/
  6. We already have a thread for Name speculation. http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2069 I'm locking this thread :awesome:
  7. I'm thinking about buying stock in Nintendo soon. In a Way it's good that its low now. I hope they will sky rocket when Nintendo Revoltuion comes.
  8. cool but why isn't my TV an HDtv? Are there other requerements for beeing a HDtv?
  9. You can? thats awsome no more need for real friends yay And for those of you who won't get a console on 2.desember. MS promised a second shipping before christmas (atleast in norway)
  10. And i think the HDD is fake. When i put in Condemed i wasent able to save. and I when i tryed to play Halo2 it sayd "wrong region"
  11. I have a LCD TV with 1024,720 resolution with VGA. Am i able to show HD like quality with VGA?
  12. From the info i have gatherd: Plasma: Better view angel, the colour black is deeper. Big Plasmas are cheaper than big LCD. But images burn quicker into the screen and the screen only stay optimal for 600.000Hours? not sure about the time. LCD: Lasts longer. No screen burn. I think i'm buying a HD LCD Next month
  13. gr8 news cheap consoles for everyone
  14. :0 YES!!! I hoped this game was good. Now i have to get the Limited Black edition
  15. Amped 3 has gotten crap ratings. Better save your money for the good stuff
  16. A game like Trespasser would be amazing on REvolution. The game is so perfect for the revolution controller.
  17. Thats a good idea. or yo can go to http://www.gamerankings.com On another note. The Game store i work in (norway) just got their 360Demo pod And the game condemed. (i'l try taking the 360 home with me one day )
  18. http://www.gamerankings.com/itemrankings/launchreview.asp?reviewid=643468 PDz got an 9,7 from Talk Xbox And a 9 from OXM
  19. Gabe Newell of Valve on xbox 360 and PS3 http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=510&Itemid=2
  20. I'm realy hyped. This looks like Nintendos best conslole ever. I love the control. I love the viritual Console, I love the design I love every thing about it. Most games has started to bor me.. I cant play a game for more than 3hours if it istent realy good. 360 is just better graphics... Revolution is a totaly new world
  21. *Sigh* tell me one petition that have worked?
  22. He isn't a Nintedo insider. He dosen't know or claim to know everything. But he has many contacts in the game world (deveopers and such). Most of his info are from people that know more than him. We should all be gratefull for the info we get. If my memmory serves my right BigTac was traveling around and wissiting developers like Ubisoft and Nintendo.
  23. I guess you will see both screens blury.. But only when useing it as a toway tv. I hope this comes to europe before i buy my next Tv.
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