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Everything posted by DiemetriX

  1. Whats yout GT Can't wait to pwn you online D: I just beat rokhed00 ( stat vise ) a couple of time..
  2. Finaly the fourm is back It was so cold and dark without it.
  3. I guess it looks ok... Like the character moddels
  4. Like the sig. 7/10 But FRAME IT nearly all sigs look better if they are framed. your would.
  5. Love your sigs. They look amazing. Wish i was that creative.
  6. I hope i haven't been double postet or anything. but teh forum is fucked.
  7. http://www.ownagevideos.com/page.php?id=612 If you don't find this funny, thers something wrong with you.
  8. Playing PDz online is a roler coster... Some times i love it. some times i hate it. I hate it alot after playing Halo2 online. For those of you who own an xbox 360 and not the first xbox, Run and buy Halo2. Still the best live game of them all.
  9. PDz online is like a roler coster.. some time i love it.. some time i hate it... I realy hate it after playing a bit of Halo2 which still is amazing. If everything goes as planed I'll get COD tomorow.
  10. PDz online is like a roler coster.. some time i love it.. some time i hate it... I realy hate it after playing a bit of Halo2 which still is amazing. If everything goes as planed I'll get COD tomorow.
  11. PDz online is like a roler coster.. some time i love it.. some time i hate it... I realy hate it after playing a bit of Halo2 which still is amazing. If everything goes as planed I'll get COD tomorow.
  12. PDz online is like a roler coster.. some time i love it.. some time i hate it... I realy hate it after playing a bit of Halo2 which still is amazing. If everything goes as planed I'll get COD tomorow.
  13. PDz online is like a roler coster.. some time i love it.. some time i hate it... I realy hate it after playing a bit of Halo2 which still is amazing. If everything goes as planed I'll get COD tomorow.
  14. I love the game wonder why every one hates the 360versjon
  15. yay I guess i'll se you sunday then
  16. Aslong as you get the HD singal i don't care how :P it looks amazing
  17. Sunday.. after work.. I'll be on live the whole day! been living to my Girlfriend this week so i havent been near my 360 Hope i se some of you online. I also need a Co-op friend.
  18. But the bond licence belongs to EA now. including the rights of the name "goldeneye"
  19. :| i change my mind. Halo2 on 360 using a HDTV is amazing
  20. You havent played alot off cube games :P
  21. Damn :| Evil ones and twice? thats not nice atall
  22. 13 missions. none of them are very hard :P
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