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Everything posted by DiemetriX

  1. The product should be sent within 2days.. so i guess you would have it before Christmas. I'll try to make a tshirt with the requested design... Good idea.. is it ok for you retro-lover? Thats a good idea the shirts with my nick is customizable. So you can try out the editor i use. I like the snes idea I will try to use it. you can buy the ninja shirt form ->HERE<-
  2. hehe added http://www.spreadshirt.net/image.php?type=image&partner_id=317570&product_id=2440652&img_id=1&size=big&bgcolor_images=white
  3. Thats exactly how the pad can work. It's up to the developers how they want it to work
  4. Well.. 360 is just better gfx and better live.. Revoltuion is a... well.. a revolution
  5. The piercing is real. My guess is that you blikked your eyes on the photo, and therfor pasted some new ones over. and did some edeting to those.
  6. Those gamer points realy work.. Good thinking MS. MY goal is to be over 1000 before monday Love getting those points.
  7. Me want I didn't like the Unreal champion ship 2. But this looks good
  8. Theres rumble in both the wireless 360 and revolution controlers.
  9. You have to buy an Wifi adapter :/ and they ain't cheap
  10. I have made my own tshirt webstore. called So was wondering if you had any ideas for cool tshirts? And if you would lett me use some of those ideas? hers a sample of some of my ideas: [Klikk for image on shirt] Your idea can be printed on: In different colors
  11. I love that song... Any one have it? or know what it's called?
  12. Downloaded the trailer from Xbox arcade.. Looks stunning... but boring.. the charakter moddels are amzing.. I'll buy it if it gets good reviews.
  13. why is this on the revolution board? [Locked]
  14. YEP. and the picture i posted is one i made form paper. I would love if nintendo was able to make that directional rumbeling thing
  15. 360 Bombs in Japan; Price Slashed in Half? According to reports from Reuters, the Xbox 360 has bombed in its Japanese debut. Only about 62,000 of the 159,000 Xbox 360 units available were purchased on Saturday and Sunday, according to an independent study by Enterbrain, which publishes leading Japanese game magazine Famitsu. That was also less than half the 123,000 units Microsoft sold of its previous generation Xbox in the first three days of sales in February 2002. Microsoft has been struggling to gain ground in Japan against home-grown rivals Nintendo and Sony, whose PlayStation 2 console is the global best seller. The world's biggest software maker sold fewer than 500,000 of its original Xbox consoles in Japan, where Sony is estimated to have 80 percent share Source: Gamefreaks
  16. That photo isn't proof at all. I'f I had used a mobile phone to take the picture it would look the same. The blog dosen't scream FAKE. but i never trust blogs. I hope it's trough though.
  17. This thread is super We have another thread like it. but this Explains it better and simpler
  18. Halo also hostes on ppls connections and thers nearly no lag there when playing with 16players. Probably bad coding. And @ Domstercool: 8.1 is good i have only seen 5/10 and 6/10... Maybe i should try it out
  19. I love COD online.. but all games i have played suffer from major lag once in a while.. I'll probably se you onlie soon Fatrox. I'll try to join your game if possible
  20. Not suposesd to be that good... :P Dead or alive in january So very true. Halo 2 is the ultimate Live game.. The ultimate Co-op game has to be spilter cell Chaos theroy. Loved the co-op to bitts
  21. The game is awsome.. i just hope i can get it on live arcade soon :P
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