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Everything posted by Mokong

  1. Same thing i try to do ever night BGS... Try to take over the world mwhahahahahahaha Ah i'll prolly just be on the net for awhile, maybe go to the dvd collection later and pick a random film to watch, or play some Cube
  2. ask and you shall recieve OMG 4 vids for you today This is a quick blog about a concert ticket i just bought, featuring a random moment requested by "Action" plus who do i look like? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytl30DIFQm8 this is a video response to a vid by "AngryAussie" And 2 songs again, first as requested by The Villian854 - Creep by Radiohead http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVcUbq3Y9Cc and a softer song for the lovely ladies Can You Feel The Love Tonight by Elton John http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7p5wPlIvhI
  3. I have only read the first post so far but just had to quote the following How's that? From people going for a quicky during work instead of being at the desk? If that's the case you could run up figures on anything from going for a piss/shit to taking a lunch break...hell i bet you could even work out how much is lost a year from every sneeze that prevents people from working for that split second Myth: The Bible Reality: The bible wasn't written by God, it was written by men who used it to try and shaped the word and peoples views in their image. When Christianity was first being formed (after Jesus died) the "leaders" or whatever they needed to be as different from other religions as possible, and pretty much every religion of the time embraced sexuality, in fact long long ago having sex was seen as a way for a man and woman to get CLOSER to God. So in order to make Christianity different they said lets make sex taboo. In fact marriage was a sin for a long time in the early days of the church and wasn't made a sacriment till a few hunderd years later. Well couldn't you say the same about actual sex then? I haven't looked at the link yet either but i'm willing to bet the people who wrote this are people who let the bible and church control their every thought
  4. I don't know what he did different, he ended up using the same program i used to record 1 and 2, Powergrammo, cuz like me when he turned on any other recording software it ended up causing a massive echo, all we figured out was once it was turned off the echo was gone
  5. Never, Sony reminded us of how in historical Japan Giant Crabs ran wild causing trouble, we must remain alert at all times in case they come back....like it seems they have done in Norway. I think when a Giant Crab comes your way you'll be glad of this cause you'll remember how to beat them....hit the weakspot And the "ridger raaacccer" line is just classic for the near silent reaction he got that lead to him repeating himself trying to get the crowd excited but they didn't
  6. looks to me like an alien invasion, beware they could be attacking your town soon
  7. ah but they were step brother and sister, IE: not related by blood at all
  8. ok this thread is starting to get very disturbing
  9. Just so you know there are both Blink182 (all the small things) and Radiohead (creep) songs on the kareoke machine i got *cough* but you have to ask for it in the comments section to one of the kareoke vids that's already up :wink: Yeah i still like them, as a long as i repress the memory of the "remake" albums *shudder*, there's a few more Linkin Park songs on it, but my fav (In the End) unfortunatly ain't, i remember once in the Philippines i was singing In the End on a Kareoke and the "rap" parts were left out so i had to do it by memory, needless to say i drew quite a bit of a crowd, haha
  10. Those Bloopers, i remember them making the underwater levels of Super Mario Bros. 1 very hard and annoying...just realised but i don't think i saw them in New Super Mario Bros.? Why was that? (or am i just blind?)
  11. It's my understanding that 1st and 2nd cousins is a big no no (so hell no i wouldn't), after that and you can let your little perverted minds run wild....
  12. well it looks better than the original one anyway, you gotta dive it at least that
  13. huh? You already got your moment and shout-out.... plus despite my fit and limber physic I'm not the cartwheeling type. anyway here's some vids i just uploaded Somthing a little different today, not a blog but a song, actually not even "a" song but "two" songs, borrowed my cousins kareoke magicsing mic and thought i'd make some vids of me singing. 1st: Frank Sinatra - My Way http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCxsaP5efXA 2nd: Linkin Park - One Step Closer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eXwynCa9Oc (yeah i know i have very varying tastes in music)
  14. hhmm.. doubthfull that i'd say "up the villa" (no that doesn't cout cuz i typed it ) but i would say "Up the Celtic" Yeah i think i'll just change froma "random moment" to a "shout out" that way it'll be shorter and i can come up with own wacky things... but still if anyone whats to see me do/say something odd/funny then just tell me
  15. That's why i put in the subtitle :wink: I think Echo just wanted a shout out to see how i say his name hhmm... we're on a new page, so here to save people going back a page to find the link here it is again http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qxD4uGajaA
  16. New addition, i think i'm getting good at this "talking to myself" stuff..... so yeah more Nintendo advertising talk and another "random moment", which might win me an oscar.....or not.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qxD4uGajaA
  17. So if they orbit each other and not a star does that mean there's no light on them?
  18. One the who killed his parents thing, i think it's better to have the Joker be the person who did it, as it really gives a good reason for him to be Batmans main rival. Which is what confused me with Batman Begins as i thought it was meant to be a prequal to Tim Burtons films, but the guy in Begins who killed his parents i do believe was killed also, so that guy can't become Joker ..... or can he......
  19. I don't think that looks like the kid from the vid, also i figured he'd be older...unless he's like me and is older but just looks younger. In the decription on eBay it says Firstly I thought it was only ever refered to a "N64 Kid" (thats singular not plural(sp?)), sure his sister was in it also, but he was THE Kid. Also i'm pretty sure the vid has been on the net much longer than a month or two If it actually is him, how could he sell something he loved so much? Even if it did (prolly) cause him much embaresment over the years.
  20. Ah i had a feeling RockwithRoostophe might be someone from here, cheers dude. Ans cheers guys for enjoying my vids, also BIG thanks to those who say i have an Irish accent, for some reason most people i meet face to face (even family and friends) say i sound more american which kinda p's me off sometimes, i think the first time someone actually sai i have an irish accent was Conor when i did the first podcast with the site, and it's so great that you guys say i sound irish BTW, what did ye think of the NES Zelda advert i found? It's so bad yet i can't stop watching it:hmm:
  21. Diematrix, did you just listen to our latest podcast? We had a small convo about this in it, just wondering if that's where you got it.
  22. Ok new video, little rant about past nintendo adverts and something, erm.... random... blame Retro Lover http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v39NkLUp0GQ
  23. i say it's made up of features of a number of different man and women at least 2 of each
  24. Just finished watching it. Was a better event than expected. The Tag match was really good and opened the show well. The US title match dispite the lack of Lashley was top-notch, and really IMO making things right between Regal and Finley i been waiting for them to start fueding since Finley arrived a good Ireland vs England storyline could be interesting.. the only fracked up part is that they are gonna be fueding over the US title? The Prison Match i thought was good, the idea of the match itself is great and it looked awesome, i was just disappointed Kali couldn't compete Taker was meant to finally beat his ass in this one, well i guess they'll save it for another time.. how long is he gonna be out for? i hope they don't wait too long like say Wrestlemania cuz i wanna see Taker fighting for Gold at that. The Bra and Panties match was.... well BRA AND PANTIES the Cruiserweight title match was alright... i didn't even know it was on the card.... The World Title match was also good and what Chavo did, i too saw that coming a mile away, how Chavo was acting when he tried to get Rey to not fight Booker in the non-title match last week kinda gave it away, which was a shame cuz if i didn't have a feeling it was gonna happen i would have been surprised when it did. Obviously Rey vs Chavo will likely happen at SummerSlam, i bet the reason Chavo gives is that he felt it was unfair that Rey was getting all the Eddie praise and he wasn't even Eddies blood or something like that. On a side note, i'm still finding it hard to believe Eddie is gone, i keep thinking he's gonna come running to the ring one day
  25. Well Collette is like the girl next door who makes a great friend that you care for but not "that much". Genis is a bit annoying but he's like the little sidekick who's a bit too kind for his own good a needs to be taught to toughen up more. Reine, Regal and Kratos are like mentors all in their own why for different reasons, plus Kratos kicks ass and Regal is just a nutter for wanting to fight with only his legs and keep his hands handcuffed. Persea is the mysterious little girl that you just know something bad has happened to her, and you wanna find out what that was and you wanna help her find her "soul" again.... not long after she was first introduced i actually thought they might be planning a "child abuse story", but they didn't Zelos is the annoying ladies man, you either love him or hate him, I hated him but i still felt sad when you choose that path where "that thing" happens. And Sheena, well she's just HOT: peace: BTW, did anyone listen to R-E's latest podcast? I mention TOS quite a bit due to the fact i'm playing it again so its fresh in my head and used it a lot in comparisons, in fact there was still a bit more that got cut out to shorten the time
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