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Everything posted by Mokong

  1. Is that from the animated Transformers Movie? said by that small high pitched voiced character that the dinobots meet (can't remember his name)
  2. AH crap... hope that don't mean the rest are gonna be based on the new shows, if the main characters aren't based on the 80's show there will be hell to pay. It will be like a big "Frack You" to every fan of the orginal show. That WILL ruin the film so much and certain cause massive uproar among us original fans You gotta be frackin joking a JET?:horse: If they can't make him a gun then at least just jump to Galvatron and make him a canon, i mean a frackin jet Ack, do we really need all this "modernisation", Soundwave should be a radio and nothing but...what was the name of the Autobot radio? Blaster was it? hhmm..still don't recal Ah if so then the rest of the Constructicons better be there, imagine Devastator on the silver screen: peace: Ah now i remember him, cheers hey now even to this day that scene still upsets me, mostly cause of Ironhide and Prowl, they pwned... and of course the "other" incident. You gotta give the guys behind the animated film credit, how often can you make a film of a popular show, kill off a number of the main characters early on and still make a great film (though at the time critcis slated it, prolly because of the deaths and because it was actually very dark, mature and complex for a kids film)
  3. Yes there was one called Hot Rod, he became the Autobot leader in the Animated movie, odd that he's not on the list. I also can't remember these names Brawl Bonecrusher Skorpinok Frenzy Blackout and Ratchet And where's Soundwave? It says on the website that Peter Cullen will voice Prime, is he the same guy that voiced him in the orginal show? Is there any info on who's voicing the others? i'd love it if Lenord Nimoy voiced Megatron. Also is there any info on what their "altered forms" are based on? Like will Prime be the Prime from the orginal 80's show? Will Megatron be a gun that requires another robot to pull the trigger?
  4. Ok there's meant to be a live webcast revealing the robot characters that will appear in the live action film, its today 18/aug, at 11am PST, which if the world clock on my phone is right was 8pm here in Ireland/UK, but for some fracking reason the webcast won't open for me the link to the webcas is found on the movie site here http://www.transformersmovie.com somebody with a workin comp check it out and let us know the news
  5. Never really thought about, i've got my TV sitting on top a wodden cupboard like stand, directly under the TV is a small shelf which my Sky digibox sits in. Ubder that it a cupboard like area which houses my DVD recorder, ontop of which sits my N64 and Gamecube, i'll prolly have to box up the N64 a place it in the attic with my NES and SNES to make room for the Wii. I'll prolly stand it vertically, but i think i'm gonna try place it outside the cupboard so that it is on display and easily visible to be shown off
  6. wohoo, i'm not sure what i'm lokking forward to more now, Sumerslam or Raw, shame he ain't gonna be on SD with Matt but with the state of the Tag Divsion on both shows its only a matter
  7. For me the Gamecube gave me a complete Resident Evil collection aswell as the awesomeness of REmake which IMO is how the game was prolly envisioned at first but due to technology at the time it couldn't be done. Thanks god for the cube and we got RE as it was meant to be (shame 2,3,CV weren't remde, but hey you can't have it all) Also it gave me Ocarina of Time:Master Quest, after beating OOT on my N64 about 8times it was great to get to play it and it feel almost new, and i beat it another 4 times then. It also gave me great gaming and graphical experiences such as Viewtiful Joe and Killer 7 and Metriod Prime Aswell as great multiplayer games like Super Smash Brothers Melee, Wave Race, 1080 Avalanche, Soul Calibur 2 (with Link). And of course the orgasmic greatness that is Tales of Symphonia, a game that i just couldn't stop playing on my first time through that it prevented me from sleeping, playing it through from about 6pm (right after dinner) through to 9am the next morning, no sleep, no toilet break, no food and the only reason i stopped playing was cuz i finished the game... and have since played through it 5times
  8. I had a dream last night i was playing Z:TP, it was great i had a great time playing it... then i woke up
  9. I'm pretty happy, face wise people say i'm a good lookin guy, only problem i have is when i wash my hair when its dry it gets all big and fluffy (like firece's) but it's nothing some hair gell can't fix. Body wise i'm trying to gain back some weight i lost,about this time last year i weighted 55kg, i got sick and went down to 50kg cause i didn't eat much and stopped excersising, when i sarted college last September i joined the college gym and went up to 56kg by mid January and maintained that (though i would like to get up to 60kg, but it just wouldn't go up anymore... Anyway, since i finished college and started my job i've not had much time for regualr excercise and i'm barely hanging on at 51kg, basically if i'm under 55kg i'm not happy
  10. Woops, sorry Platty, here have a lollipop *hands Platty a lollipop to calm him down* haha, anyway, one more vid for this week which is a special song for the great Tim Symons aka Master_Tim aka Tim_NOE aka one half of the duo who started N64-europe without which we wouldn't be here today on R-E http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eE3T7t6qxbA
  11. I'm looking forward to this game so much, as a DBZ it's gonna be so great to actually "perform" the moves and the character does them... *drool*
  12. Ah that's a balls, while Kali does deserve that Taker sure as hell don't, hopefully i'm right and this will be the end of the dumb feud and Taker can get back in th emain event spot light
  13. Edge vs John Cena - I'm saying Cena FTW, i don't think he deserves all the hatin he gets, and i really don't think Edge is Champ material. Cena to win this then hopefully he'll feud with HHH and HHH will win the title back. King Booker vs Batista - Its obvious the only reason Booker won the title was so Batista wouldn't have to take it from Rey, Batista FTW Big Show vs Sabu - I've not even payed much attention to ECW in the last month, how's it going? Is it justifing being a 3rd brand in the WWE? Anyway, Big SHow FTW DX vs the McMahons - D-Generation X FTW and I'm hoping for some new members to join up, sure the two lad are cool, but it would be great to see a few more. Where's Chris Masters gone? I think he'd work great on DX, i'd like to see Carlito also but i don't think he will by the looks of his storyline ATM. Hogan vs Orton - Hogan will win, Orton will prolly bitch, manage to get a rematch at Surviour Series where Orton will win, Hogan will bitch get a final match at Mania23, then Hogan will disappear till he needs some extra cash again. Foley vs Flair - There's gonna be blood and lots of it, this is gonna be one hell of a match and i say Flair will be the one to say "I Quit" Rey vs Chavo - Rey will win, i don't know this match just isn't interesting me that much, it should be, but meh How come nobody mentioned the Last Man Standing Match? Has it been taken off the card without me knowing? If it's still there Undertaker vs Great Kali: Last Man Standing: Undertaker FTW, will beat the holy crap out of Kali then Taker to start feuding with Batista for the title And if Jeff Hardy makes his comeback at this show, then WOHOO, i'll be out of my seat for sure. Also don't Carlito, Matt Hardy, Tag Champs on both shows, Nitro(to defend IC title), Lita (to defend womens title) have any matches?
  14. I wish the new film could be based on DS-Nine or Voyager, the orginal and Next Generation got so many films it seems unfair that these two beauties don't get a single one. I always thought that when Voyager got home it would be on the Cinema screen. But the finale it did have was top notch anyway. Still a film based on Voyager after it got home would be cool... i just wanna see Seven of Nine again really
  15. Yay i got a subscriber. .. my plan for world domination is starting to tae shape, mwahahahaha *we need an evil smiley* *cough* erm..yeah, sorry about that, my other personality takes over from time to time So yeah, i'll get the name right next time Two new vids today first a vid about driving motorbikes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mik_vVIWlGI Second a quick bit of rantting about the United Airlines flight incident today http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UV-sioNeOuo
  16. The problem with science is they think they know everything then something new comes along that completly changes things. Remember long ago "science" said the Earth was flat, and was the center of the universe. When the "Big Bang theory" was made a lot of scientists said it was utter nonsense. When it was discovered that every galaxy has a supermassive blackhole at the centre science was surprised cuz they thought it wasn't possible. Fact is we know alot but not everthing, there's always gonna be something that changes something. But as for these "new" planets, i'm fed up with all now, like this "Ceres" one, between Mars and Jupiter, how come it wasn't "found" long ago? Its prolly just a large asteriod, i mean it is in the asteriod belt frack sake. I'm just gonna stick with the 8 planets i knew of as a kid
  17. I too tend to build up my anger till it comes close to exploding, what i do to release it is listen to music (good thing i like heavy metal and the like), nothing like moshin around in your room singing some good head banging tunes to take the anger away. Another thing you could do is get some excerise equipment (even just a pair of dumbells) and do a work-out and use your anger as motivation
  18. Hey i thought that was my thing:p I say he should shout out "folopian (sp?) tube"::shrug:
  19. Nice, one Dom. I don't think i could ever buy a game and not play it, if i buy a game it MUST be played ASAP...which is usually about 2-5mins after i get home, haha. Also the ending was erm....interesting
  20. Ah sorry dude, good thing i knew you by another name so, haha. You forgot to say what you thought of the song? .... or you remembered and didn't want to be rude:heh: (and don't forget to leave a comment on the vid ... or click the subscribe button )
  21. I woke up this morning and still had this thread in my head that instead of making myself my traditional weekend full Irish fry-up i decided to have beans on toast, but to my shock when i went for the beans i discovered my mother had bought Bachelors instead of Heinz, i still ate them and it was good, but if it was Heinz would have been better
  22. Yeah i'd love some beans on toast right now, but the lateness has made me too lazy. How do you eat yours? I love mine with two slices of toast, with loads of butter, then i lay a slice of cheese on top of each toast, then pour the heated beans over, then add some grated cheese on top with some pepper and salt. Damn i just made myself even hungrier(sp?), i'm starting to drool
  23. is this thread making anyone else hungry?
  24. WOHOO, i got a ticket for the Dublin show on Dec 20th and made a video blog for the occasion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytl30DIFQm8 So anyone else here (other than Soag) going to The Point on Dec 20th?
  25. ah if its baked beans it has to be Heinz and nothing else. Here's something interesting after we recorded the last podcast, me, Conor and Nik kept talking, somehow baked beans came into the convo and Nik didn't know what they were, needless to say me and Conor where in shock, haha, sorry Nik.
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