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Everything posted by Julius

  1. Good result from us yesterday, not the most convincing of wins but we'll have to take it, obviously the team just doesn't feel complete at this point, but there hasn't been much time to integrate our new signings either. Curious if anyone has been keeping an eye on PSG's first couple of results this season? Because, even without Mbappé, they look seriously scary under Galtier – who knew that playing Messi centrally and actually making full use of their attacking fullbacks like Hakimi would have such an impact? Just two matches into the season and Messi and Neymar already have a combined total of 10 goals and assists. Also, Messi scored what I believe is his first bicycle kick goal (at 35!) to see their 5-0 victory last night, I think the closest he got before was a bicycle kick assist to Suarez back in the day? Well worth looking up if you haven't seen it, it's a wonderful goal. Even got the Clermont fans cheering! A lot has been made about the World Cup's potential impact on the second half of the season - especially over here, given how big a part fitness and fatigue has played in finding a winner several times over the last few years - but I haven't really seen anyone talking about the flip side to this: all being well, their summer break being cut short by a couple of weeks aside, every player playing in Europe and going to the World Cup that isn't going in injured should be in as close to peak condition as it comes when the tournament kicks off in November. Screw Qatar, but I wouldn't be surprised if this World Cup ends up being as compelling as last year's Euro's - if not more so - because of this.
  2. I actually finished this on Monday night, but a pretty crazy week at work has meant I haven't really been able to round out my thoughts on this game's final third...until now. Let's get to it With the game behind me and many others here, I would be curious to hear how everyone else would rank the chapters? I found myself reconsidering each chapter I had played earlier in the game with each passing chapter, to the point that my list looks very different to how I imagined it would be while I playing through each chapter. For me, it would probably be: Imperial China Twilight of Edo Japan Chapter Eight Near Future Finale The Wild West Present Day The Distant Future Prehistory To close, I think Live A Live is wonderfully presented, from its gorgeous HD-2D aesthetic, to its bright colour palette, and its surprisingly effective soundtrack, but it is held back by archaic holdovers from the game it is a remake of. It suffers from spreading its quality thin across some of its chapters, where it becomes apparent that while each and every chapter has unique ideas to bring to the table - be it a mechanic or a setting - none of these ideas are fleshed out in any great and meaningful way, which I think is also apparent in the depth of its combat (or, rather, the lack thereof). With some chapters being as short or as light on combat as they are, the order you blindly tackle these chapters in will massively colour your experience with the game, and for me it resulted in slightly longer chapters feeling substantially longer than the short chapters I played through by comparison, as well as battle-heavy chapters feeling like a slog compared to chapters with minimal combat, which made the game's pacing pretty hard to bear at times (which is the first time I've said as much for a JRPG as short as this one). In short: great presentation, good ideas, but an execution lying somewhere between poor and inconsistent. I think the most damning thing about this game is that it is such a difficult game to recommend to anyone who isn't already willing to commit and see a JRPG through from start to finish and has some level interest in 90's JRPG's, so your mileage may vary.
  3. The tweet from our Twitter admin confirming the deal was next level daylight murder and I love it (for context, Brighton came out and publicly denied reports, such as Fabrizio's, that Cucurella was going anywhere, to which Fabrizio doubled down). Also, I agree with you, it's been a very odd window in which I don't think we've really got anyone that we wanted as first choice. We missed out on De Ligt (though to be fair he seems a natural signing for Bayern) and Raphinha (to be fair to him if Barça is his dream club what can you do?); we've got Koulibaly in, but I'd say we still could do with another CB seeing as we lost both Rudi and Christensen; Sterling is a very odd signing for us in that while I'm sure he'll put in a shift, I just don't see what the thinking is there other than "well, we should sign someone to contribute to this almost nonexistent front line", but hopefully he proves me wrong; and somehow Azpi has ended up staying (I mean, I'm happy about it, but he was meant to be one of the first out of the door), and meanwhile we had more leftbacks than we know what to do with before, but now we've got Cucurella in the mix too (though, to be fair, he's been a FIFA Career Mode LB I've used since he was at Barça, so I guess I'm happy). Werner is potentially going to be on his way out through a loan too, so I have no idea. I think scattershot is honestly too light a word for it, I think we've been absolutely rudderless this summer after missing out on priority targets, and then have basically scrambled for whatever the leftovers have been. I know Marina has clashed with managers before, but seeing as we kept Tuchel, I think we should've fought to keep her if only for another season to avoid exactly what has happened; instead, we've had no transition, and despite knowing where the holes were going to be going into this summer since Abramovich's hand was forced to sell, we've ended up with one of the strangest summers I can remember for transfers
  4. An art book is in the works, with plans to release in May 2023:
  5. Releasing August 11th on PlayStation and the Nintendo Switch digitally, with plans for a physical edition on both platforms later in the year. Also coming to Steam in September. Priced at £33.99/€39.99/$39.99.
  6. I knew the general gist of its connections to Final Fantasy Tactics (and branching from that the other Ivalice projects) in that it was basically a progenitor to that project, but smaller details I like to fact check (for instance, Matsuno not sticking around was something which sounded right in my head, but if there's one thing I do best it's doubt myself ). I read what I can on the history of games, it's always super interesting to get a general idea of how things have evolved, or in this case, what essentially one game branched off into, and who ended up where and working on what. Matsuno and Ito being sidelined is hard info to avoid just because a lot of Final Fantasy speculation threads, such as for XVI, often devolve into wanting Yoshi-P to get onboard or have one of the old guys step back into the spotlight. Anyways, fact checking more often than not leads to me discovering other cool details I wasn't aware of (such as Yoshida's involvement on Bravely Default and NieR, if I had to guess I would've said that was Minaba, who also worked on XII and does work on Granblue Fantasy), so those are neat details which are always fun to just lump in
  7. Yeah, I think you'd be right about that. I don't know if I think Nintendo need to pull that trigger yet - honestly, I think it'd be a shame for it to be doing as well as it is and having a great chance at overtaking the PS2 and DS a few years from now, just to have its legs brutally chopped off and end up in no-man's-land - but I also think Nintendo is really difficult to gauge as needing to make a step up in terms of raw specs, and it kind of feels like their generational leaps are more based on wanting to shake things up or try new things. To explain what I mean, other than games running better than they are now, I think they're the platform holder where it's hardest to imagine what next-gen actually looks like for them, as they rarely go the PlayStation path of aiming too high on terms of performance yield to have technical hiccups (they're there, sure, but their choices in art style, the Switch being a hybrid, etc., gives them a weird amount of leniency in this regard I think that PlayStation and Xbox don't with their own titles), and Xbox basically make games for PC these days and don't get as much out of their machine as PlayStation from a stylistic point of view (just my perspective, but Halo Infinite being smooth as hell but then looking kind of flat was...weird). Nintendo on the other hand seem to firmly push on their limitations, but they design for and around them more so than I think the others do, which is why I think it's hard to imagine. Ultimately, if STTLOZBOTW (sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) does launch with the Switch successor, I think the components shortage almost becomes a non-issue in that it would likely sell out regardless, and would have a similar launch to what I think a Switch Pro might have: the people there on day one are going to be the diehards who want the best experience for the Breath of the Wild sequel (like me, because I don't want my time spent in a forest to look like a flip book). That might make the transition a bit smoother, but then I think it runs into this weird issue where Nintendo have a much bigger hurdle to overcome, which is actually marketing this thing well. I think it could get very confusing thanks to how generations have worked previously - maybe even more so with Nintendo - where backwards compatibility, at least for me, has felt like a footnote on the features list. I guess you could just say "releasing on Switch 2 and Switch in April 2023" in your advertising campaign, and then have a little graphic to say "best experienced on Switch 2!", but I don't know how you would go about communicating that new games on Switch also work on Switch 2 (and then you also get into the new Switch 2 boxes, etc., and how they'd communicate things...it could be very confusing for casual buyers). I guess there are ways to do it, but what gives me pause is that this is the same company that decided calling a console the 'Wii U' was a good idea maybe it'll be the PS4/PS5 method where you just see both versions on shelves, or they go the Xbox route of having it all under one (potentially confusing) umbrella. This is all of course assuming it'll be a cross-gen title, and that the Switch successor will be backwards compatible
  8. Sooooooooo...Switch 2 in time for the Untitled sequel to the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild next Spring (April to June) confirmed?!
  9. I mean I'm excited, but that release date. Poor Tactics Ogre, being thrown out to the wolves of Ragnarök... This is one of the games I bought on my Vita but felt more like something I'd want to experience on a bigger screen, so hell yeah! Now we just wait for Final Fantasy Tactics, which will be next year I guess? It's not, but it definitely had some of the core team to be, as a lot of its style and direction is similar to the Ivalice stuff (Vagrant Story, XII, Final Fantasy Tactics) due to sharing some key same staff: directed by Yasumi Matsuno (director of Final Fantasy Tactics, Vagrant Story, original director of XII alongside Hiroyuki Ito) and with art by Ahihiko Yoshida, who did work on most of these projects (alongside some others who crop up on a number of these projects; Yoshida has also worked on Bravely Default and NieR Automata, where you can also definitely see his style pouring through). Matsuno still gets the occasional bit of work credited XIV, but his path nowadays reminds me a lot of Hiroyuki Ito's (director of Final Fantasy VI, IX, the other director of XII who stuck with it, and maybe more importantly remembered as the creator of ATB), as he's been shuffled into the background and has worked on much smaller projects for a while (hey, might be that they want to, but it's still crazy to think about having these legends on such comparably smaller projects). Also can we just laugh cry for a moment about the fact that Tactics Ogre is getting a modern console release before the classic Final Fantasy games and Chrono Trigger?
  10. The second NeoGeo Pocket Colour Selection has been announced by SNK; Switch not officially confirmed yet, but it seems inevitable.
  11. Something isn't quite right here... Much better
  12. Oh yeah, I totally agree that that's the direction they're going to go. I do wonder - if it is still going to be locked behind story progression - if it's going to be locked behind just completing one story path, or having to complete all three? Be interesting to see how they handle it, because I guess you don't want a case of people getting a legendary Pokémon when their entire team is of a much higher level?
  13. According to Variety, their sources have said it might partially be down to wanting to recoup costs through typical Hollywood accountancy fudging via tax write-offs. Anyways, it's a weird one. I don't know how, but post-merger they have managed to be consistent with the old regime in making increasingly frustrating decisions for DC live-action content. Pinning a reset on trying to do Flashpoint and throwing characters out of the pram is going to be very fun...to watch from the outside, while diehard DC fans lose their minds.
  14. Yeah, it's very funny having played Live A Live over the last week or so and knowing that remake of an incredibly niche JRPG which has been stuck in Japan for nearly 30 years has voice-acting and Pokémon does not. I agree that it's a letdown here like it was in Legends: Arceus, it's odd how they continue to go that way, but I suppose it's just another result of these games needing to be forced into shelves ASAP, I don't think they've got the time for voice-acting and then the localised efforts they'd need too. Totally unrelated, but I forgot to mention: man I hate the faces of the in-game character models. They remind me of mascots I saw at local theme parks when travelling around Europe as a kid, which is to say that they're very unnerving to look at. The only character I think looks okay in-game so far is probably Grusha, but even she he only gets away with it because half of her his face is covered by her his scarf
  15. Caught up on this after the fact as I had a meeting. Like @Dufniall mentions, man that first chunk of the Presents was pretty much a snooze fest in terms of news. Having a massive pop-up Pokémon Centre at World's is pretty sweet for those attending, the first GO and Unite World Championships being at the event will be great, and I'm sure that will be a great time, but it definitely felt like an odd thing to start with. Which isn't at all to say that the updates following with the updates on the mobile games were any more interesting, because while I'm sure they have their fans, it's just a weird vibe where these Presents somehow always feel a bit more smarmy than most Directs are - I know this is a TPCi joint, but if you're going to follow that model, maybe ask for some pointers. We're in this super weird place now where after New Pokémon Snap last year I thought we'd see more spin-offs coming at us at a faster clip, but instead it's radio silence. I did dig the trailer and deep dive for Scarlet & Violet, even if the trailer itself was pretty unexciting with how it was presented, there's some fun stuff in there, so just to reel some stuff off: I'm all about Paldean Wooper (the lines on its belly make it look like its trying to fake a six-pack which is hilarious ), instantly one of my favourite regional forms. Fidough - great name, pretty generic design, but curious to see what they have cooking with its evolution/s (heh, baking joke). Cetitan looks like a Forretress and Palkia lovechild with a little Trapinch somewhere in the family tree, so...yeah. I really couldn't care less about Tera Types, Terastal forms, and Terastallising (they use a "z" but I'm not living in a country which is two and a half centuries old, so I refuse). Since X & Y we have had gimmicks with every generation: Mega Evolutions (in lieu of actually making new evolutions and pre-evolutions, a win), Z-Moves (a massive flop which is now only brought up when speculating for new games based on character art and going "oh, is that guy wearing a Z-bracelet? Or is that a Mega Evolution stone?", and even that is happening less and less now), regional forms (questionable from a lore perspective, but otherwise a win), Dynamax and Gigantamax (look, as someone who hasn't really dived into Raids, the only good thing to really come from this for me is better massive plush designs), and now this. Honestly, I would have been happy with keeping Mega Evolutions and regional forms but doing away with the rest of it (well, maybe one of the options for Raids now that multiplayer is being consistnetly fleshed out). Looks like customisation is going to be pretty limited, which is a massive shame after some fun options in Legends: Arceus. Eight gyms in no set order is a win - I mean, finally, how long have we been asking for this? - and curious to see how they scale (they've got to scale, right? It'd be very funny if they didn't though) and hear what the other two stories are besides the typical path that they teased, as it's very interesting that it seems like we'll get the option to begin with whichever we like. Surely one is going to do with research and observation, probably of the Terestral stuff? But I'm not too sure on the other, probably something to do with the evil organisation we haven't seen yet, or hell, maybe a mini-game where you Terastallise your Pokémon and cut them down into a necklace. Interesting that the legendary Pokémon will seemingly join you pretty early in your adventure? At least that's the feeling I got. I'm actually looking forward to multiplayer seeing as you'll be able to just explore, hopefully we'll have a few groups going when this launches! Overall, a fine Presents, but not one which felt necessary, I really think they could have just dropped the new trailer and the deep dive rather than stretching this out to 20 minutes or however long it was. I'm looking forward Scarlet & Violet a bit more now, as while the exploration side of things seems a bit more surface level like it was in Legends: Arceus (at least from what we've seen so far), it's a step in the direction I want to see them take, and ultimately just getting in some jolly co-op roaming around on my Pokémon's wheels/wings/feet with friends seems like a good time to me. Also, can't go without mentioning Game Freak making a smart move with the legendary Pokémon here, in that they seem to have just nailed the roaming methods to these two legendary Pokémon to reduce the animation and design work they need to do for something which I'm sure could have easily become bloated with the number of Pokémon out there, and just considering how each method required a different Pokémon in Legends: Arceus. My Verdict: 6.0/10 - inoffensive but kind of unnecessary as a presentation. Closing thoughts: it's Wooping Time.
  16. Yeah, pretty much in case you can look at a GIF on Twitter, it's definitely...something:
  17. Today's trailer from the Pokémon Presents: Courtesy of the official site, we also have our first top-down look at the region of Paldea: We also got some more details on version exclusive Pokémon from the site too: Larvitar and Stonjourney will be exclusive to Scarlet, and Bagon and Eiscue will be exclusive to Violet. From launch up until 28th February 2023, it was announced that a Pikachu with the move Fly and a Flying Tera Type would be available through Mystery Gift. There's also a page on the official site which dives into character customisation a bit more, detailing that we'll be able to change eye shape, mouth shape, and more, as well as the more typical stuff like hairtsyle, hair colour, and eyebrows. It unfortunately doesn't sound like there'll be much in the way of clothing customisation, though, as the same page mentions the academy only having four uniforms in total (from short sleeves and shorts to blazers) and an additional variety of accesories to customise your look with. Very much looking forwards to zooming in on the map and speculating a bit once I'm done with work, but for now: Paldean Wooper is life and I'm actually kind of excited for multiplayer in this game
  18. Yeah, unfortunately so. A record-breaking initial few weeks of sale, in January no less for a series typically launching in November, is nothing short of remarkable, but the combination of a lack of a reason to return (very minor updates, unlikely to get a major update with Scarlet & Violet on the horizon, and lack of multiplayer features) and selling after Christmas just two months after the most recent Pokémon games really put this game in a poor position from the start. Again: still sold great, any many would be jealous of these sales. But for the first "open world" Pokémon game? It's very strange how that game was marketed and released. Also the Sun & Moon sales fiasco still bums me out. It's a very linear and easy game but was an excellent celebration of Pokémon, it more than deserved more time to reach the 20+ million mark as Sword & Shield has since. Yeah, if I were Sony, even their hardware sales would be a slight bit concerning to me too. Not to go off on too much of a tangent, but I genuinely think the struggle to get stock on shelves has had this weird side effect where now that there is some stock available pretty consistently (I've seen the Horizon Forbidden West bundle available a whole lot, maybe even more so than the standalone console SKUs), no-one is really aware of it? They're also just struggling to consistently launch first party titles on the thing (for the life of me I can't remember getting anything from them as of late), but I think the latter part of this year, between TLOU Part I and Ragnarök, as well as people saving for Black Friday/Christmas/etc. should see the tide turn there. Hopefully. Maybe. I find myself still in such a weird spot with the Switch and the idea of a successor myself, though maybe that's because I haven't played my Switch as much I would like? I don't know if I'm looking back on the days of the DS a bit too fondly but I just haven't felt like Nintendo have got their hooks into me personally with the Switch software, and so the only reason I actually care for the Switch successor at this point is just because I don't want to play a scuffed version of the Untitled sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild That's a good spot, and I think it's very interesting that every region is comparable except for The Americas, but if anything I think that suggests that there are other socioeconomic and geopolitical factors at play rather than it being down to the games or people growing tired of hardware. I'm more surprised that on the whole the numbers are as comparable as they are with little deviation, because I do think it's worth considering that last year Nintendo had seven different million-sellers for the same period, three of which were new debuts (New Pokémon Snap - 2.07 million; Mario Golf: Super Rush - 1.34 million; Miitopia - 1.04 million), one of which was a hangover from the previous quarter (Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury - 1.09 million), and while the usual suspects were still going strong, this was back when Animal Crossing was also still in the mix (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - 1.69 million; Animal Crossing: New Horizons - 1.26 million; Ring Fit Adventure - 1.15 million) where it's not present here. That slack has clearly been picked up this year in places by games not mentioned in today's report (third- party and indies I guess?). It's weird because, the feeling I get at least, is that it's just been a quiet quarter by comparison across the board compared with last year, to be honest, like @Hero-of-Time mentioned. LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is the only runaway success that's third-party that I can think of which released this last quarter? Anecdotally, that's also the only new game I bought in Q2; I feel like we're firmly in backlog-tackling country, and have been for these last few months. Again, the crazy part to me is that there's even a comparison to be made, let alone that the figures are so similar outside of The Americas, because I had felt that this last quarter was a pretty quiet one. I'm not sure if it's so much an indication that their money is being spent elsewhere, so much as there's been a lot of stuff going on in the world the last six months, and people tend to clutch their purse strings when there's a reason to be anxious. I don't know, Ring Fit strikes me as the kind of game where you're better off not seeing the credits. Good Ending (footage of someone who has seen the credits in Ring Fit on their morning jog): Due to your newfound, Ring Fit-instilled strength, you are a danger to others, and a simple hug can crush those you love. You may or may not find yourself enlisted into a team where your leader occasionally smirks and teases saying the word "Assemble" a lot. You will never again know human touch. Bad Ending:
  19. Well, it's already that time again: here are the results from Nintendo's latest quarterly report, for the period ending 30th June 2022. This is typically a bit of a quieter one, but there are still some interesting points to take away. The Big Takeaways 3.43 million Switch units have been sold in the last quarter, bringing the Switch's total haul to 111.08 million units to date. This quarter represents a noticeable decline from last year's 4.45 million units sold for the same period, however Nintendo has cited that this is a result of the semiconductor shortage. The forecast for this financial year currently remains at 21 million units. A few major titles launched this quarter, so we have some figures for those: Nintendo Switch Sports has sold 4.84 million units worldwide in its first 10 weeks since release; and Mario Strikes: Battle League has sold 1.91 million units. While Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes was released this quarter, due to the nature of it being published in Japan by Koei Tecmo and in the rest of the world by Nintendo, a sales update for it has not been included in Nintendo's quarterly report, meaning that so far only data for the Japanese market has been shared as of Koei Tecmo's latest quarterly report (held towards the end of July) - hopefully we'll get an update on this from Koei Tecmo if and when it overcomes any major sales thresholds. Having debuted at the tail end of last quarter, Kirby and the Forgotten Land sold an additional 1.88 million units this quarter to bring its total sales to 4.53 million units to date. This means that it has already sold more than the third and fourth best-selling Kirby titles combined, and is likely to surpass the best-selling Kirby title - Kirby's Dream Land at 5.1 million units - in the next quarter. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe rounds out the million-sellers of this quarter with another 1.48 million units sold. Surprisingly, Pokémon Legends: Arceus has still not cracked into the Top 10 Best-sellers list, not even featuring in this quarter's million-sellers list. With the release of Pokémon Scarlet & Violet in November, it seems like if it is going to break into the Top 10 Best-sellers, it will need to do so by the end of Nintendo's next quarterly report (ending 30th September) which will be dropping in early October. Advances Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp is mentioned in the quarterly report and remains on the list of titles with a date which is TBA. Top 10 Best-selling Switch titles as of 30th June 2022 Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - 46.82 million Animal Crossing: New Horizons - 39,38 million Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - 28.82 million The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 27.14 million Pokémon Sword/Pokémon Shield - 24.50 million Super Mario Odyssey - 23.93 million Super Mario Party - 18.06 million Pokémon Brilliant Diamond/Pokémon Shining Pearl - 14.79 million Pokémon: Let's Go Pikachu!/Pokémon Let's Go Eevee! - 14.66 million Ring Fit Adventure - 14.54 million
  20. I mean, new ideas take time to implement and, oftentimes, several cracks to refine, so if it's ever going to get better, they'll need a few more tries that Legends: Arceus is the first truly 3D "core series" Pokémon game in 2022, nearly a decade on from when we first jumped into 3D with X & Y, means we could be stuck where we are for a while. Personally, I don't think having the traditional eight Gyms with an Elite Four and a quality open world have to be mutually exclusive, and there are certainly ways that it could be done well (heck, level scaling has been talked about since I was on the playground in primary school) – but unfortunately, I just don't think Game Freak as they are will be the ones to convince open world naysayers otherwise. For some crazy reason or another this game is releasing just 10 months after Legends: Arceus, meaning that, if we're being totally fair, at best this game will realistically have only learned lessons from that game's QA, and at worst they're just walking in the dark (which seems par for the course sometimes with Game Freak at this point!). Not that Pokémon are particularly keen to take criticism onboard and learn from it to begin with, but even as someone who enjoyed Legends: Arceus, I can definitely understand some of the issues people have with it, and I think there are lessons to be learned. It's a huge shame that if Game Freak have bothered to learn anything that it's very unlikely that we see it until whatever the next games are after Scarlet and Violet Also, while I get that not every open world game is great @Glen-i (I'd say on average - if I were to pick up a random open world game off a shelf in GAME - they can be pretty dull and lazily designed, but as always there are exceptions), I refuse to believe that an open world Pokémon game can't be done well. Could you go the Breath of the Wild route? Eh, I honestly don't see why you would at this point, core series Pokémon hasn't been about exploration for arguably over a decade at this point. But something like Xenoblade with massive zones made up of a field and a handful of routes, with the occasional village or town along the way? That seems absolutely doable, and more importantly very suitable, for Pokémon. And if you want a more linear "open world", just look at what Dragon Quest XI achieved. What these games have in common is that they took time, which Game Freak never seems to have. The blame for that likely lies at TPCi's feet as well as probably Nintendo's to an extent, but it's such a shame. I think back to Sugimori's sketches for the original Pokémon games often when we're between generations and it's funny that there's a sense of awe and excitement for exploration that I get from those simple sketches - just from the sense of scale and a sense of actual partnership with your Pokémon - that I just don't think core series Pokémon really strives for. Legends: Arceus was a single step in that direction in some ways...but it was, ultimately, more like Monster Hunter World than an actual open world. It's not like I have this expectation for Pokémon to knock it out of the park with an open world, because of Game Freak and TPCi scheduling, but it's been weird this last generation or two to see them flip-flopping so hard on what their vision is for a Pokémon game; if you told me when we got the incredibly linear Sun & Moon that we'd have an open world Pokémon game just six years later, I would have probably laughed with you, but now here we are waiting for Scarlet & Violet
  21. @darksnowman have you checked out Base? I picked up a copy earlier this year from them for ~£50 when I noticed physical stock of XC2 was getting harder to find, would definitely vouch for them as I've used them a few times now. They're also one of the few retailers left with any semblance of a remaining physical 3DS stock, which is nice too Not sure if you'd also want Torna physically (if you haven't got it already?), but it might be worth hunting down a copy sooner rather than later if you do. I picked up a copy a few months ago at a similar price for what I got XC2, and while it's still available new at a similar price now in some places on eBay and Amazon, given how much it's fluctuated over the last 12 months or so, I imagine that's going to continue skyrocket every time stock gets a little scarce
  22. Damn, great share @Dcubed! Might be worth dropping it over in the Wii U/3DS eShop closure thread too, seeing as the stores close up directly to eShop cards on the 29th (though they should be able to still be added to a linked account until the store properly closes in March I think?), and this is running up until the 31st, making this an excellent time for a discount. I'm not sure how likely it is another one comes along before March, so I'm definitely going to be jumping on that when I get paid later this month and save me some money on my planned eShop expenditure
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