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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Can't you just leave them on soak for a few hours? Or get some Clit Bang on it.
  2. Orgy within the month and that's a deal breaker.
  3. Anyone would say anything to get out of watching a tennis match.
  4. Yes, because that's when you're really going to quit.
  5. I haven't. I don't think, they have so many surveys. However if you're basically asking if I've visited their site and they've sprung a survey on me, the answer's no. They probably wouldn't listen even if I did.
  6. The Longest Yard I know this was based on a film of the same title [Yes?] however long ago, but I know Mean Machine with Vinnie Jones [which I have on doovde] came inbetween, different form of football but same plot, so I pretty much expected what was going to happen and which characters were the American forms of the British forms I've seen, Doc, Nitro, Monk etc. Plus a few wrestlers having some parts. Despite the fact the words or phrase mean machine had nothing to do with anything in the film, that's what they decided to call their team, which I consider a homage to Vinne Jones and his massive. Not sure if it has much bearing on the original, I can't be bothered to check. However, Courtney Cox had an incredible rack at the beginning. If it wasn't for Mean Machine this would probably get a higher Shabba Rating. However it only gets Seven.
  7. Dude, it's exactly the same with media, I've gotten either refusals or no replies from radio stations. I think I'll start applying to newpapers or something. My reviews may help me. As my degree alone seems to be worth fuck all. I've been using my job at the pub [wank hours they give me (about 15-19 a week)] for the monies and to keep me occupied. Plus the possible rejoin of Sainsbury's also mainly for the monies and to pass the time. It's all good trying to get a job relevant to one's degree, but if you're not doing in the meantime it's bullshit. Plus I had my mum whining at me to sign on the dole, which I did until I got a job at the pub [before they started fucking me over on the hours]
  8. Someone with a long piece of pink wool?
  9. Play the video/s on the original post and stick a mic in front of the speakers. Failing that I might be able to email an mp3 to you. If you're feeling it. Feel the project. Don't bullshit us.
  10. Give it to us either way.
  11. Righto gringos, I've obtained the instrumental. Those on my MSN inquire and I'll send it. If not I can email it to you. Sadly for those Dizzie Rascal fans, it cannot accompany the rappage.
  12. Just .avi's then?
  13. Now I must sit up on my bed... Well if you hear it in the headphones it technically will be in the background for you. Either way, it would be best to have it in the headphones or not at all. Because it will be played over the instrumental version I'm getting, so hearing your background music over the instrumental may be dodgy, even if it's proper synchronised. If you record a video, record it with you singing as formentioned, preferably without the song [another reason for the headphones]. If you want to send a voice file as well, it wouldn't do any harm. Well I'm not versed on the files movie maker can handle, ReZ will have to assist me on this, but I'm thinking a .mov file would be fine, as will an mp3 or wav file. Of what? That would ruin the surprise for everyone.
  14. Damn right, it was hell at Sainsbury's. And it's gonna get wank at the pub I work. And it's even worse now I'm considering working back at Sainsbury's. I need monies
  15. Here's a banging example of how to use your bongos, naturally the music will cover these scenes.
  16. Check the lines on the first post, pick some to sing. Any or all. Tin whistle might be... ok. Well with the "kareoke" version I'm going to purchase it might have all the music we need, this is just a way to bridge the gaps between lyrics and cover those who haven't recorded a video of themselves singing. But it you want to shoot a video of you playing [or pretending to] the guitar, it couldn't hurt. It may seem we might be lacking enough gaming shizzle.
  17. Do you have music peripherals you could be shown using? Same goes to everyone who's buckling because they say they can't sing. We need musicians dammit! I don't think constant footage of me with my Donkey Konga bongos alone will cut it.
  18. Garth Marenghi's Darkplace Despite the fact that they only showed 6 episodes, I can't stop watching them. I have a crappy thing on a doovde a mate made for me, I plan on getting the real thing eventually. Well deserved. Nine Shabba's
  19. Baby baby, you know I'm always here, we can sing and make sweet music together.
  20. ... What?
  21. You model yourself on Bowie well Odwin. Just realised I need a mac to use Final Cut, which I lack, a friend suggested Adobe Premiere if anyone has that to pass on. Failing that, is Windows Movie Maker easy? EDIT: nice points on the melody hearing gents. Here's where I'm going to get it from, assuming anyone would like to "obtain" it somehow... ¬_¬ http://www.karaoke-version.com/mp3-backingtrack/band-aid/do-they-know-it-s-christmas.html Then you've got no excuse not to wear the giant headphones as you sing.
  22. Did you watch the other Bonds twice as well?
  23. NO! EDIT: If I'm feeling it later and one can make a "normal" version quickly, I might consider the prospect of adding it in as a seperate version. When thinking about it, the instrumental background I'm going to get might not be able to contain it... We'll see.
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