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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Was she pregnant at the time? Because she normally has no rack. The Loreal adverts prove that.
  2. I was just wondering what is exempt when the rule says "In any form", satire or otherwise.
  3. That's a Cadbury's Creme Egg, not a Goa'uld Cree Egg.
  4. Yes, they are Goa'uld, I would've found a pictur, but Google had nothing.
  5. This isn't exclusively about Creme Eggs, although it has some bearing. How do you, members of the N-E Masseev, eat certain foods? When it comes to eating dinner I eat it normally by section/food. You see on programmes like Masterchef they have a bit of everything in one go and it just seems wrong to me. As for more specific foods: Creme Eggs: I normally try for the famous phrase "Give it a nibble and suck out the middle", but I never seem to do it, opting for slamming it in my mouth and chomping pr0 style. Crisps [thin ones] Mainly Walkers, I crush them with my tongue to the top of my mouth then pr0 munchings. Monster Munch, very military operation-esque. I always have to bite the curvy bit of first, then take the toes out one at a time. g0.
  6. Updateings: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/5/20090216/tuk-dad-at-13-alfie-will-get-dna-test-on-45dbed5.html Hard to believe there was one.
  7. You thinking of me sweetie? What instances would be unacceptable?
  8. Runaway Jury It was a toss up between this or Jerry Maguire, as I'd seen neither, but after watching this I feel I would've been better watching Cruise shouting about wanting to see some monies. It just dragged on for me with little happening, although Cusacks' manipulation of the jury was interesting. I even got confused what Weiszs' reasons for being there. I thought she was the widow [using a different actress for the flashbacks], but a swift check to the Wiki solved that. Seven Shabba's
  9. Go for the pr0 codename - Shadowcat! It already knows Cat, give it the extended remix.
  10. Not especially, because I rarely look at other people's on account of how boring they are. The only one I ever see is on Megatokyo, just to see what bullshit excuse he's shat out this time. Most of the time it's "I'm just not feeling it"
  11. I've just been checking the film schedules for Tuesday, I think I could fit in Benjamin Button, Bolt and Valkyrie in one day, hopefully paying for only one. ¬_¬
  12. I think you've had enough of those for one week.
  13. See now if/when I watch Button, I'm going to see how "unoriginal" it is. Then I won't understand why everyone's knocking one out over it. The latter would probably happen regardless.
  14. Only a couple of clicks on your profile. Be grateful, his added one letter makes up for the lack of yours.
  15. We have something similar: One for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl, four for a boy, five for silver, six for gold, seven for a secret never to be told. Nothing about saluting them though. How much bad luck did you get for this? http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2019
  16. Batman Even though I caught the latter half of this, since I was at work, it still needs the appreciation it deserves. Like people say Connery is the best Bond, Keaton is the best Batman [Fuck Bale]. Quality acting throughout. One thing I didn't realise was that it shows Bale's Batman to be a complete pussy [No righteous bullshit]. When the Joker is challenging Batman to charge him [Nolan you thief :|], Batman actually tries shooting at him, missing aside. Ten Shabba's And as an added prize. The Tommy Lee Jones Award for Services to pr0 Films
  17. Happy vagina/belly extraction day!
  18. Some choice quotes here. claims that Chantelle was sleeping with as many as EIGHT teenage boys around the time the baby was conceived “To be honest I didn’t really fancy her. She asked me out a couple of times when she moved down here but I kept turning her down. I thought she was ugly. Chris, who runs the Eastbourne Utd Colts Under-15 football team, added: “There’s not a lot for young lads to do round here. They all hang around in groups of guys and girls on the streets—it’s a cocktail for disaster.
  19. Is that supposed to bring luck or something? I've never heard of that one before.
  20. "Yes but you weren't allowed to tell Mummy were you?"
  21. Come here ReZ, hug EEVIL. Embrace the infinite.
  22. I got an email from them about a week ago about this. They snitch on you to the friends you sacrifice. They has to be some system in place to stop people deleting friends then readding/deleting etc. Or just deleting loads more.
  23. Yahoo gives us the most pr0 Valentines Day songs ever http://new.uk.music.yahoo.com/blogs/guestlist/16759/cheesiest-love-songs-ever/ PAUL ROBINSON IS SINGINGS!
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