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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. People kept saying that even before the match began. Mainly because I think some of them were bitter that Higgins pissed all over O'Sullivan.
  2. It is now. He gave this away. Disgraceful.
  3. I won my Were Bear. Most pleased. Probably won't get the amazing cassette you would get with them.
  4. WRONG. Dings' foul has given life to this frame. Hopefully Higgins can rape him into making another foul and giving him a better chance.
  5. Just returned from Daddy's. Won the Sticky again, so walked out with a pr0 £25 winnings. As such I left with about £20 profit than when I walked in. Watching the Snooker now. I demand Higgins to win, but he's not following my wishes.
  6. ReZ, as much as I admire your costume, I can't help but be reminded by your God-awful Vin Diesel "impression" in the latest Comedy Rainbow becausde of your 'skinhead'. The rest is nice.
  7. They're not dark enough. Mine on the other hand, are a vortex.
  8. Howler's the one I'm bidding on.
  9. The chap I'm getting it from has the rest of them for sales: http://shop.ebay.co.uk/byronlovell/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=25 They end in under two hours. So whoever would like one needs to cha-cha real smooth. Don't get Howler though.
  10. You turn the entire head inside out to reveal the Were-ness.
  11. I haven't bought it yet, just bid on it on Ebay. But I'm hoping I get this Were Bear, to relive my youth once again. Top left, named Howler.
  12. I'd prefer to get to know and possibly have sex with her. You can set up your business elsewhere.
  13. I feel the wanting over the Feb release, but I'd like to hear your reasoning over preferring an April release to March.
  14. Looking through one album selection now [only one which seems to allow me]. Your friend Rachel is quite tasty.
  15. Word, failing that, what import sites do any of y'all use?
  16. A load of *'s? That doesn't sound very original.
  17. I'm thinking a picture of his face on Superman's/similar hero body saying "Epic Penis Whinzaphon" But let us prepare for Turhbo Tyme on Channel Four with Jingle All The Way starting in 20 mins.
  18. Between 30-40%
  19. ... Really?
  20. Me neither. I was drunk on beer and Gregg's.
  21. They knew what they were in for when they posed.
  22. I'll get cracking on the new shizzle sent to me tomorrow. Prommie.
  23. ReZ, do you thank posts that shit on you as some sort of comfort mechanism?
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