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Everything posted by Haden

  1. When did he say this? Are you sure it wasn't him just being in character rather than a genuine statement.
  2. Fitness regiems eh? My computer at the moment could only enter a computer marathon as a fun runner who takes a few days to finish the course :happy: I will look into these things thanks guys.
  3. Man listen to yourself. Do you even understand what propoganda is? To say everything from America was 'propoganda' is absurd. Have you reasearched the period at depth? Can you gaurentee that every news outlet was under tight control by the government? I am sorry if my tone is brash but I am annoyed by the rampant anti americanism with no basis in logic or reason. I didn't quote you before becaue when I copy and paste it only pastes one line. I am sorry for that discourtesy and this is no personal attack on you. To say why the points were flawed. Firstly to say it came from a university is just better than saying it was one side of a debate at a newsagents. Many things come from universities and many things are proven false, it is a place of intellectual debate not a place where infallible truth leaks from every proffesor. The movie argument is just your observation and I would ask what would you have it look like? Do you want it filmed in widescreen and have smooth edges and high definition flags? My point is neither you nor I know what it looks like on the moon apart from sources that we have to place trust in. The third argument just repells me and is why this whole post may come across in bad temper. It is illogical and racist. But of course because its aimed at America its allowed to slide. Nice.
  4. This came from a university. The whole thing looked so fake in my opinion, it looked like a cheap movie set. I never trust a thing the Americans say. Flawed, flawed and yep flawed. Everyone of those points is appaling. Did anyone watch question time and see that uber geek go on about how sep 11th the planes were not airliners but missiles and then Dimbelby destroyed him by saying I wonder who was making phone calls to their relatives. BOOM HEADSHOT.
  5. But it slows down to a appalling level. It really is annoying, do I need to uninstall stuff and use less of the hardrive?
  6. Hey guys I am wondering what your opinion is on this. My computer is quite new and its specs are 2.8ghz 1gb ram radeon 9800pro. However after I load something like a video or coming out of battlefield 2 it slows down to a horrbile rate. When I press ctrl alt delete I see that something called explorer takes up 100,000k and has 50 tasks happening. I stop it then obviously everything dissapears then I resart the explorer program and everything is at normal speed again. Any help on this issue would be great thanks. Oh and additional info I have very little memory left nowadays under a gig. Not sure if this has anything to do with it.
  7. I think you can get some medication to help you if its such a problem Dieter. :wink: And CVD thats gotta be the best CE photo, for action definatly, although Odwin probably wins for comedy.
  8. BOOM SEXSHOT. Well done pdhq you have proven to be a full on student in all the best ways.
  9. The Daily Telegraph and the Spectator. The Spectator used to have a tagline like "unashameably elitest." :bow: Lovely stuff. The Gaurdian is a place for the middle classes to whine and pontificate, having said that I may buy it now its in a nice neat 3/4 format.
  10. Yeh try hitting me try hitting me!! I can't dance all day. BOOM HEADSHOT BOOM HEADSHOT, guess what happened next! THATS RIGHT, BOOOOOM HEADDDDDSSHOOOTTTT. Er yeh I guess CS is ok I would play a game.
  11. I was talking about the other Franz Ferdinand band of 1913-14. Just because Franz himself wasn't scottish doesn't mean that the rest of his band weren't. The band was a classic it had some great songs. Tell the Emperor Tonight. Don't Take me out! The Darkness of the Bullet. AUF AUSCHE! Cheating on Serbia. This War is out of Control! Bullets of Misery. Beautiful Austrians on a Beautiful Dance Floor. Come on Germany! 40 states remained! Missing you. Dedicated to the German states which now make up Germany. Can't stop being authotarian. Can't stop ruling no I won't stop ruling! Do You want to go to war? Well Do ya do ya do ya wanna?
  12. Yes its true, I guess I should be thankful I am still alive at all considering what happened to me.
  13. Stingray was most annoying today, after Dylan made all that effort and made such a classy affair as well :doh:
  14. We need it to write our own self serving auto biographies. :lmao:
  15. Hes Haver on the forums and superhero Peter Parker in real life. Spiderman doesn't enter into the equation anywhere though I'm afraid. :wink:
  16. The one good thing about that is that it takes sales away from Heat magazine :happy:
  17. People here watch the ownage? Oh man I love that series. BOOOM HEADSSHOOTTT. I loved the song in this episode. Building a computerrrr for the owwneereerrrrrr. Great stuff, shame deathstriker was the worst actor ever.
  18. I buy the Times myself and read the Telegraph occasionly as both at home and Uni people buy it. I live and go to Uni in Surrey :wink:
  19. All I can say is WELCOME TO PEDOGEDDEN!
  20. My ears seem to ache a bit after using them sometimes which is annoying. I haven't put the softner things on though. Oh also those minigames are to hard for me as I am still a newbie at using the wheel so brick is quite frustrating.
  21. NGC, PC Gamer, Edge, History Today, The Economist, Time magazine, The Spectator, Prospect. Of course I don't get every issue of these mags, apart from EDGE and NGC but theses are the magazines that take my fancy.
  22. Because sony sucks muhhahah. Turns off fanboy mode switches on PSP. The only reason not to get one in the US is because of UMD movies. However make sure you don't get one on the last day as if your screen is horribly riddled with dead pixels you will have no time to complain/seek a replacement. Mine is from the US and I have had no problems at all.
  23. I was thinking this could be quite funny as well. I really hope it happens then Stuart has to arrest her, for REAL! Instead of one of their little sex games. Oh and good old Toadie cracking the jokes today, he was keeping 'abreast' of things. Super stuff.
  24. Yes I love Darcy. I knew he was going to change into the good old rogue character that we all love at the end. You tell her Darcy! Oh and some good old house of trouser fun and of course some Cindy whining even though for once she was in the right. Good neighbours fun, although this episode didn't have the older or younger demographic in today, they are some of the best characters Harold and the adventures of Sky etc. Well nm seeing Darcy back on form was classic enough.
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