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Everything posted by Haden

  1. lol to be fair maybe it was him who influenced the gamespot 8.8 the guy is a legend.
  2. rofl best member ever
  3. I just lost a game and still gained points! By the way how do you direct shots against the angle you would naturally shoot? Say your open forehand points one way can you shoot the other way I try but it just seems to change the angle or spin rather than the direction. I guess thats realistic as you cant move your player.
  4. Got the new album Odwin? I DIG it so much... sorry. As for this guy hes a bit of a loser and will probably turn to drugs in a few years time. Ah well hopefully he will invest his money and appear on celeb big brother so we can all have a chuckle at his expense.
  5. Oh man online expanded wii sports. Sign me up! Please get this out for summer nintendo
  6. I wish the fishing in this game was like that in wii play with obviously a bit more depth. It really does seem a bit broken. I mean the camera in it is so zoomed in you cant see anything.
  7. Quoted just so everyone can see what a class job that is very well done sir. And its christmas Guys dad yay! No pics of mine but its lovely and my dads just as cool as Guys. I lie noone is as cool as him
  8. Haden


    You can have some sushi if you want?
  9. Haden


    I HATE SEBASTIAN COE! Whoever gets that reference gets a cookie. Back on topic never had it will have it one day I guess probably on a special occasion.
  10. I can't wait for this game! Looks like a fun sort of Phoneix Wright style game style wise and something that will make full use of the Wii.
  11. Yeh sorry my comment seemed a bit ill tempered I actually like wii golf its just I find it a bit laughable how you can shoot backwards and it goes forwards etc. Good fun though.
  12. Is it actually going to be accurate? I hate how in Wii Sports when you play Golf you can slice it horribly but it stays straight anyway.
  13. The 2006 N-Europe Member Of The Year Thread Starter Of The Year Best Mod Of The Year Moria Best Admin Of The Year Flinky Most Helpful Member Of The Year Dante Most Respected Member Best Newcomer Of 2006 Most Knowledgeable Member Of The Year Dante Funniest Member Of 2006 Haver Best/Worst Negative Member of 2006 Zeldafreak Spammer Of The Year Ashley Most Missed User Of The Year Bowser 57 User With The Best Sigs Of The Year Peeps User With The Best Avatars Of The Year The Villan (By a country mile) If You Were Stuck In A Lift With An N-Eer ........ Who Would You Most Like It To Be Tom The Taciturn Award (this award goes to the user who doesn't post much, but when they do, it really is a post worth waiting for.) Tom The User Who Spends Most Of His/Her Entire Life On Here Ashley Best Forum moment of 2006 Wii Launch! The N-Europe 2006 Award For Personality Of The Year Best User Ever Last, but not least: The N-Europe 2006 Lifetime Achievement Award: Who makes this forum what it is today? Will edit rest when I get some bribes
  14. Just walked out to Hyrule Field. To those who have been trying to find the magic in this game surely its right there. The music as well and the creatures amazing.
  15. Im finding it magic enough so far. Loving Midinia. However finding it very linear at the moment. I love MM and WW style exploration but hopefully thats yet to come. Still its magic enough so far for me. It has monkey armies!
  16. Ah yeh ok actually I take that back lol. Well what I meant is uber explosions in a certian context. Like when it does them they are massive but not silly. Like not terminator 3 style sillyness more terminator 1 and 2 style darkness and hollywood explosions without losing the classyness. But yeh im not really explaning myself well. I jut dont like that trailer sadly
  17. Sums up my thoughts entierly. Looks like an average movie now I forgot it was die hard until I saw bruce at the end. Die Hard has never been about uber explosions and Bruce while being uber shouldnt be superman it should retain some tough realism not this hollywood crap. And a female couterpart absolute crap. Im bracing myself for this to suck hard.
  18. Just finished Forest Temple. Thought actual boss wasn't that good. But was happy with the whole dungeon and enjoyed the monkey teamwork! Not enjoying the sword controls as much as I thought I would though. Although I am finding shooting much much easier than expected. So one positive and one negative.
  19. Im in the forest temple! Yay zelda old school puzzles I love it so much. And the cute monkeys swimming lol
  20. Madness... Tommorow!
  21. Er friend codes for seperate games. I thought this wasnt going to happen. What a piece of crap.
  22. Anyone know anything about EA games that are coming out? They promised quite a few a while back from what I remember. Godfather etc.
  23. Still not sure if I should get this or call of duty. Is this easier all things concerned? I mean controls and diffculty. As I want an fps my dad can get into as he doesnt play videogames.
  24. Started the game played for about 3 hours. Got horribly stuck on fishing. Thanks Flinky! Anyway just going to start the first temple I think! And all I can say is I love this game. After a slow start its picking up. And its quite a moody dark zelda to lots of good humor to. The mayor and link looking at each other when the mayors daugther was going mental I thought was class. And I love wolf link literally ripping people apart is ace. Ok then into the forest!
  25. Love Tennis and Bowling so much. Baseball and Golf are good. Boxing... oh dear. Sorry Flinky.
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