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Everything posted by Eddage

  1. Have to completely disagree with MindFreak, just got back from seeing Ant-Man and enjoyed it. Not the funniest of the Ant-Man movies but when dealing with Kang it definitely shouldn't be. Rather than Love and Thunder which was way over the top with the (attempted) comedy when it should have been much more serious considering the villain, I thought the tone was fine for the subject and to kick off Phase 5. Also, you're really going to question how shit works in the Quantum Realm, as far as I'm aware there isn't much real life knowledge of how physics in such a place might work . Also, the whole Ant-Man mass thing has been the same in all the movies, so at least it's remained consistent within the MCU. MODOK was the one thing I didn't really enjoy and actually thought most of his stuff fell flat. I would definitely recommend going to see it if you're an MCU fan, just don't expect it to be a comedy. I expected it to be more serious than the other Ant-Man films so maybe that was why I enjoyed it - it didn't go against what I was expecting.
  2. How come it took so long? I thought egg shiny odds haven't changed, Masuda method with Shiny Charm has been 1/512 for ages hasn't it?
  3. That's why I always try and get a Pokémon that can just solo it. 90% of the 6+ star raids I've tried online just turn into shit shows since people pick the worst possible Pokémon!
  4. Okay, my shiny boi Slowbro has beaten Greninja five times in a row now. Seems a lot more consistent than against Cinderace which most of the time would require someone with Intimidate on your team. Even with Nightslash crits in one fight and missing Stored Power three times in a row in another I never felt like I was in any serious danger of losing. To be honest I'm a little disappointed that I can just use the same Pokémon as I did against Cinderace!
  5. Just managed to solo it with my Slowbro. I think luck plays a factor as I didn't get crit by Nightslash and only missed one Stored Power after he set up his 3x Double Team. Saying that though he didn't miss with any of his Hydro Pumps either He clears your stat changes on the 4th (or maybe 5th) turn so it's not as quick as Cinderace but with the use of Slack Off and a Shell Bell my HP only went into the red once.
  6. It wouldn't have a super effective STAB move but what about a Water Absorb Vaporeon with Acid Armor / Calm Mind / Fake Tears / Stored Power? If Greninja ends up being a special attacker then it would be able to take more hits than Clodsire and the difference between Clodsire's attack and Vaporeon's special attack stats would go some way to making up for Stored Power not being STAB. After 7 turns (the same number of setup turns Slowbro needed to one shot Cinderace) Stored Power would be up to 260 and Greninja's special defense would be down 2 stages. Potential one shot territory?
  7. I removed that final sentence when I realised Clodsire had Water Absorb Also, both Serebii and Bulbapedia say Water Shuriken is special? Bulbapedia says it changed to a special move in Gen 7.
  8. I'm going to wait and see what Pokemon/strategies prove successful before I commit to training anything up. Hoping for another easy solo strat, I've been enjoying kicking Cinderace's ass over the last couple of weeks! For Clodsire my concern would be that, even with Curse, it wouldn't be able to output enough damage in time.
  9. Thanks, but already got it
  10. I've just PM'd you
  11. Right... Ignore the above, I turned to Reddit to get my Dex completed I'm really enjoying shiny hunting and have already got more than in any other game. Trying to get shinies for all the Pokemon I want to use in Raids, so far I have Azumarill, Kirlia (will be Gardevoir), Camerupt, Toedscruel, Vaporeon, Sylveon, Volcarona, Iron Moth, Iron Hands, Iron Thorns and Iron Valliant. A few of those I caught within 30 minutes using the same sandwich, I even managed three Iron Valliants from one sandwich! However, I am once again requested aid! I caught a shiny Scyther which I want to evolve, however I don't trust Reddit, knowing my lucj the other person will just run away with it Can anyone spare a few minutes to trade and then trade back?
  12. You say that but no-one has responded to my request for help from Wednesday...
  13. I've finally got all the Scarlet exclusive trades done! Just need to sort out Scizor, Slowking and Palafin, can anyone spare 5 mins to do some trades and set up a co-op session?
  14. Urgggh, I swear 95% of people are playing Violet, trying to trade for the Scarlet exclusives using the link codes takes forever! The one time I wanted to trade the other way I found the right version first time Can any Scarlet players help me out with the following? Flutter Mane (in premier ball) Slither Wing Sandy Shocks Roaring Moon (x2, one in premier ball) Karoidan (permanent trade for Miraidon) I can trade the Violet exclusive versions if needed. Also need to trade Scyther and Slowbro to evolve them, then trade back again.
  15. Stop eating so much junk food/takeaways Lose some weight, roughly a couple of stone and get down to about 15% body fat Start exercising at least semi-regularly Pay off my overdraft and credit card debt Actually start to save some of my leftover money each month rather than just spending it (see point 1 ) Move into a management role in my job - if one for a team I am interested in becomes available, I don't want to move up a grade just for the sake of it. Buy a house The first five should be achievable, the final two maybe not
  16. Fully deserved! Morocco were fantastic from the first to last minute. The Switzerland result was a bit of a red herring as the Swiss were atrocious that night. God bless the cameraman following Ronaldo down the tunnel crying like the petulant baby he is. As ever he has no respect for anyone else, he's meant to be his nation's captain but he doesn't stay on the pitch to console his team mates or thank the supporters. I am a Manchester United fan, he was certain to be a club legend forever but he threw that away just because he wasn't getting the playing time he wanted and couldn't face the fact that he is no longer the player he once was. I have never enjoyed watching someone cry as much as that. An incredible career is going down in flames
  17. So happy Spain lost, they were shit. Had over 1,000 passes but still couldn’t create any clear cut chances. Morocco deserved that! Can’t see Morocco repeating that against Portugal, who are 2-0 up at half time, though. So if England can get past France (very big if) I would expect them to beat Portugal as well.
  18. Found a shiny Mareep, made sure to turn off autosave, then didn't actually save. Of course I knocked it out
  19. What has Foden done to piss Southgate off then? Cannot believe he isn’t starting ahead of Mount, or even worse didn’t even replace him at some point considering how poor he was all game! Foden is arguably Englands best player and yet doesn’t seem to be getting a look in.
  20. Don't think I'm going to be able to get round to starting the game until tomorrow morning, if you're available at all?
  21. Does anyone want to be a legend and trade me a Quaxly when I start playing on Friday? Gonna pick Spriggatito but would love both in my team as I don't like the look of any of the other available water 'mons. Figured a few of you are at the stage were you can breed now
  22. I’m gonna be picking it up on the 25th. Pay day treat and also gives me time to play the Crown Tundra DLC. Definitely getting Violet, prefer the legendary and Cerluledge looks awesome.
  23. Literally just out the cinema! Really enjoyed it, definitely my favourite MCU film this year. there is no end credit scene though, just a mid credit one so no need to sit through them all!
  24. Liking Toxtricity means you have great taste, one of the best Sword/Shield 'mons!
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