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N-E Staff
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Everything posted by Eddage

  1. I was Twilight_Link on the old forums and I am now.... oh wait, still Twilight_Link... guess I couldn't come up with anything better...
  2. Agreed! Loved the episode when dirty doctor darcy came out of his coma, so how long untill he remembers izzy's little secret then? Paul deserves everything that comes his wya (unless of course it is good!) after burning the pub, etc down Finally what the hell is up with Cindy, knocking that guy of his bike, glad to see Stu's becoming suspicious!
  3. Always sad to see well respected members leave, tell you what when the babies born reading and posting in these forums will be a great way to teach it to read and write! Now you have absolutely no excuse not to come back, your kids future depends on it! :p
  4. Unfortunately I've already witnessed one of these, tragic event it was as well , and I'm sure there'll be more! PS: The new look ROCKS!
  5. Are you crazy?! This new style rocks, loving it SOOOOOO much
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