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Everything posted by Johelian
In all fairness though, these platforms do offer a place for originality to be staged; I mean, the PStwo plays host to some of the craziest game concepts out there. Yes, they can make a lot of profit; but it also means that a concept that couldnt see the light of day on a niche console gets a chance at life on a mainstream one. I think this is something that most people overlook while bemoaning the lack of "original" game concepts; yes, a console like the PStwo has a lot of big player games like EA's range, but it then also has room for games like Katamari and ICO. ________ Volcano classic vaporizer
I am still Jo, and yes, I too was unoriginal. So there. ________ Mercury tracer specifications
Hurray! Possible spoiler: I got Lucas back together with his girlfriend last night! And had to take part in a DDR esque sex scene! Take that Monica Lewinski! Now to see if I can stop her from dying...probably not, but hey. ________ UHWH WAREHOUSE
Yes, indeed it is 360 will have everything before anyone else Wait and see what the launch line up will be like; I know that games like Kameo, Gears of War, Elder Scrolls IV, Saints Row, Dead Rising and Condemned have me very exited I love your faith in Nintendo by the way - "it would be so much fun". Im sure that the 360 and PS3 will be pretty fun as well. ________ Honda Insight
You seem very sure about that. Couldnt it just be because there was a massive backlash in the form of people slagging off the controller when it was unveiled? Lets not forget that Snake was on the GC, NES and GB as well. And is cool as hell ________ Medical marijuana
I didnt get any consoles when I was younger... Nintendo Snes Sega Dreamcast Sony PStwo (enhanced) Nintendo Gamecube (purple) Microsoft Xbox Nintendo GBA-SP (black) Nintendo DS (silver) Sony PSP We also have in the house; Sony Playstation Nintendo 64 Sega GameGear Nintendo Gameboy Color Nintendo Gameboy Classic Sega Master System II Amiga 500 (not a console, but it was my childhood companion) Id like to get a Megadrive, but after all the hassle collecting games for the SNES I probably wont bother. I have a 360 on order as well. ________ VAPOLUTION
I personally would say yes, since I loved the characters and the story (and am at the moment going through screwing everything up for the cops and making the murderer shine - fantastic!). Having said that though the story is really the crux of the game, and once youve played it youre going to know what happens - so I imagine some people wont be bothered to play it again. A game youre only every going to play for about 8 hours isnt really that good value. Also, the game has very little "action" to it; its definitely not slow paced, but you never carry out any of the action yourself like in, say, GTA or something. I think this relative lack of button bashing will strike some people as boring. At the end of the day, if you like a good story and a truly innovative way of telling it, you will like Fahrenheit. ________ BUY EXTREME Q VAPORIZER
I do yeah - it took ages to find someone that actually bred that particular kind (theyre quite small for macaws and not as loud as some of the big ones like the blue and gold), but someone saw a post I made and found me Now I just have to wait til the eggs are laid next year! Im really psyched about it. I used to have pet budgies all the time when I was younger and really miss having one around. Conures are beautiful, especially the suns which are a riot of colour. The only issue I have with them is that they are so loud! Most of the people whose posts I have read state that the macaws are louder in volume, but dont (generally) make constant noise - but the conures with screech on all day, just because theyre happy. I dont think my neighbours would be very pleased! That being said, it would be sods law that I get an unusually noisy macaw and get evicted. Sigh. ________ Glass Pipe Pictures
Thanks The only breeder for the macaw I have found is in Wales, so its going to be a bit of a drive...never mind ________ Hawaii medical marijuana dispensaries
Really? I thought I banged on about them too much already. Mind you, I have had the beardie for 2 years now... Good to see you back (unless you have been posting under another nick and I havent noticed)! I think thats Rokheds other dog (another staffie? I love those). Absolutely lovely. I wish I could have one - but I have had to settle for a parrot. ________ IOLITE VAPORIZER REVIEW
Im very excited about this - I think it was pretty much a given that work would continue on such a title at some point, but now that it seems more definite theres more to get enthusiastic about. I wish they would consider releasing it on consoles as well, as my PC already borders on obsolete thanks to pesky PCI slots ________ Bmw K1200Gt
My argentine black and white tegu - originally named "the Tegu" - or Teguar, Teguini, Teegwu, Teguis, etc etc. He's just under 4 feet long and 5kg in weight. Luckily he is very tame (in the lizard sense of the word). My bearded dragon Ages. She is around 18 inches long and very lazy. She is also very tame, although she gets a bit afraid sometimes when shes out of the cage. This is what I will hopefully be getting next year - a yellow collared macaw. Booyah! ________ The office forum
This is very true, and there were some frustrating times where I would end up having to push the stick in the opposite direction to that in which I wanted to travel...a bit irritating, but releasing the stick and then pressing it again sorts it out. I managed to get enough points to unlock everything available in one play, and still had some left over so perhaps there are extra things to unlock depending on the way you play the game I hope so anyway. ________ Honda dylan125
I started playing this again about a month ago in honour of AC... Absolutely adore that first disc. My finest gaming memory. ________ GROWING MARIJUANA
Well, think something like one of the current gen "point and click" games (which ironically now have full analogue control), combined with a fantastic story, multiple plot threads, agonising action sequences...and you about have Fahrenheit down Its being described, in the most basic reviews, as an interactive movie; this doesnt do it any justice at all however. You move around with the left analogue stick, and the right stick is used to carry out different actions when youre near enough to certain objects. This is perhaps where the description of an interactive movie comes in; quite often, certain items can only be interacted with once you have completed a previous action, which can make it feel like youre just moving about triggering off cut scenes to watch the story unfold. However, there are (supposedly) many ways to complete the different scenarios; I really need to play again before I will have an idea as to how accurate a description this is, but it definitely sounds promising. I can think of a couple of places where I could have done something differently, so Id like to see what bearing it would have had on the story if I had chosen another path. The story is really the heart of Fahrenheit; you play through the game as several characters all at the same time, and get to influence each of their stories by the decisions you make. These decisions can be anything, from choosing a certain option in conversations (convos have a time limit, and you can never pick all of the topics for conversation in one go, so directing the patter is important if you want to find out the best information) to hanging around in a room for a while to see if someone will knock on your door. The different scenarios available are so seamlessly integrated, however, that you can only very rarely discern where or how your actions have influenced the game. This is very masterful, and a far cry from something like Knights of the Old Republic with its good/bad choices. Rather than actually have beat-em-up sections and so on, the game is interspersed with QTE sections that have you moving the analogue sticks to correspond with onscreen prompts. These are never too hard (except at one point where you had to hammer the triggers for an agonising length of time that almost paralysed my hands), and keep the story flowing. Fans of action games may be disappointed though, as youre never really pushed in terms of dexterity. Having said that though, there are several sections of the game that are timed, and hence which are incredibly tense; luckily, the timers are perfectly gauged, and while you will have to move quickly, I found that the sections never felt unfair. So, Ill guess Ill wrap up this rather lengthy post by saying that I thoroughly enjoyed the 8 hours or so I spent playing this game through, and am keen to get back to playing it again to see what I could do differently. Its the first game to truly grab me away from World of Warcraft in a long time. Kudos, Quantic Dream. ________ Bond Insurance Forum
Wow. I wasnt expecting the game to be long at all (you are meant to play it numerous times after all), but even so it was longer than I thought it would be, and the story consistently gripping. Im about to play it for the second time to do things a bit differently. Im not sure that the different play throughs will affect "everything" as I have seen claimed, but hopefully I will be able to see new scenarios that I didnt encounter the first time through. It also has some of the best unlockables I have ever seen in a game ________ XLV750R