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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. Yeah, I was already aware wasps don't spawn online, so I was wondering what you were on about. Though even if they did, you saw I was prepared haha.
  2. Snooty making coconut juice. I'll be over a little bit later @Aneres11!
  3. Gate is open again. I'm AFK for a bit.
  4. Let me know when you're coming, I just lost my connection (so the gate's closed i think). Plus I have some visits planned myself.
  5. gate is still open, same code. Dodo = N7XGB Gate is open normally Chops is done, but now Stu is making a stack of books, I really wanted that one. Also to the right, first house past the bridge. it's also Renée's birthday. I'm AFK.
  6. Need it? No. it's the same as collecting fish and bugs to me, collecting is one of the main goals in AC. So I collect stuff: simply for collecting's sake for trading to have more options at Harv's Ultimately to have more options for interior decorating It's why I only recently started decorating my house, I only recently had enough stuff to experiment with at Harv's to see what I'd like and want.
  7. Then you're not doing it well enough. No seriously, I go shop at other people's islands to get stuff, including variants, and I bought lots of stuff from Ables as well, which is not as useful for trading, but I still like to collect it. Once I've done a bit more work on my island, I'll hold a clothes market and give them away.
  8. Haha, yeah, but I like to collect literally everything. My inventory is full. But I'll do something about that soon.
  9. Yeah like I said, you probably have several 100000s of iron worth, not even taking into account the other stuff, which to me is still a significant amount. But the main reason to sell for me would be to free up space.
  10. I was saying I can trade you a piano if you still want it. I have a black and a white one. if you want the brown one, you're out of luck.
  11. No it's Chops making it. Take the path to the right. It's the house farthest to the right.
  12. Used a dodo code to potentially let some other people in. dodo = N7XGB
  13. Does anyone want a golden helmet recipe?
  14. Large spikes left and right.. I'm still on track for a large spike Friday afternoon in case someone misses all these.
  15. Nopes. I have 5 million+, since I always buy 4850 turnips at max. 1 full inventory, and 850 as a "tradition". So I was usually just selling 1 full inventory if I went to someone else, and I missed a few weeks. Money wasn't as important in the beginning. It's useful to me now, now everyone has upgraded shops, and I have max inventory space. I want to keep a few million reserve as I suspect there will be another house upgrade in a future update, the rest I spend on furniture, and I still need to do some building moving and incline / bridge building. And what I said, to me at least, inventory space is more important.. So everything unwanted I would just sell. My Nook is closer than my house in most cases, so to me that's actually quicker.
  16. That was one of the first levels to give me trouble I think, though I think I was playing normal. Took me a while to learn how to protect the weaker units from the flying monsters.
  17. Yeah, I'm also at that point. Though the golden slingshot is the only golden tool I have, I think I'll stop making it, as I don't actually have and get that much gold, so it seems just a waste. Currently using a normal one again. I do not have enough gold to craft every recipe requiring it. That said though, why aren't you selling your materials? You're sitting on a goldmine there, pun intended. Selling iron in those quantities is going to make you quite some money. I used to hoard the crafting materials, but also found out I don't use that much (if you keep crafting your new recipes), and they take up more space. I sold most of it after seeing I actually need that space for other stuff. I still keep some materials spare for new recipes.
  18. It seems it's cancelled due to weather conditions.. New attempt on Saturday.
  19. I'm not an expert, and I only casually follow some news, but NASA and SpaceX are launching the first commercial manned shuttle to ISS tonight. Seems to be quite a historic event in the making. I think it's 21:33 UK. Watch live:
  20. My CE is on its way (from France), but I'm definitely not playing it next week.
  21. We are one, the digital film festival, released their program. http://www.weareoneglobalfestival.com/ Good thing to note is, that as far as I can tell, despite being digital, they wil emulate the festival feel by having screenings at set times. So if there's something you'd like to see, take not of the date and time it's playing. Their youtube channel may be a bit easier to check as they convert the times automatically it seems. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChMc3c7Xvv6ol1Zv47Ja39A I know what I'll be doing, and it's not playing Xenoblade Chronicles. Though it's annoying the festival takes place right at the time cinemas are re-opening here.
  22. you mean the round crafted one? I'll check.. I think I actually do. Otherwise I can craft it for you. edit: yeah I have one.
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