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Everything posted by thebenmaster

  1. I haven't read all the posts on this thread because i got annoyed too quickly. I don't see how anyone with a decent level of scientific knowledge can believe such a so called 'theory' like creationism can have any credibility. Firstly i hate calling it a theory because it is just a literal (or conservative) interpretation of the creation story in the Bible, 'theory' suggests it has some kind of rational basis, but i haven't any knowledge what could be a rational basis in the creation story. Belief in God is a belief in that beyond which can be proven, i.e. irrational. (if anyone wants to criticise that please submit a proof for the existence of God) Now to get all philosophical on your asses. The common idea of God is an omnisceint, omnipotent, benevolent being than which nothing greater can exist. He creates man and the universe (garden of eden if you so believe) in the knowledge that original sin will dam mankind for all eternity, man will fall from eden and be thrust into a world full of evils and suffering. But wait! If God knows he is forcing mankind to endure horrific suffering (war, natural disasters, etc.) how can he be all loving??? Maybe he didnt know what would happen or maybe he couldnt make the world a different, better way. However you look at creationism it seems the creator is either heartless and doesnt care about its creation; wasnt a good enough creator to get rid of evils; or just made the world to see how it panned out. Either way the modern and classical monotheistic idea of God collapses hence leaving creationists all upset because they got it wrong and are just clinging to meaningless and illogical statements.
  2. Hehe i knew you'd get all pissy at me:bouncy:
  3. The Bard: Wakes up in the morning wondering how he got back to his bedroom last night as all he can remember is GUINESS and the phrase 'don't you just hate people'. He then discerns whether it is a week day or the weekend. During the week he gets out of bed, sticks on the cube playing smash bros muttering to himself 'must beat Ben, must beat Ben' as he knows when he gets into school Ben will have his cube with him and they shall play smash alllllll day and if he loses to Ben he will be mightily pissed off as he thinks himself pro at games and cannot handle the mental strain of losing, yet he does lose and publicly expresses his hate for Ben and relying on the line 'samus's missiles are cheap' to console himself. However, if swayed by onlookers to play double dash (the more popular game at school) he gives his excuse for losing before he even has done, something like 'its the most broken mario kart game and i hate playing it because it requires no skill', he fails to see that video games are often played for fun. He then goes on to lose against people inferior to him at other games. He becomes sad. He leaves school hating everyone and wishing he had some GUINESS or even better some jaegermeister in which he could drown his sorrows of losing to n00bs. If neither is available he sticks on his cube playing smash bros muttering to himself 'must beat Ben, must beat Ben'. If it were the weekend this is a different story, he gets out of bed sticks on 3rd strike muttering to himself 'must beat Ben, must beat Ben' as he knows Ben will probably come over to play 3rd strike and he must beat Ben otherwise he will be sad and angry and declare his hate for Ben. When he loses to Ben he becomes enraged: cursing and throwing things around/at Ben. He comes up with the great excuse 'I'm playing with an arcade stick which is harder to play with than a controller so i'm still better than you'. Ben offers to swap, he declines saying he has lost the ability to play with a controller because of his excessive use of his arcade stick. After a hard day of gaming Ben returns home content at beating The Bard approximatley half of the matches. The Bard sits at home hating Ben because he cannot handle losing a single match and hating everyone else purely because they exist. His house being devoid of alcohol he lies in bed and watches scrubs and/or stargate SG1 untill the early hours of the morning to make himself feel better, writing down quotes so he can learn them so the next time he sees Ben he can confuse him with Jafa language or Dr. Coxisms. Repeat untill dead.
  4. Just get pro at that then, i know i will....... try.
  5. I can see it now.......... EVO 2011(ish), the grand final of 3rd strike: teh_bard(Ken) vs teh_benmaster(Ryu) sigh, if only eh?
  6. Crazy phone It was a rather humerous commentary too ............ well talking in the background
  7. That was pretty good. Frickin amazing Falcon play with the knee combo zomg! Ice climbers were a bit n00bish though it took time for them to get that last kill. You figure out why its all backwards?
  8. You don't watch enough pure pwnage:laughing:
  9. To be truly pro, you must pwn all games.
  10. Since this video ive learnt how to combo the shin shoryuken quite effectively, normally a couple of weak hits leading into it a bam, half health just disappears. It'd be cool to see some of your videos if you have any. We already are much better than that video and we will get better still just give us some time:heh:
  11. You're a dick bard why did you only put up the vid of where i play awful on, why not put the others on where they are actually fun to watch and i don't play like a fucking n00b! grrr
  12. oh im supposed to know all this stuff cos i have mod4 chemistry on tuesday! i thought normally its an anime but if theres more than one functional group you can call amino-whatevertherestis. But the nerdiest thing i've done is revise for mod4 physics which is monday
  13. NES: super mario bros SNES: street fighter 2 turbo Mastersystem: sonic the hedgehog Megadrive: The story of Thor GB: LoZ:Link's awakening GBC: Super mario bros deluxe GBA: Castlevania- circle of the moon (though it doesnt say that on my version::shrug: ) N64: LoZ: Ocarina of time Dreamcast: Marvel vs Capcom PSX: Metal gear solid PS2: Tekken 5 Gamecube: Super smash bros melee DS: Metroid prime hunters Wii: LoZ: Twilight Princess PC: Counterstrike source
  14. People are jealous because thats the most awesome pimpmobile ever! i wonder if i could make my citroen AX that awesome.........
  15. I agree with you buddy but i recall beating you the last mitsurugi vs nightmare round, you are nolonger unbeatable :p chavs play GTA?? Aw shucks that means i cant play it anymore otherwise ill be a chav:cry:
  16. I went out with a girl for a while that I had loads in common with: similar music taste, subjects taste, and other stuff. But it didn't work. We ended up being ''just friends''. I went out with a different girl for a while too who i don't think i had anything in common with, but she was fit. That ended a lot worse............... names were called........... and basically i told her to f**k off. So i think i need to find someone in the middle.
  17. 'its a small world after all.......' etc Coincdence??? I think not. I myelf was brought here by a dark stranger with long hair. Freaky
  18. I still won, but we seriously have to try that when we are drunk.
  19. There should be competitions of downing drinks like that:p
  20. But it will be easier on the thumbs doing hadoukens and shoryukens playing street fighter 2 turbo
  21. Virtual console Wifi : peace:
  22. (sigh) Talking about humankinds superiority seems kind of pointless to me its only by product of evolution that we have developed such an intellect, so its just random chance. We exploit animals and the rest of the planets resources for that matter because we can too bad the people who can do something about it are too greedy to stop and consider the bigger picture in which we all die....... eventually...... somehow. I'm not plaeased by animal testing and the practices that happen in it, but until we develop a better way of doing it its all we have to develop new drugs for medicine, etc. So just accept that it happens and be happy or sad about it.
  23. Well isnt this quite the ethical debate eh? It seems to me that the bard holds quite the strong opinion agaisnt it and everyone seems to be generally against him::shrug: I think people should consider a few moral systems rather than just being like: accept my opinion as the right one now!!! Everyone has a vague idea what utilitarianism is 'the greatest good for the greatest number' put simply, however it is really to do with the consequences of actions and applying this to animal testing gives the following: the duration of the pleasure of patients who receive drugs tested on animals is obviously quite significant because they don't die and so this pleasure is also probably quite intense. Sed person surviving leads to a pure and extensive pleasure because the family is in turn happy their relative is not dead, ill etc. So at face value it seems animal testing is morally acceptable as it leads to great pleasure of humans. Most ethicists who follow systems such as this do not even factor in animals becuase they lack the intelligence to be moral agents and so cannot effectively be part of a moral system. Put of course moral systems like utilitarianism are a load of codswollop because they are confusing and no-one really gives a dam. People are more swung by traditional beliefs of culture, religion, family, etc. The practice of the virtues, things which people generally see as 'good' things is an old tradition going back to Aristotle (quite far back). The pain inflicted onto animals is not a virtue so a 'bad' thing to do, you kick a dog or cat in the street do you? (Well i seriously hope not you sick bastards). Since there a so many religious people in the world it would be unfair of me to not include some religious points that will enrich your lives oh so much. In the monotheistic tradition there is the common idea that mankind is the steward of God's creation. So by killing animals we are not taking care of His creation so all you animal testers are going to burn in Hell! So i think i can safely say that no one can say whether it is right or wrong and achieve anything in doing so. If you're against it go out and protest and don't buy perfume or medicine, etc. If you are for it go buy shares in a company or something. Frankly i dont care because you or i or anyone else aint gonna change a thing. So in conclusion BOOOOOOM HEADSHOT MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. these days buddy there aint much difference btw shudnt u be going to watch it now?
  25. ive found the local pessimist in you rokhed00 ......... .........you rok :P doctor who was okay but indeed disapointing considering all the hype it got
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