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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. My sisters off to Dublin this weekend for a cook-off as part of her job, she's been before. It's expensive, but a nice place all the same.
  2. Wow, a quick round indeed Votes (as they stand) Jon Dedede - DuD, Peeps (3) DuD - Jon Dedede (1) 4 players, majority is 3 People were suspicious, there were two Asari on the Normandy. One had to be bad, and with Liara deceased there was only one left. The Alliance confronted the remaining Asari and arrested them upon arrival back on the Citadel Samara has been arrested, Jon Dedede is no longer in the game. The last Matriarch in the known galaxy, you offer your services to anyone who requires them. Your skills are second to none. You are an asari, so have the power to mind-read those who you touch. Nothing will stand in your way to achieve your goals, even killing your own daughter to protect the galaxy is in your nature. You have 2 powers to choose from on each night, you must choose 1 per night. 1: Become untargetable (from everything) and track a target. 2: If you are targeted you will reflect their ability back to the player. You will be informed of what happens What was his alliance, well it was Town With the latest arrest, the remaining crew reported to Alliance HQ for the information on Shepards death. Night begings, get them votes in. Due to end Midnight tomorrow Alive @@Jon Dedede Cube Yvonne Mr-Paul Ganepark32 Rummy Sheikah Aqui1a Nintendohnut
  3. I've got many moments of gaming greatness, including catching the Hylian Loach, completing Goldeneye in 00-Agent mode (*the cheaty and non-cheaty methods) and getting all Jiggies in Banjo Kazooie. Even getting 100% in Ocarina was an achievement, again cheated first time for the Gold Skulltulas** but did it again without cheating. And of course, i've 100%'d dozens of games over the years. But i suppose my greatest gaming achievement would be unlocking absolutly everything there was to unlock in Soul Calibur II. I spent hours upon hours playing that game, earning credits and doing all possible paths and all possible battles there were to do. I think it was in my Gamecube for months whilst i was getting everything. Some of them battles were tough as nuts to do, had to buy a new controller because i broke the "A" button and Control stick(s) from playing too hard. So when i finally got the last level and item unlocked, i felt a sense of completion run through me like i've not felt before. *I recall seeing in N64 Magazine (memories) they printed codes to get the cheats and in-game cheats which didn't affect completing each level, so you got the "Mission Complete" message. First time doing Goldeneye, i did it with these codes. ** Again, in N64 Magazine, they said the Skulltula in the hidden hole outside Hyrule Castle could be collected many times as a Child. Simply by throwing the boomerang to collect the Token and backflipping into the teleport just as the Token came to you.
  4. Fair-do's.
  5. Banjo Toothie??? I'll get my coat
  6. @dan\-likes\-trees, I know i got a code for Xbox Live at home, came with Tomb Raider. If @Hero\-of\-Time hasn't got one, i will be able to give you the code.
  7. Votes (as they stand) Jon Dedede - DuD (1) DuD - Jon Dedede (1) 4 players, majority is 3
  8. Cheers, will remember for future. Anywho The crew spent the day in Omega, Garrus went to see Aria but had to leave as she thought he was "Arcangel". Quite a few others were not seen all night. It was looking to be a non-eventful night. Liara, the Asari Protheon expert was on-board the Normandy sending some messages out to various sources. She left around 9pm and headed into the Black Market to pick up some supplies she had ordered. This was a bad move, because once again she, like many others, was ambushed and both legs were broken. But as she was on-board a space station, it was impossible to launch her into space. So she was dragged to a Skeever pit and thrown in. She wasn't found until morning, and it was too late to save her. Liara T’Soni is dead, Cube is no longer in the game Liara, an Asari who is now the Shadow Broker. Your information is vital to whoever requires the services. You are an all seeing, all doing character. Your knowledge of Protheon relics and their life is 2nd to none. You are also the Shadow Broker Your role and Powers - As you are the Shadow Broker, you have the role of an Investigator. On odd days, you can gain knowledge on location and whom they targeted. On even nights, you find out what power your target has. An optional power, you can pass on information regarding your investigation to another player. Your win condition, pass on the information to Javik before he is lynched/killed. You are neutral and you have a double vote. She was Neutral Some interesting CCTV footage was found, showing the late Shepard, Liara and Javik With Liara now dead, the remaining crew boarded the Normandy and headed back to the Citadel. The Alliance had summond them as they had some information on the deaths of Shepard and Co that needed to be aired. Alive @DuD @Jon Dedede @The Peeps @Magnus Peterson Deceased @Cube Yvonne Mr-Paul Ganepark32 Rummy Sheikah Aqui1a Nintendohnut 4 players left, majority is now 3. Day begins now, due to end Midnight Thursday
  9. @Murr, suppose it's lucky i didn't record RAW this week, got a few things i need to catch-up on tonight. Probably a good thing really.
  10. Are they, that's bad.
  11. Votes (as they are) Yvonne - Magnus Peterson, Jon Dedede, DuD, Peeps (5) Jon Dedede - Yvonne (1) Majority is Reached Someone ran out of credits in Omega. Nowhere left to hide, the crew surrounded the master assassin Kasumi and handed her over to Alliance personell for a little interview. This time, there were questions that needed to be answered. Kazumi Goto was arrested, Yvonne is no longer in the game Master of the shadows, you lurk there waiting for the right price to be offered. You do the task which is asked, no questions. You are wanted by a few clans/colonies for your actions over the years. But alas no-one can find you to bring you to justice. Even faking your own death to escape the clutches is not out of your reach. You have 3 powers to choose from on each night, you must choose 1 per night. 1: Become untargetable and track a target. 2: If you are targeted you will reflect their ability back to the player. You will be informed of what happens. 3: You Pick 2 targets. Anyone who targets your first choice will get target 2 and visa-versa He was a member of the Mafia!!! Another good day for the crew, so they chose to celebrate in the Disco for the evening. Night begins, due to end 11pm Tuesday night Alive @DuD @Jon Dedede @Cube @The Peeps @Magnus Peterson Deceased @Yvonne Mr-Paul Ganepark32 Rummy Sheikah Aqui1a Nintendohnut
  12. Taker has practically said that he wants Punk to end the streak, but in the light of the death of Paul Bearer, i'd say hold off the end-of streak until next year. The way it's going, Punk claims to be the best in the world. Taker respects Punk and has said in the locker "he's the one to end the streak". So who knows.
  13. That was painfull to watch (England-Italy). They need to shape up before facing Wales, otherwise game over.
  14. Votes (as they are) Yvonne - Magnus Peterson, Jon Dedede (2) Jon Dedede - Yvonne (1) Majority is 4 (6 players)
  15. Picked this up on Friday, just started playing it today. All i can say is wow, it's good so far. I agree with people, this is an early GOTY candidate. It's only my 2nd Tomb Raider game, 1st being II on the PS1.
  16. The night was spent by various people wandering around trying to find someone with no luck. A few notes were left around advising people to go here, there and everywhere. The next day, the Normandy left Eden Prime after stocking supplies in the colony. The next destination, the Omega system. Heading towards the Mass relay, they had to refuel before heading through. So a quick stop was made to the fuel station. Jacob Taylor, ex-cerburus was placed in charge of refueling the ship. Just as the fuel was finished being loaded onboard, he unclipped the fuel pipe. As he was doing this, he was ambushed. In a very similar method to that of Javik and Wrex, he was left with 2 broken legs and screaming in pain. But, unlike Javik who was loaded into an escape pod, Jacob was put in a spacesuit and ejected into space. As he was floating in space, he tried to radio the Normandy. Instead of getting Joker as he would normally do, he got a strange message. "Congratulations, you are about to become the first man to travel inter-galactic with no ship". As the message ended, he felt a surge of power hit him. Looking back, he saw the Mass Relay was pulling him in. Before he could say anything, he was gone. Who knows where. Jacob Taylor has vanished/died, Mr-Paul is no longer in the game. Ex-Cerburus agent, having left them after the events of II. You are Jacob Taylor, a specialist in hand weaponry. You helped out in getting other ex-Cerburus to help in the Reaper invasion with the alliance. You are thankful to the alliance for helping you in your time of need. Your power/role is as follows – Target Swap Reflector. You pick 2 targets, whomever targets your first choice gets choice 2 and visa versa. Or you can choose 1 target and reflect the power back onto themselves. Only one choice per night. He was Town A short tribute video was made for the late Jacob Taylor by the crew from old CCTV footage. With the demise of Jacob, the Normandy passed through the Mass relay and into the Omega system. The ship soon docked with Omega itself. Let the fun begin. Alive @@Mr\-Paul Ganepark32 Rummy Sheikah Aqui1a Nintendohnut 6 players, majority is now 4. Day due to end 6pm Tuesday
  17. Votes - As they stand Yvonne - Magnus Peterson (1) Ganepark32 - Yvonne, DuD. Jon Dedede, Peeps (5) Majority is 5 The crew of the Normandy were on a mission. 3 members of the crew were killed and they were no closer to finding out who killed Shepard. They had their eyes set on one person, they were quickly surrounded and taken to the Normandy on-board prision suite. Ganepark32 is no longer in the game, he was Miranda Lawson Ex-Cerburus agent. You, along with Jacob left Cerburus after the events of II. Unlike Jacob, you have been hiding in the shadows hunting your sister and trying to protect her from the Illusive Man. Since the Illusive Man died at the hands of Shepard, you have come out of the shadows once more to aid those who need help. But something kept drawing you back to the shadows, because that’s where you felt comfortable. Your power and role – You are a roleblocker, you can roleblock anyone and prevent them from reaching their target for the night. This can only be prevented if a protector targets your target. As a bonus, you can intercept information from your target if they have anything on them regarding their target. This action is only available if your target has information, otherwise it’s just a roleblock. He was a member of the Mafia With the latest arrest, the crew were back on track as they landed on Eden Prime to deliver supplies before heading to Omega Alive @DuD @Jon Dedede @Cube @The Peeps @Magnus Peterson @Yvonne @Mr-Paul Deceased @Ganepark32 Rummy Sheikah Aqui1a Nintendohnut Night begins, due to end 5pm Sunday. Get them targets in.
  18. Oh look, it's going like Windows has. Universal on all devices. Not saying i don't like it, or not. Only time will tell if thats the case.
  19. Votes - As they stand Yvonne - Magnus Peterson, Jon Dedede (2) Ganepark32 - Yvonne, DuD (2) Majority is 5
  20. Votes - As they stand Yvonne - Magnus Peterson, Jon Dedede (2) Ganepark32 - Yvonne (1) Majority is 5
  21. After what would seem to be an eventful day which led to the arrest of Ashley Williams, everyone had gone about their business. The Normandy was fueled and left the Citadel with everyone on board for the mission to Eden Prime. The pilot was in the medilab having his leg looked at, and notes were passed around. Some of the crew wandered around, and one in particular was caught calibrating. Javik, the last living Protheon in existance who was rescued from Eden Prime by the late Commander Shepard was wandering around giving advice to various members of the crew on what life was like 50,000 years ago. He was saying how primitive we seem to be compared to his race. During the conversation, he was given a note to go to the lower deck. Of which he obliged and went. When he arrived, the lights were off except for one in the middle of the room. He wandered into the light, big mistake. He was jumped the minute his foot entered the light. In a similar method to Wrex, both legs were snapped and he was thrown around the room like a rag doll. Then, as quick as the jump, he was dragged to one of the shuttles. Thrown in and the door locked behind him. The shuttle was launched into space. Javik tried to radio the Normandy, but the radio was jammed. It headed to the nearest planet where it crashed onto the surface. No-one survived. Javik is dead - Rummy is no longer in the game. The last Protheon alive, you were awoken on Eden Prime soon after the Reapers arrived. As a Protheon, you know all about the technology of the past. You worked with Liara by providing her intel into the past with accurate insights into what the Reapers did when they arrived and how you and the Protheons tried to hold them back. Your power and role – You are a roleblocker, you can roleblock anyone and prevent them from reaching their target for the night. This can only be prevented if a protector targets your target. He was a member of the Town With the latest death, the crew were on edge. Alive @DuD @Jon Dedede @Cube @The Peeps @Ganepark32 @Magnus Peterson @Yvonne @Mr-Paul Deceased @Rummy Sheikah Nintendohnut Aqui1a Majority is now 5, day due to end 6pm Saturday Let the Fun begin.......again!!!
  22. Like others have said, you can play III without playing Revelations. Not saying to not play it, it's decent but Ubi were running out of ideas for Ezio.
  23. Birthday wishes, have a good day.
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