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Everything posted by Guyver

  1. Guyver


    So i'm guessing the ending credits are also missing in the pal version of okami too right?
  2. I think you need a Tri wing Screwdriver to open it. Yeah like what Ash said, your best place to get one is on ebay.
  3. Good thing that you can go back to the Mp3 version of the Photo Channel. Read below taken from the Nintendo Site.
  4. No the disk swap does not work, the time in which you change disk is vastly shortened. So its impossible to change that fast.
  5. I was wondering does everyone's wii clock have the AM and PM showing??? Mine doesn't show it, just in 24 hours clock. I've seen some screen shots from others and its show the AM, PM. Or is it only the US has it??
  6. haha yeah i was wondering did they make a mistake on billy's photo description:smile:
  7. There are some online store that are selling at £22.99 - shopto/choiceuk;)
  8. OMG look at these screenshots!! Some are new. Nice reflections of Samus's face^
  9. If you used quidco as well you get another 5% off:)
  10. Probably at E3 July
  11. You mean the trailer?? its here http://www.ffccnews.jp/2007/05/85.html just click the image to start it
  12. haha, that would be very interesting to read
  13. Its 9.53am in japan and still no update
  14. Yeah pedrocasilva is right. The Saturn was a powerful machine as it uses quadrilaterals to make the polygons instead of triangles. Heres the video ~Shenmue - Saturn version Yu Suzuki once said "One very fast central processor would be preferable. I don't think that all programmers have the ability to program two CPUs - most can only get about one-and-a-half times the speed you can get from one SH-2. I think only one out of 100 programmers is good enough to get that kind of speed [double] out of the Saturn." I'm sure Square-Enix wasn't expecting the wii to do so well, probably their next annoucements will have a few more titles for the wii.
  15. Actually AM2 has touched upon the Gamecube, remember Beach Spikers. Fun game.
  16. i'm afraid we do need to pay for our own postage and packaging. Last time i had to pay to send my DS in for repairs.
  17. Yeah same here, I got so fustrated with the dam level. Those electric weed kept killing me.
  18. For homebrew
  19. Not really, but needs some practice :awesome: on the disk swapping part. Make sure to change before the blue light comes on. I'm glad this trick allows you to bootup the old version of Action replay, save me buying the new version
  20. Yes it actually works, i tried it on my pal wii 2.1E. This trick was discovered by Dolqube at maxconsole.net It allows you to boots up your imports and the old version of freeloader/Action replay. He also got import wii games to work, but he hasn't released any info yet on how to do it. Dolqube's disc trick| ------------------TUTORIAL------------------------- 1. put an original gc game into the wii. 2. hover the remote over the start button. 3. press the eject button. 4. press start at last second. ie. before the button is disabled 5. swap discs really fast .ie get it started before blue light comes on. 6. away we go AR and imports. note: AR not needed for imports http://forums.maxconsole.net/showthread.php?t=51099
  21. Yeah my old pc usb and ps2 composite used to do that as well, the small voltage coming out of it feels as if a small needle just poked you.
  22. quick play. com have wii in stock!!! Edit: yeah its all sold out now.
  23. Yeah , hope they fix that in the future updates. Mine sometimes stops at the message screen "Connecting, please wait...." So annoying.
  24. So after the updated firmware, does it still allow changing of the country setting and purchase cheaper wii points?? Then changing it back to purchase your own country vc games?
  25. If you have other computers connected to the router, make sure its not downloading anything e.g bittorrents,
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