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Everything posted by UziT

  1. I just bought one :/
  2. Thank you good sir, puts me at ease!
  3. Question! Is this going to be a limited ralease? I am getting a 3DS for Birthday in September and was going to wait until then to get it, but my mate just told me its going to be limited so I should snap it up early?
  4. Gutted about Scholes, up their with my idols with Becks and Giggs.
  5. Not my top 10 but a few of my most wanted this year! Bioshock Infinite Gears of War 3 Zelda: Skyward Sword Skyrim Guild Wars 2 Crytek's Kingdom for 360 Hopefully a first party game for 360.
  6. Same here! I was reading a article somewhere saying its coming out tomorrow. Will post a link if I can find it again.
  7. I have a Hitachi DVD drive 360 and I already get some disk read errors! When's the update due?
  8. Carlo Ancelotti pre-match: "I don't want to put pressure on the referee. Howard Webb is a fantastic referee." Oh well.
  9. Sounds good! I didn't like Resi 5 because of Shiva, kinda ruined it for me but loved Resi 4! Will defo pick the original up soon then.
  10. Been away from gaming too long song I thought I pick this up for my return game! £8.99 off Amazon!
  11. Decided to play some Xbox after a good few months! Popped in Halo ODST and finished it over two days, quite enjoyed! Ordered Halo Reach and Alan Wake that should tide me over for a few weeks and then will get Mortal Kombat. Was also looking to get Dead Space 2, you think I should play Dead Space before it?
  12. Fairplay to Sir Alex he did come out and say that Vidic was lucky and I agree with the Upson pen, was very harsh!
  13. Woke up this morning to line up at Bullring ring but was too ill with ear ache, sore throat, aching limbs...fml. But ordered from Currys online 3-5 days, better then 3-4 weeks Apple website is saying :|
  14. Super super excited about this, before the trailer I was super excited but now after it I am super super excited. Dont know if anyone has asked but what platform will you get it on? I enjoyed Elder Scrolls Oblivion and Morrowind more on the PC the the 360/Xbox!
  15. Happy birthday Dudes!! x
  16. UziT

    Fast 5

    Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson <3
  17. Damn my sore throat keeping me away from the game! Been ill since Cata launched and only got to 81 so far
  18. Got mine at 10 and went back to bed, have a nasty sore throat boo!
  19. Same! Wotlk was smoooth, went to howling fjord, killed some wolfs and loved it. <3 Bring on tomorrow! (Hopefully game is stable)
  20. No sign of parcelfarce so far.
  21. I've just got my e-mail despatch e-mail for the despatch of my game. Just check out the tracking number and its being sent via 'Express 24'
  22. Same here, and I will actually cry!
  23. You have the chance when we play you at Old Trafford on the 13th December. <3
  24. my battle net iiis uzit88 at googlemail dot com! <3
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