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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. Messing with the brightness and contrast of the underground pic makes it slightly more clearer. I've, err, done this one for you, so you can have a look. Wonder if a dragon lives down there or something. You never know... And yay for Fire Emblem updates! And all that speculation on the castle flags to determine the specific Fire Emblem game gone to waste, eh.
  2. That Aether skill should be useful. In Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance it allowed you to do two special strikes. The first strike, Sol, was like a regular strike, but you recovered health from the damage you caused, whilst the second strike, Luna, caused double damage as it cut the enemy's defence. Was pretty awesome, being able to attack and recover at the same time. And that Ragnell sword of his allows him to attack at a distance too, which should be quite helpful as well.
  3. Complete win has come this day. This update makes Sprout one happy chappy.
  4. Ah well, I'll just put it in text form. Anywho, you seemed to have improvified yours, so upscale that 8 to a 9/10. Just seems a bit dark in the centre is all.
  5. A good effort, and better than the Mario one you had previously. Though something doesn't seem right about it to me. The background kinda has an icy feel to it to me, when it should be more, I dunno, heavenly or angelic. I'm not sure what can be done to give it that feel, but try and experiment a bit. 8/10
  6. Phwoar, massive attack there. Pit's basically being disintegrated there. Ouch! Like others have said, ZS Samus will probably be selectable in the same method as Sheik was, and ZS Samus' Final Smash will have her transform back into Samus in some way. Maybe. While nothing is 100% certain, people are assuming it's Dolua Castle from Fire Emblem 1 and 3, the games that Marth appeared in. If this is the case, Marth will be playable from the get go for sure.
  7. Right, well, managed to get three red lights today somehow. Well, for a brief moment at least, it won't red light again now for some reason. Anywho, I've made the call and they're gonna send the box and stuff so they can repair it. Does anyone know how long this whole repair process takes?
  8. Yes, it's a rather odd question, but hear me out here. Basically, my 360 is busted in a sense that it won't play my games properly. Some get errors, and some simply won't play at all, and since this is the case with all the games, I figure it's my 360 that's the problem. Anywho, I ring up that customer service place and they tell me that it'd cost £80 to repair it, but if I get the three red lights they'll be able to fix it for free. So now I'm on a quest to get three red lights. And, err, any help would be appreciated.
  9. Probably the best looking stage so far in my books. The platform seems to move to the left and right of the stage as well by the looks of it. Maybe Mr. Resetti will appear to kick your ass if you reset whilst playing this stage .
  10. So, err, anyone else notice DK in that Smash Bros. teaser we got? http://gametrailers.com/player/21541.html He's there around 00:45. Yay and stuff I guess.
  11. Cool update. Giga Bowser looks so awesome. "I'VE GOT A HOSTAGE!" Hmm, wonder if Ganondorf will transform into Ganon.
  12. Yay for Bowser returning. I feel the need to see him in a pic with Mario though, to see how they look together. Useless comparison pic ahoy! Regarding Assist Trophies and Pokémon, whilst the Pokémon themselves will probably be unable to be assist characters, there's still the chance of other characters. Like Professor Oak for example, who could toss out Poké Balls like Chansey, and these Poké Balls would only contain Starter Pokémon and their evolutions.
  13. Nah, he's clearly referring to me. Nice vocabulary there Bard. Though I might take you more seriously without the profanities. Anywho, I don't see the problem with preferring Roy over Marth. Sure, Marth might be a higher tier'd character, but I personally prefer Roy. I don't see the harm in having such a preference, but I guess that since you say that I'm retarded for having such an opinion, then I've clearly gone wrong somewhere in liking on character over the other, despite the so called inferiority.
  14. Well, it can be fun for you and numerous others, but there are also many who find it more fun without those techniques, myself included. I can base my opinion on the fact that I too have spent many an hour playing with "advanced" techniques, and to me, it's just not as good. Good job we have friend lists, as unfortunately, I predict that ranked matches will involve a large amount of advanced techniques. Myself? I think I'll stick to four player, items, and using Roy, not Marth.
  15. Ooh! RedShell has the same TV as mine. Err, will probably order this next week. Didn't get the GCN version, so may as well get it now I guess.
  16. Hmm, seems VS Mode has been renamed Multiplayer. Wonder if that means we're gonna see more than just your standard VS battles. Loving the brighter interface anyhow . Wonder why they didn't opt to using Miis for names.
  17. Emasher: Pretty good, but be careful with that outer and inner glow. Kinda looks like Link's feet have been cut off . 7/10. Kingdamion: Very nice. It's good seeing sigs from contributors other than Fresh*. 9/10 *As a side note, no, I'm not a Fresh hater.
  18. We just had a blackout over here. My town has become an island. Help, I can't swim very well!
  19. Think my favourite Melee stage was Onett. Don't hit me, the music pulled me in! Whilst I enjoyed the Pokémon Stadium stage, I feel it would be nice to have a Pokémon stage that's actually based on one of the games, similar to how they had Saffron City in the original SSB. Perhaps an arena involving that XD001 Lugia, or Mt Battle, which would kinda be like Icicle Mountain. Don't hit me again, I'm just making suggestions!
  20. Not a good update by any means, but better to have this particular update early on I suppose. And is it me, or has Mario become a better jumper? That Super Jump Punch of his looks like it can cover a lot more distance than it did in Melee.
  21. Well, It's a Fresh sig, so there isn't really much you can do but give it high marks. 9.5/10. I have the feeling the "Fallen Angel" text would be better positioned in the top right of the image. Nice work as usual. I'd appreciate if someone could rate these signatures for me. It's just a little something I've been working on.
  22. By the looks of it that cracker launcher is gonna be very powerful, but will stop characters from using their usual attacks. The firearm version of the hammer if you will. Also, how is Pikachu gonna hold that cracker launcher ?
  23. Looks like a minor update today, now we can use rapid fire weapons such as the Super Scope (confirmed as a returning item. Glee!) whilst moving and jumping. It makes me wonder, will this apply to special moves such as Fox's blaster as well? How in the heck is Wario shooting with that thing without pulling the trigger?! I wouldn't be surprised if Kirby's final smash works on more than one player. His chef ability in the games allowed him to grab every enemy on screen, cook 'em and eat 'em to regain full health. It is likely that each victim in Kirby's final smash will take some damage (perhaps 50% maybe) aswell. I imagine Kirby's final smash will be quite deadly indeed.
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