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Everything posted by Emasher

  1. do not speak those words!
  2. mario kart super surcut on gba my second was super mario advance (smb 2) and i sucked and still suck at both games but then i got super mario world super mario advance 2 and i loved it yester day i got new super mario bros and... im going to do a page on my history of video games when i publish my website after exam week at my school (today is my last exam horay) (i hate bubble sheets!)
  3. possibly a camera that is wirless (dosent have a cable going to the wii) but is still pluged in to power.
  4. my friend tells me i should get this game since i love tos but is the story any where near that of tos.
  5. easy the adapters will off coarse be under 5 dollars (canadian) so they would either be sold in a package together or they could be sold with the wii.
  6. oh i live in canada and almost nobody knows that you can close this thread then.
  7. too many to list but in most i'm at the final Boss/dungeon/level.
  8. Just wanted to lert you knoe if you don't already that when you hold down "z" On player ones controller while your turning on the system until the logo music starts playing you will hear the noises of ruber ducks and little kids lafing.
  9. when i rented smash bros melee from blockbuster (soon after i got my cube) the disc was all scratched up so as soon as it got past the cube logo screen i got an error message saying the disc could not be read (i now own smash bros melee and i'm going to get brawl as soon as it comes out).
  10. Okay, its just for show, but it is posible that wii will be able to use our old controllers rather than buying the clasic controller. I think the reason nintendo made the classic controller then would be for newer gamers who dont have every old system (like me) so wii dont have to seach a used game store every tine wii want to buy a game for a new system and als what if nintendo released game boy game boy coulor and game boy advance games on vitual consel, for the gb and gbc you could use the wii-mote but for gba games there are shoulder buttons. maybe wii dont want to conect our gbas (if wii even own them!) up to our wii. So in conclusion i would say it could be just for show, but wii may be able to use our old controllers as well as the classic controller.
  11. No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. final fantasy christal chronicals my friend told me it had an amazing story line (this is the same friend who claims there is a pokemon black version) any way i got board withit in an hour a compleat waste of 50$ (canadian). i may rent the wii version though.
  13. the coulour is a little dark on an olde compuer like i usualy use it can be hard to see the picture the joke is ok though so 8.5.
  14. how do some people get animated avatars?
  15. i have an e reader i'd just like to know if small nes games are 9 "dot codes" how many card would metroid prime 3 be.
  16. keep your fingers crossed for tos 2 on the wii
  17. you go to thodda dock i'm going to publish a guide to tos on my web when i publish it so you could look there posibly in a few weeks. But if you do the wind temple before the water temple you must do the tower of mana then the assguard human ranch before you can got to izlood and get to palmacosta if your stuck some times try the sonopsis on the man menue it sometimes tells you what your party has decided to do next and if this is your first play though you realy should not have attempted to do wind temple before water temple but its to late now.
  18. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? Spriters resource is not up ? ? ? ? ? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
  19. ty i did it on photo bucket thanks for all the help im just wondering how many post do you need before the thing under your name says something other than new member.
  20. i think its izzlod you want to get to not palmacosta. take the bridge by hima. if you havent healed sheena in luin yet go to the fountain in luin (luin should be destroyed) you should have compleated the triet ruins fire seal, thoda gyser water seal, and brailcruf moloseum wind seal. if this dosent help use game faqs and searh for tales of symphonia then go to faqs and guides. http://www.gamefaqs.com
  21. have you beat the wind temple because there are 2 seens in luin with sheena one after the wind temp and one before head to asguard if you havent beeten the wind temp yet. also was the sceen in luin u saw recently of rain healing sheena and also have you gone to palmacosta yet because there is a way youcan do the wind and light temples before the water temple i did it in my new file now im a thunder temple and the reverse order of the seals was easy.
  22. yes but i have my images downloaded and i dont know the url of them
  23. i found a realy cool tos fan site though its in german try going to the galleryen part on the side. http://rainy.oyla5.de by the way you can find a movie of an ending at the google movies section of google : peace: : peace:
  24. the only image i was eve able to put up is my avatar and that took me a long time to do in trying to put up an image on my sig and i sometimes would like to put images on my posts but how do i do this?
  25. i hate random battles. did you guys know tales of phantasia was based on a book called "tale phantasia". i relly found tos had a very good story though top has a story that is not quite as good i dose answer some un answered questions from tos as it hapens way after tos and i relly doubt tales of the tempest will be conected to this story.
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