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Everything posted by Emasher

  1. wat is your favorite tos or top
  2. sony are inferior to dung Who needs a pc buy a mac (a mac is not a pc)
  3. charons from Dhohs castle in phantasia always kill me i'm not through that dungeon yet. did any one else hate these :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:
  4. what do you think is the most anoying enemy in nintendo history mine is the bezzor from super mario bros 2
  5. mario, zelda. smashbros (wen it comes out) forget time wat about money.
  6. did any one read my second post the first 4 hav been confirmed by nintendo.
  7. im sure mario 128 will be a launch tital for the wii and wii will realease world wide by the end of the year.
  8. why can you only access this site from fire fox
  9. tales of phantasia is conected to tos it happens after. mithos created the summon spirits then summoned them sheena broke that pact and created a new one meaning she was the second to summon them later (in top) clause summons them and so that is proof that top happens after tos.
  10. its to bad they confirmed the name was for all territorys nintendo have lied before though.
  11. i only saw part of it and then it froze the part i saw was good though.
  12. Actualy the first bit was from a long time ago from an interview with nintendo's legendary game creator.
  13. this thresd is about what (wii think) will be confirmed at E3 about the wii 1.realese date 2.price 3.lanch titals 4.other games 5.specs
  14. here's my opinion 1) Ocarina of Time (world is born link saves it) 2) The Legend of Zelda (link gains triforce of courage and saves zelda) 3) The Adventures Of Link (link saves zelda again) 4) Majoras Mask (first link leaves hyrule) 5) Twilight Princess (coming soon) 6) The Wind Waker (hyrule is flooded) 7) Phantom Hourglass (coming soon) 8) Links Awakening (link gets shipwreked) 9) A Link to the past (haven’t played) 10) The minish cap (elzo puts triforce of power in a hat, link creates four sword) 11) four swords adventures (haven’t played) 12) four swords (haven’t played) 13) Oracle Of Seasons (haven’t played) 14) Oracle of Ages (haven’t played)
  15. i read a news article about what was in the box it was actualy based on an interview and nintendo said they were considering a second controler and nunchuck. if they do include one at least we wont have to spend an extra 50 bucks to waste our siblings in smash bros 3!
  16. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I think nintendo will change the name back to rev for the north american and european realease.
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