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Everything posted by Emasher

  1. If that was directed at me, that's not quite what I'm saying. What I'm saying is you shouldn't blindly study a particular field if you don't have any plan for how to be successful (to a certain extent) with such an education. This by no means implies that you should study something you're not interested in just because there's money in it.
  2. Just to clarify, is this 2000 Euro a semester, or a year? Either way, those are perfectly manageable tuition costs. Provided you take your studies seriously and have some sort of plan to get yourself employed afterwards, you could easily just get some sort of student loan and pay it off afterwards. Its not like in the US where tuition is so high the debt becomes unmanageable. The truth is that Universities never really have enough money to operate, and putting more of the burden on the government to fund them will just end with them being underfunded even more, which leads to all sorts of other problems for the universities. As for Daft's comments regarding the types of degrees people are going for today, I can see where he's coming from, although I don't think what he's saying is quite correct. The problem isn't that liberal arts degrees are completely useless its more just that a lot of people study the arts for the wrong reasons. People look at degrees as some sort of magical ticket to employment, and a lot of people decide to study the arts, because they find it to be an easier area of study, just so they can get some sort of degree. There are a ton of people who have absolutely no idea how their degree can even lead to any sort of career, yet continue to study it thinking they'll just magically end up with a job when they graduate. If someone is genuinely interested in English, or Psychology, or anything really and actually has a plan as to how they're going to proceed in life after they study it, there's nothing wrong with them going for a degree in it. But there are too many people today who end up going to a university straight out of high school (or whatever you call it in the country you're from), studying something just for the sake of studying something, and then end up unemployed, when they would have been much better off going to a trade school or something like that. And then they end up in some tent city on wall street demanding that rich people pay for everything. And the same thing applies to science and engineering degrees, its just there's more demand for people skilled in such fields and so its much easier to justify getting a degree there from an investment perspective. Actually having to pay tuition deters such behavior to an extent. When most people have to spend money on something, they end up taking it seriously.
  3. I'll look into that. Is the version of buildcraft included 3.* or 2.*?
  4. To be honest, the only similarity between this a Dragons Den is the fact that there's an exchange of money between a wealthy person an an entrepreneur (which in this case seems to mean 3rd world farmer). Unless the BBC version of Dragon's Den is quite a bit different from the CBC one. Anyway, its an interesting idea, but without any sort of interest, its really just charity.
  5. Can't wait until the full version comes out and all the big mods get updated to support it. I'm thinking I might start a world with BuildCraft, IndustrialCraft, Flan's Mods, and Aether installed (provided there aren't conflicts between those).
  6. I anyone else experiencing the game crashing when using the Steam screenshot function?
  7. I think I'll pass this time. The lag was terrible on the 1.8.1 server for me when I tried it.
  8. What level are you at that you still get killed by sabre cats?
  9. Managed to join the thieves guild finally. And also bought the cheapest house to store stuff in. I can finally pick something up without being over encumbered.
  10. Can you not map favorites to the D-pad in the console version like in Oblivion/Fallout 3/NV? I suppose that still isn't great for setting the particular hand you want it in though. I tried doing the one hand magic one hand sword thing, but not being able to block while in melee combat isn't really ideal. Plus two handed spell casting allows you to deal with more difficult foes quicker.
  11. I'm trying to play as a pure mage now. Its viable, but I recommend carrying a one handed weapon and a bow as a backup. Carry lots of health potions though, because you're not going to want to use your magic to heal yourself. Also, learn some projectile spells (Firebolt, etc.), and maybe a ward spell.
  12. It shouldn't have much influence on the game. It wouldn't hurt to run CCleaner and defrag, but beyond that all you can really do is turn down the graphical settings.
  13. Not sure if this really belongs here, as its more amusing than bad, but anyway... My friend messaged me on Facebook today asking for a favor. His female friend had asked him to Photoshop her face onto a nude body, and he asked me to do it because I actually have the skills necessary to do it. Anyway it turns out she wanted this to give to her boyfriend because she thinks he might share any real pictures she gives him if they break up. So he sent me the pictures and the porn picture she wanted for the body was this picture of a heavily Photoshopped pro model with the perfect body and everything. Didn't even match her body type (which is making this that much harder to do). I'm not really sure what to think about the situation as funny as it is. I didn't think people got this devious over something so petty.
  14. Had an awesome dragon fight right in the middle of the magic college today.
  15. I thought they sounded more like newfies to be honest.
  16. The light spells are something that they've really improved in this game. Being able to shoot a ball of light and have it stick to a wall is a very welcome addition indeed.
  17. Yes, it should have been something more like, "I don't think we should just be looking at the asymptotic bounds", but I thought I already acknowledged that in my reply. I wasn't thinking when I first posted it.
  18. It certainly is.
  19. Well, the word doesn't strictly fit here, and I'm using it in a very loose sense, but without going into a lot of details, its basically used to describe the largest order term of a function. Generally used in computer science to describe time complexity. The idea being that the largest order term of penis + teeth is penis (penis + teath ∈ Θ(penis)), so we could say penis is an asymptotic upper and lower bound on penis + teeth. What I was replying to was the assumption that penis is an order of magnitude more important than teeth, and thus the state of teeth makes very little difference compared to the state of penis. I was expressing doubts as to that being the case by suggesting that both have significant enough effects that it doesn't make sense to only look at the highest order term (or asymptotic bounds). I'm probably not explaining this very well, but I have my doubts that anyone has a genuine interest in it, so I'll leave it to those who do to look it up on their own. TL;DR: Its a joke that maybe 1% of the members here will understand.
  20. I just have static images. They're on my laptop though, so I'll post them tomorrow. Edit, here: Keep in mind this is the second official Apple battery that has done this with this particular computer. And this is really the least of the problems I've had with that computer (overheating every few minutes is the main one).
  21. I seriously doubt its asymptotic like that.
  22. Any word on them doing anything about expanding batteries in MacBook Pros? (I'll post pics if anyone is interested).
  23. One thing people on other forums are reporting now is that passive animals (chickens, dogs, deer, etc.) can be witnesses to crimes. Apparently Bethesda know about this but plan on leaving it in for a while because they find it funny that chickens can report crimes. I don't have proper source for that last bit though, so someone could have just made it up. Fortunately in this game killing witnesses before leaving the area, results in you not getting any bounty (like Red Dead Redemption).
  24. I'd need to know a little bit more about the MacMini in question, some of the 2011 models have Intel 3000M for graphics, and some have AMD 6630Ms. I'd also need to know how much memory the 6630M you have has if that is indeed what card you have. I'm also assuming you're running bootcamp, if you're planning on running it through parallels or wine (or crossovers) you can forget about it. Assuming the best case of all those factors, it should run, but you're not going to be playing it in 1920x1200 on ultra with 60 FPS. It theoretically should run fine on moderate settings and resolution, provided your CPU and RAM are decent enough. In that case, I would go for the PC version, simply due to mods, unofficial patches, etc. If its one of the lower end MacMinis with the Intel graphics chip, I'd just get it for whatever console it turned out better on because it probably won't run very well. Keep in mind the resolution and the frame limit on the console versions as well though. TL;DR: If its the $600 mac mini, or the server, or you don't have bootcamp, get it for a console, if its the $800 mac mini, and you're running bootcamp, consider the PC version. The other benefits of the PC version outweigh the menu system, which probably isn't as bad as we've been making it out to be. Especially since there will eventually be dozens of mods that replace it. Based on what people have been saying, there doesn't appear to be level scaling in Skyrim. The idea being that you should avoid areas that have enemies you can't take on until you get stronger. As for the dragons being easier than the other enemies, there's a theory going around that as dragonborn you have a natural resistance to their attacks or something like that.
  25. Yea, figured that out during my second session. Makes things a lot easier. I'm still finding the menus clumsy on the PC though, they really should have done something like Bad Company 2 where the different versions had different interfaces. Those are the worst problems I've seen so far with the game though. Skyrim seems to be the most bug free product Bethesda has released in a long time and considering the amount of stuff that's been implemented since Oblivion and Fallout 3, that's a pretty big achievement.
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