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Everything posted by Wii

  1. Wii

    Art Academy

    Art Academy: Atelier - Trailer (Wii U)
  2. "We hear you and we are committed to continuing to meet your expectations." You need to start before you can continue. I don't get where he got the negative reaction to Splatoon either. But like Serebii says, he's on drugs.
  3. Reggie: Iwata didn’t apologize for the Nintendo Digital Event “It was not an apology. It was not a statement about the content we’re showing, essentially it was an ‘I hear you’ message.” “Mr. Iwata is in Japan and what he’s trying to do is help explain to consumers in Japan what’s going on at E3. The correct translation of his message was: ‘Thank you for your feedback. We hear you and we are committed to continuing to meet your expectations,’ was essentially his message.” “One of the things I find interesting is that if you look at E3 historically for Nintendo, typically what happens is a press briefing happens or our digital event happens, and then over the course of the next couple of days people see the games get to play the games and the appreciation and understanding of what we’re doing increases over those three days and continues to build into the holidays." “Splatoon is a game that people are loving right now, but if you rewind to E3 last year, Splatoon was being viewed as, ‘Yes, it’s innovative and it’s different, but the controls are a little hard and I don’t understand the mechanic of turning into a squid and going through the ink.’ There were all of these complaints. But now you look at the finished product and the satisfaction is huge.” “For us, our goal is to make sure we announce the content, help people understand the content, but most importantly get hands on with the games.” “I haven’t heard the feedback (for this year’s Best Buy demonstrations), but I think the feedback is going to be quite positive because what we do is make great games and they show well and they really lead to consumer excitement.” Why do I hate you so Reggie? And it should have been an apology.
  4. I suggest you look at that list again. http://n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1761603&postcount=1097 6 of the top 10 are indie games. Steam World Heist is the lowest placed indie game on the list. It's the only stand out game faring badly of all the indie games. And that probably stems from putting Steam World in the title when it's nothing like the first game. Similar to the hate for Metroid Prime: Federation Force.
  5. http://gonintendo.com/stories/236314-ign-nintendo-explains-why-they-had-muppets-made-for-their-digit http://ie.ign.com/articles/2015/06/17/e3-2015-the-jim-henson-company-created-nintendos-digital-event-intro Just for $h1t$ & giggles. Sad I know but the muppet stuff was probably my favourite bit of the Direct. It made me laugh, even now.
  6. http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2015/06/17/nintendo-explains-why-you-can-39-t-upload-mario-maker-creation-videos-directly-to-youtube.aspx I just don't believe anything they say anymore, biten too many times. Maybe they're pressed for time to incorporate the feature for launch. I wouldn't be surprised to see it patched in at a later date. I'm sure if the same was asked of Smash Bros. way back when they'd have had an excuse handy as well. Super Mario Maker - Just Keep Running & Cap'n Big Dry Bones Gameplay (Direct Feed - E3 2015)
  7. Wii


  8. Wii

    Star Fox Zero

    The games director has confirmed that Star Wolf will be in the game. [TWEET]611311803843350529[/TWEET]
  9. I think the Gamecube was my favourite console, then the SNES. The Wii U hasn't been terrible but it could have been so much better. The gamepad was wasted. I remember Reggie and Iwata saying before it launched that they'd learned their lessons from the 3DS, that their would be plenty of 3rd party support and that online would be the air that we breathe. The PS4 and XBOX1 are likely to last 6-7 years. The Wii U cost €50 less and will last 4 years. Remember what the Wii was like at the end, expect the same for Wii U with sparse releases. The PS3 and XBOX360 had support right up til the end and beyond into this generation. Also a lot of the Wii U games have felt by the numbers and I'd nearly put the suffix Lite at the end of some of them they've been that short.
  10. But you'll be made pay a bit extra for the upgrade. :p
  11. 3rd party support on the Gamecube kicked the living daylights out of the Wii U by comparison. I think the Gamecube had a better library overall. Though you're not comparing like with like there. Nicer graphics now, online, fresher in the memory, VC.
  12. Noticed yesterday there was something weird with the icons when I pressed the home button on the gamepad. Couldn't quite place it but now I see the TVii icon is gone. I must have missed that discussion during the last 2 weeks and obviously my Wii U couldn't update with no online. I was only thinking about the 2 gamepads on 1 Wii U. That'll most likely never happen either. I see now my gamepad screen has light little circular scratches right across the bottom half. It's from typing on the browser keyboard. B0110x! Which is another thing. You can't buy replacement gamepads. The Wii U only has 2 colours(black and white). I think you'll have to go back to the SNES to find such a limited palette of colour options.
  13. The Wii U with the gamepad had great potential for a Metroid game. We won't see a Metroid game on Wii U now. Yesterday was just the confirmation. It would take too much time, money and effort and would not be profitable. It's smaller, easier games from here on out as demonstrated by the 2 games announced yesterday. When was the last big budget game announced? If roles were reversed with Zelda, the same decision would be made.
  14. Will you need to own all 8 to play the full game? That's potentially €120 at the very least. This is partially why I don't like amiibo. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Except this isn't a rose and it certainly doesn't smell sweet. And the amiibo here are more important than the game.
  15. There's 2 new weapons. Those girls announce them when you load up the game. Can't remember what they're called. Sure I'm still using the weapon I started with. Haven't bought any weapons, though I have bought headgear, clothes and shoes. I don't want to lose the shield bubble.
  16. Level 10. Just made it there myself.
  17. Wii

    Star Fox Zero

    I can't believe you posted that. I seen it earlier and said NO! Is this a reactionary video from Nintendo to the negative backlash?
  18. Wii U release schedule for Europe in 2015. [TWEET]611116370219151360[/TWEET] 3DS release schedule for Europe in 2015. [TWEET]611116765079302144[/TWEET]
  19. Wii

    Star Fox Zero

    It's possible Platinum misunderstood when they were told to make Starfox furry. They made the graphics furry instead of the characters.
  20. Wii

    Star Fox Zero

    Nintendo initially considered Monolith Soft to develop Star Fox Zero. “We didn’t really look around at that many different places. Our first instinct was to try and find an appropriate team within Nintendo. One place we kind of considered was Monolith Soft.” “But it kind of came down to to there wasn’t really a place we wanted to work with other than Platinum just because they are so committed to creating exciting visuals. We kind of really wanted to improve the visual quality of the game.” - Shigeru Miyamoto
  21. Wii

    Star Fox Zero

    I agree. Playing Splatoon last night and looking at the map on the gamepad is not fluid or comfortable.
  22. [TWEET]611087977461207040[/TWEET] [TWEET]611168047576055808[/TWEET]
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