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Everything posted by Wii

  1. Hyrule Warriors – first screenshots of Tetra and King of Red Lions on Wii U More here: http://nintendoeverything.com/hyrule-warriors-first-screenshots-of-tetra-and-king-of-red-lions-on-wii-u/
  2. I think it was delayed a year and even when it was ready it was held back again to launch simultaneously on both the Gamecube and Wii.
  3. Wii

    Star Fox Zero

    The game should go for as nice as possible graphics. The Wii U's not limited like the SNES was.
  4. I was looking back at the Gamecube and Wii at the same point in their life cycle and the games that were revealed at E3. The Gamecube had Metroid Prime 2, Resident Evil 4 and Twilight Princess. The Wii had New Super Mario Bros., Mario Galaxy 2 and Sin & Punishment 2. There were other titles on the platforms like Wii Fit Plus, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, Viewtiful Joe 2 and Wii Sports Resort amongst others.
  5. I'd have more respect if they were honest instead of all the lies. I'm sick of the BS. As a result over the years I've come to hate Reggie and I believe very little they say anymore. But yes I can understand it's part of his job.
  6. Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem and Zelda I think are all we know of coming in 2016. I doubt they'll be out in the first half let alone the first quarter. I said NX was the new console and would be out in 2016. I said over a year ago that there would be a new console by next year. I said before the Wii U launched that it would bomb. And got derided at every turn. Well I wasn't wrong. The NX will be out next year and worldwide.
  7. There's 16 categories they qualified for, taking away the console specific categories and they only got nominated in 3. And the competition have 10+ entries in the best game and best trailer sections. Awful stuff. Xenoblade Chronicles X does that not deserve some love? Or has the hype died after being around for the past 2 and a half years?
  8. [TWEET]611620193815654400[/TWEET] Basically 4 nominations.
  9. Wii

    Star Fox Zero

    COMPARISON: *StarFox Zero* VS *StarFox 64 3D* / *Sector Alpha* VS *Sector Y*
  10. I very much doubt that. Since I've been back I've observed many from a distance, with you at the heart of many of them.
  11. To be clear, it's this stage. The above image is a little indiscernible. It supposedly should go live at 3 A.M. BST going by previous updates. And there should be 6 more free maps after that.
  12. I'd say blame @Nintendo for all this bickering but they haven't been active for nearly a decade.
  13. Please! Xenoblade Chronicles X has 1st place sown up. If you want to scrap over the crumbs while I'm eating cake, go right ahead. If I had to pick, I'd say this'll get runner-up.
  14. I might get this. I'll see how it ports and reviews. It doesn't seem scary to me but it looks good and like a solid game overall.
  15. Nintendo Treehouse @ E3 2015 - Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water (first English gameplay)
  16. Nintendo Treehouse @ E3 2015 - Reggie stops by Someone take that shovel from Reggie and clatter him over the head with it.
  17. Xenoblade Chronicles X - first video with English voices
  18. Someone with some editing skills could make that look real convincing with some logos and game screens on the wheel disc. They can call it the Wii View.
  19. If they had cut out all the padded dribble in the Direct like the knitted Yoshi section and how the original SMB was made they would have had plenty of time. So much of it was wasted filler.
  20. http://mynintendonews.com/2015/06/18/nintendos-stock-dropped-fairly-significantly-after-e3-2015-digital-event/
  21. Reggie is a joke. He says he plays video games and he spews a lot of crap about them and just in general he spews crap. His display in Smash during the NWC was worse than a 5 year old. He does in his b0110x play video games.
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