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That dude

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Everything posted by That dude

  1. Similair wispa related problems; I asked the guy in the shop when his wispas get stocked, he said friday (that seemed odd to me, maybe he lied), I wen this afternoon. Guess what? No bloody wispas.
  2. Mr. One: In my opinion orange juice offers all the same qualities as milk, if not better ones. Ms. Two: How can you not like milk? Haha, look at my sig! hahahahaaaa Mr.Two What, you removed it from my sig? Ya big loser! Mrs. Three: I'd say orange juice is the bases of all of Britains problems Mr. Four: I can understand people not liking cow's milk, but you must like some type of milk? Sure I even know a guy who is a goat milk fanatic Mr. One: I'm not going to say any moree on this topic blah blahh blahhhhhhhhhhhh
  3. Okay, sorry. I should probably post abit less and make my posts a bit more meningful.
  4. I don't understand why people like things I don't? That does make sense, really.
  5. Like? Thanks for stickying this, McPhee
  6. 1 Halo 2 Final Fantasy 3 Supposed shortening of words (eg you to yee) 4 Shortening of words 5 I already said Final Fantasy didn't I? Ah well, here it goes again; Final Fantasy 6 Metal 7 Dance 8 Trance 9 Anything I don't like 10 Butter 11 Cats 12 People in general 13 Not toasted white bread 14 New Disney movies 15 Marks and Spencers Some more: 16 Bebo 17 Alot of rap music
  7. I don't care about what the actual smoke is doing to me, it's just unpleasent when someone blows smoke in my way when they walk by. Maybe that's just me being a bit of a pansy. (REAL men breath mustard gas!)
  8. I recently bought Timesplitters Future Perfect, VERY good games. Perhaps a little easy, but the multipalyer is one of the best on the PS2. Though on the dark levels it's just plain hard to play, which if I was reviewing the game then would take atleast 5% off the score. Making it around 95%... No, perhaps 89-92%? I can't give a proper rating as I've only played up to the pinultimate level. Anyone else got this game? Opinions, etc? Also I'm looking at Star Wars Battlefront 2 as the origional rocks. I'm just annoyed as Renegade Squadron is only on PSP... Darn, I really want a PSP right now. Just surfin' the web and I saw a game called Just Cause, any good?
  9. I'm getting it for christmas, though I don't wanna wait that long, may just buy it and tell the person not to buy it...
  10. I bet you all get sick of people requesting opinions on which HDTV to buy etc. Well heres another guy who's a little lost at the moment. I've been looking in currys for TVs with freeview, I wasn't really looking for HDready TVs, but it turned out that they seemed cheaper than their SDTV counterparts. I saw this: http://www.currys.co.uk/martprd/store/cur_page.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@0805023036.1191770866@@@@&BV_EngineID=cccfaddmehkjhihcflgceggdhhmdgmh.0&page=Product&sku=773207&fm=12&sm=0&tm=0 Does it seem good? £280 pounds is really the most I'm willing to spend on a TV. Maybe 300. Are there any TVs around the same price but maybe bigger? These are the only restrictions: Must have Freeview and under 300 quid. Thanks
  11. looking for a good game to give for christmas, a platformer or an action/adventure thing. Thanks for advice etc.
  12. I guess. Although, where are the terrible movie tie-ins? (24 is no movie, atleastnot now) EDIT: Darn, I misread your post... Well, spot on, then. (yay for excessive use of comma) I do like my GTA... This post has so much... purpose. (yay for excessive use of suspense points) (yay for excessive use of excessive)
  13. I'm looking for a "proper (not guitar hero) game", which out the Kingdom Hearts games are best? Any other games to be recommended? Any genre. I already have: Guitar Hero 2 GTA Vice City GTA San Andreas GTA Liberty City Stories Canis Canem Edit 24: Game (it's a pile of... crumbs) Star Wars Battlefront (is 2 any good? And when are they releasing a new home console one?) Super Monkey Ball
  14. @Whoever said put it in retro, the PS2 is still doing very well with a nice crop of games coming up. I recently bought Guitar Hero 2. It is very, very good. Though I found it quite dificult to adapt froom using just 3 fingers to 4. I'm also using my PS2 as a DVD player, I'm thinking of getting a remote, can anyone recommend one? EDIT: Perhaps this should be stickied and renamed PlayStation 2 Genral Discussion?
  15. Oh DARN! I really wanted to get a wii and brawl before the years end. I guess I could get galaxy.
  16. I love 'im and all others who really like his TV shows should check out the podcasts. Great stuff.
  17. Me too. I remember you showed them to me two years ago, now I have all their albums and have preordered this one.
  18. Bully. That counts as retro, right?
  19. Is that at all like Ace Golf for the cube?
  20. I traded in 5 ds games and with various deals in gamestop (trade in 2 ds games, get one free) I got these games: Wario: Master of Disguise Diddy Kong Racing DS and Canis Canem Edit It would have cost 73 quid.
  21. Just going to repeat this...
  22. Lately I've been wanting a PSP! I don't know why. Really I only see 3 games I'm interested in: GTA: Liberty City Stores Vice City Stories Star wars battlefront Tell me is there going to be a San Andres Stories. Because that may push me into getting a PSP.
  23. God, I hated Mr Bean. It made me cry it was so terrible. Why am I posting here?
  24. um, what on earth?
  25. Fools! Haven't you seen Kill Bill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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