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Everything posted by Zero

  1. Well I cant really see that happening with Wolf Link but, then again stranger things have happened.
  2. That could be really cool if it happened. And they could add like a 2 player mode at they points where player 2 can controls that character. That would be awesome.
  3. I still hope to get the cube version when they bring it out but, I plan on getting the wii version so im not all that bothered about when it comes out.
  4. Good point but, you know most games will probably be over 100kb. Plus what about people who want to download N64 games. Some of them are 30mb.
  5. They are some good deals compared to the psp memory sticks. I think it was about £40 for 512mb las time I checked but, that was a while ago.
  6. I said in another thread (cant remember which :p) graphics do come into account but i would rather a game had a good stroyline and game play rather than graphics. For example, Grandia 2's graphics literally hurt to look at when I first played it but, I still found the game enjoyable and is now one of my favourites. I agree with ShadowV7 and DCK. I would never buy a game just because it had good graphics.
  7. tbh I dont think graphics matter all too much but they do count. I played Grandia not so long ago and the graphics are terrible but its still one of my favourite games.
  8. Im planning on getting at a midnoght launch so tbh honest probably go to bed as I would have work in the morning. Might play a little TP
  9. I'm defintely going if I can drive by then.
  10. I done that with one of my friends. And now he has picked up my fighting style. But I still beat him seeing as its my style and I know how to counter it.
  11. Well he did transform into ganon. That puppet thing. That was a big disappointment compared to oot.
  12. I cant wait to see ganon. Best bad guy ever imo. Thats not even funny. Dont joke about that sort of thing. Some innocent noob will believe that. lmfao. I would expect that to happn if it was delayed again.
  13. I dont get why people are getting so worked about this. I dont think it will honestly matter. Personally I bought zelda games because they were fun and had a good story. I dont see how mirroring the game is going to affect that.
  14. QFT. Even if you only feel a little more immersed with the wiimote its still, over all, more immersive than the cube version.
  15. Does it really matter if it gets a high rating. I've been waiting long enough to play the game. I'm not gonna stop playing it just because it got a crappy score after a three year wait.
  16. I would have prefered it in colour but its still awesome. Keep up the good work dante.
  17. My question is why did they mirror it in the first place. If lefties can play it fine in the mirrored cersion then why couldnt we righties play it in the original version?
  18. I agree with the all of you. I remember the thread about the PS3 delay. That was qiute a bad thread for it. I dont see why some people fell the need for everyone else to agree with them. Different people will have a different opinion. In my eyes arguing is a waste of time so i just avoid it. Debates on the other hand im all for
  19. I would love to attend one of the tournies but i live in scotland so, its out of the question for me. I wish someone up here would do the same thing but, where i come from only i only know about 5-6 people who own a gc and about 4 who own the game. It would be a great way to meet and play better people than me because everyone ive played bearly kill me now and i play as link who isnt even all that fast or strong.
  20. I think they should that way some fans wont have to buy 2 versions. Plus it would probably be more cost effective for nintendo to do so as they would probably not sell a lot the GC TP versions of the game.
  21. It reminds me of that barrier around hyrule castle in WW.
  22. Thats true but everything you can do with a 360 can usually be done on a pc as well.
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