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Everything posted by Zero

  1. Yeah, and I doubt you will ever need to go from one end directly to the other.
  2. I think it would good in TP if you could choose a save point. I got annoyed at it in some points in oot when you started it back off you were either at temple of time or link's house. Something like it saves in the last town you were at.
  3. Well link would be about 3 mph walking so you can work it out from that. I'm too lazy. If he were running I would guess 5 or 6 mph.
  4. Always with the updates Dante. Good work. Things are defintely looking goos for the wii. Ler's hope it stays this well after it launches.
  5. Is dragon roast island not death mountain. I always thought it was. Also, we can't see the whole of underwater Hyrule.
  6. I doubt the game will make you ride the entire length of hyrule field for one dungeon, etc. There will probably be things that you have to go around to get from one side to another, which could take up a bit of time. I doubt it will be just an empty field with a clear cut path.
  7. Maybe I should have looked a bit harder before posting
  8. I was sure there was an interview with Eiji Anouma where he confirmed it but, I can't find it.
  9. Yeah and i'm sure it was a lot longer than 100 years. I know Retro_Link said 100+ years but, 100+ years could be a thousand years for all we know and that would be long enough for things to change.
  10. Not sure where abouts on IGN Dante got this. You would have to ask him.
  11. BRILLANT !!!!!!!! LMAO Thats how I pictured it.
  12. I'm sure Eiji Anuoma said it himself it was 45 minutes on horse back. I'll try and find the interview later.
  13. I dont think it can act as a router of sorts.
  14. Doesn't apply much to me but ir's good to see Nintendo are thinking about those who dont have wireless.
  15. LMAO. This forum has some funny poeple on it I can just imagine this guy running about chasing you, http://uk.media.wii.ign.com/media/748/748589/img_3739320.html
  16. LMAO I can see kirby running about with a headband and stuble shooting people.
  17. I'm thinking about importing this as well. Probably will seeing as it wont come out over here.
  18. Is the person slashing with a swrod or what? All I see is a big line going from one side of the screen to another.
  19. That is kind of escaping the the main point of the game but I really hope it happens. It would be cool if you could get a job in a shop, haggling with poeple and trying to sell them stuff. LMAO
  20. The first time I went to Hyrule I tried to find things from OOT. Sadly I found nothing.
  21. I've seen all the eps sp far so, it's not a case of spoilers. just wondering how far it went.
  22. Sorry, must have mieread your post. Anyway, I think they will finish single player off before they decide to put in a multiplayer. It's not been confirmed yet so, I doubt they would rush the last bits of the game to get started on multiplayer, if they make it.
  23. I'd like to know that as well before i get and also, does this continue from the first one.
  24. Well I doubt they would go that far but something a long those lines could be good.
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