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Everything posted by Zero

  1. Iwould have to say the GC. Some of the best games i've ever played are on that console.
  2. If it's true then it is something to be worried about. The way things are going we are just gonna end up with cameras in every single place you can think of for 'our protection' The Sun is terrible for trying to control people's way of thinking. They are biased against everything. I still buy it everyday though. It's funny seeing what they come away with next.
  3. I think Norway is awesome. Did you see how they lived in prison? The fact that Norway has the lowest murder rate and the way their prisoners live must mean something. That video kinda proves what Fierce_LiNk and Supergrunch are saying. I don't think anyone should have authority to kill someone. The death penalty doesn't work in my eyes. Just look at the US.
  4. Well they let us in the Glasgow tournament so I don't see why not
  5. I think Link and Ike are the most overused characters mainly because Link is Link and Ike is a power house. Very few people at the Glasgow tournament could use them properly (the rest just spam). I would have prefered if they had done one on ones. I'm much better with Ike that way.
  6. There was also a lot of fat sweaty people there who were screaming like children. I've never felt more out of place when surrounded by them
  7. I wasn't even going to be in the tournament at all even though I had the email and everything. I only got in because someone never appeared. I lost in the first round anyway. I died the least but I couldnt stay on the ground for more than 2 seconds so I didn't get a lot of kills. Came second in my match theough
  8. This game looks fucking epic. I could not agree more, sir.
  9. Well I don't use mario much but his downB has changed to the fludd if you didnt already know. He plays mostly the same otherwise. Everyone is a lot more floaty which helps with recovery. Anyone else here play as mario that could give TysOnToast some tips?
  10. Don't expect it to play like melee. If you tell us who you are playing as we can give you tips.
  11. Who here is getting the EU version even though they have the US one. I know I am. Only because my dvd recorder doesnt work in 60hz though
  12. I would have to agree with you there. Both are really hard to play against in the right hands. The key to beating them (and most other characters) is dodging.
  13. If anyone is wanting to get some practice in tomorrow evening sometime i'm more than willing to help. Either post in the online thread, here or PM me.
  14. I can't say i've recieved a phone call yet but, I got my email a while ago.
  15. If I were you I would go with Pokemon Trainer. While the Shiek and Zelda combo is good, I think it will waste to much time switching bwtween them both. That's my two cents. I'm gonna go with Ike. Hard hitter for the 4 minute matches and my best character for one on ones. If for some reason I decide not to go Ike i'll probably go Metaknight. He is just so fast.
  16. I'm in draw 2 for Glasgow. Let's see what Shadow V7 is in.
  17. All this means is more crap from Ubisoft.
  18. I can't believe you just said that. I still don't know how you are meant to hit it. The last boss, Majora, was hard without the Fierce Deity mask.
  19. It's the work of the cow's leader. The Cow Guru. And their allies, the chickens. All for
  20. I can't say I like the art style either but i'll hold my judgement of the game untill I see how it plays
  21. That fish was a pain in the ass. I beat it on my second time but I don't even know how. I believe what your saying about people's expectations. Expect too much from it and its bound to fail. My only gripe with TP was the story. I liked how they added the Twilight Realm but I characters like Ganon felt forced into the story. I think it would have been much better had Ganon not actually been in the game and they had expanded on a Zant as a new bad guy like Vaati. The triforce as well had no real purpose in the game so they could have easily left it out. It felt forced as well. I also like the Triforce hunt at the end of the game (i'm probably the only one :p)
  22. Zero

    Blast Works

    It's from the darius series. Awesome games.
  23. Out of those 10 games listed I only have 3 of them and one was because of the free wiimote. In all honesty I think they should bring out some half decent games in EU instead of all the cheap mini-game bundles that are going about and then see how the sales go.
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