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Everything posted by Zero

  1. So what is everyone? I either want to go a Paladin of some kind or a Shaman.
  2. I would love to join as well if, you'll have me.
  3. I've been on every now and then but, you weren't on when i was :p I'm on this quite a lot lately so, you'll probably see me if you happen to go on later.
  4. I think the hardest part of leveling for me was about 55-60 on my second character. Never had a problem with my first. In TBC the quests do a get a bit better but as fex said its still largely got x at y. WotLK, I thought, had really good quests. There is quite a variety of them.
  5. I still play it. I was leveling my Druid with ShadowV7 but, he hasn't been on in a while so, I started playing my Hunter. I got him to 78 on friday, I think, and haven't had much time to play since then. I've only just finished in Grizzly Hills and i'll probably go to Zul'Drak when I get back on. Even though i'll more than likely reach 80 in Zul'Drak, i'll probably still go to the rest of the zones. It's so easy to level now. It took me, on average, about 5-6 hours for each level from 70-77. It's even easier now with epic flying. That might just be because hunters are good at solo playing though.
  6. I'm still all for this if it happens. Good to see i'm still on the list. Is there really no more than 5 people up for this?
  7. Just remember you can't have Alliance and Horde characters on the same realm.
  8. We'll call it a night then because, I feel like crap just now :p
  9. It wouldn't be annoying, it would be awesome. As ShadowV7 said they are rather rare. I'm a Tank just now so, that is half the battle but, the thing that annoys me is when you ask a Balance Druid or an Elemental Shaman to heal for a group quest they tell you they can't heal because of their spec. They have more than enough mana for the job. I'm a feral druid and I managed to heal in a group quest. I mean it's not Black Temple i'm asking them to heal in, just a group quest. And i agree that it's hard to keep agro off a dps Warrior but, it's a lot easier than keeping agro of a Ret Paladin before they had there burst damage nerfed. It doesn't help when they always attack a different mob than the one you are putting all the agro on I don't usually rant so much but this lack of healer buisness annoys me :p What is your attack power, just out of curiosity? You would make an absolute fortune.
  10. What did your tank do? I'm a tank for my guild so, when we start raiding it would be nice to have some pointers.
  11. Your first land mount is a 60% speed increase (lvl 30) and your epic land mount is 100%(lvl 60). Your first flying mount is 100% on ground and 60% in the air and lastly your epic flying mount is 100% on ground and 280% in the air and both require lvl 70(quite the jump in air speed). If your playing your first character then, yeah it can seem slow at first but, if you ever hit 70 (or 80) and go back and level another character then, it really is quite easy. I think I can get to level 10 in under 2 hours and that's probably not as fast as some people could do it.
  12. Thats me finished for the night. The amount of people in the starting areas is unreal. The general chat is almost as bad as the barrens but, I guess thats what really happens when you get too many people in one area. Me and ShadowV7 got half way through 70 and should make 71 tomorrow. We were thinking about doing Utgarde Keep in Howling Fjord. Anyone else know how long it roughly takes? I was gonna tank it but i'm using mainly green gear and don't know if it would be good enough. I'm a feral Druid.
  13. If you do that, make sure you go through the level and do the objectives. I just used instant win cheats only to discover i had no idea what was happening and had to replay the levels :p MY WotLK was sent yesterday as well. I was hoping to have it for today but, I guess I will just have to wait untill tomorrow.
  14. I'm definitely up for this. If we know who we are sending our games to then couldn't we just ask them what games they currently have from VC?
  15. If you had been to Scotland then you would know there is no such thing as a weather machine. We have shite weather all year long.
  16. I don't think the left side my brain works, I can still only see clockwise even with the coloured leg pics.
  17. King V will be along any moment :p This could be a very good thing or a very bad thing. I believe all memories are important to defining yourself as a person but, I would agree there are a few exceptions to this.
  18. The game still looks awesome. The battle system reminds me of Grandia's for some reason.
  19. The messages aren't bad at all then. I think I like these media controlling people.
  20. So these videos are telling me there are subliminal messages in my porn?
  21. Hellfire and who? Nah, I'm kidding. Happy birthday you two.
  22. I'm surprised it took them this long to be honest.I could have used one for the Gamecube as it would have stopped me from trying to clean it myself which in turn stopped it from reading games altogether.
  23. I have to agree with Hellfire. Most RPGs are turn based. The games is looking good. I hope we here something about the release date soon.
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