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About Blaveloper

  • Birthday 12/07/1991

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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    All since N64/GBC
  • Other Systems Owned
    PS Vita/PC/Mac/Linux/Android (Wear)
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  1. Countries in a nut-sell.
  2. When the whole world finally talks about the Netherlands as a whole, it's exactly about the many deaths. Today we our TVs are filled with this one news (even NOS news got extended from 24 minutes to 50 minutes today because of that). And it's the hottest day we had this year too (33 degrees). All I can say is that Ukraine, the USA, the UK, the Netherlands, Australia, Germany and many more countries are right: it's all Russia's fault. Only Russia denies it, which is just obvious. Being half Polish, I hate Russia by nature. This news only hardened it.
  3. According to local news it was taken down by pro-Russian separatists. If that's true it means we're more separated from Asians than ever (think of conflicts in Ukraine, Israel, Syria and Iraq, then the only safe path to fly to an Asian or Oceanic country during the holidays is through the Americas (which yet again might take much longer to arrive on your destination) or through Turkey if it's even possible).
  4. This video does not exist. Sorry about that.
  5. Just a blind guess, sorry about that. I'm working from home (home office) and I do that from 8:00 'till 22:00 daily. And I write more than 800 lines of code every day, along with 2D and 3D art every day. Often less, more when nearing deadlines. (And I often take a break to prevent RSI and stuff like that.) Based on that I made that guess. I work long after 17:00 on purpose because as soon as European companies close down, Nintendo's dev support start their working day.
  6. I understand that but unlike you, I don't have the time to play games a lot (and if I have, it always feels like work instead of fun). And if voice chat won't be in, you can still use Skype.
  7. I have placed an NFC sticker at my office which allows guests to login on our guest WiFi network by just tapping their phones on the wall. A photo is available at request (this is my 15th post, meaning I can't put it here until I have posted this). Edit:
  8. I have started making simple and unrealistic stuff in Maya (swords, guns, bottles, etc.) a while ago. Now I switched to characters. I can say making game characters of any kind is an insane job to do for somebody with a programming background. At least it's not as hard as making music.
  9. No, design is a really hard thing for single game developers (unless you have a rich fantasy of course). I'm a single game developer too (but on a 3DS, not on web browsers) and it sometimes takes me months to come with a good concept in my mind that stays in my mind. I usually reject concepts I think it's stupid after a while (and so far only 2 concepts settled my mind forever).
  10. I have both an Elgato and a Roxio. Roxio is pretty much crap, it makes noise in the background for no reason and after every second unplug since your PC's boot: BSOD. Elgato at the other hand captures everything nicely but make sure you only use it when you want to record. This is because the application eats your disc space for as long as it's running. Just close it down and you will receive your lost disc space back. But at the other hand, you won't have any sound output from your TV if the app isn't running and your console is still connected to the capture card.
  11. I can use the official European 3DS charger with my Japanese 3DS without any problems. I haven't experienced any battery issues for over 3 years. The other way around might work too, I haven't been to any 110 volt country in my life so I can't guarantee Japanese chargers would work with European 3DS systems. Edit to add something to it: I can NOT use a universal plug with my Japanese 3DS charger in Europe. Japanese PS Vita chargers work fine in Europe, this is because Sony is kind enough to make their chargers compatible with the whole world. :P
  12. Yes and yes. However, in order to transfer your WiiWare and VC games to the Wii U you will need to have your old Wii at hand. The Wii U has a so-called Wii emulator built-in which allows you to play your Wii games on your TV or GamePad. You can use your Wii game discs in that mode (they can't be used while using the Wii U system menu though).
  13. LG G Watch, Taiko game for 3DS and Pokémon Y (re-bought on another 3DS =unit).
  14. Being a game developer on Nintendo platforms for a bit over a year, I can confirm developing games isn't cheap. But it has never been millions for me. My biggest cost was the purchase of dev/test kits. After that it was staff costs. And right now it's the age rating companies. But I have been working alone since new year and my costs have been 0 until one month ago. What I mean to say is: in the NES days costs were much lower because they probably had fewer staffs back then. But times have changed, gamers want more advanced stuff and more advanced stuff require more people. But as for myself, I'll just stay alone for now. Being alone forces me to know how to do every single thing, which comes in very handy after a long term. I also have a long way to go to accomplish that, but I'm sure it'll be worth every second.
  15. Taiko no Tatsujin: Don to Katsu no Jikuu Daibouken (it's a 3DS game only available in Japan).
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