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Everything posted by Shift

  1. OK, time for me to stop lurking on these forums First off i'd just like to say that i dont care if you like macs better then windows, windows better then mac or if youre a huge linux fan, thats fine, youre all welcome to your own views and opinions. I am a Windows fan myself, but im not going to argue that theyre any better or any worse then other OS's, what i dont like are all the lies that are floating around. I have two servers run Windows Server, i cant remember the last time i had to restart these, they just run and always seem to be happy. As long as you dont download crap or go onto stupid websites, you wont get viruses. I have never had a single virus on any of my systems, past or present, the only thing my virus scans fetch up are cookies (and a cookie from this site is always listed). Also there are a few viruses for Macs, older MAC OS's have them, and so does the newer OS. Remember that the purpose of viruses is to do as much damage as possible, so since a lot more people use PC's as opposed to macs PC's get more viruses made. http://www.macfixitforums.com/ Im on vista and the only thing I've had to restart my PC for is when i installed new GPU drivers, and even then, i didnt have to restart it, it would have carried on working fine all day then it would have installed them when i came to shut it down. As for the other examples here, you dont have to do any of them, but if you insist on doing them then youre not going to be at your computer all day are you? Just set a virus scan/defrag running while youre having something to eat or doing any other task. --- If you want to use a mac, then fine and the same goes for any other OS. I dont see why people need to make points for why one is better then the other when we all know that no one is ever going to change their opinion.
  2. I'd say the newer ones are better, they probably have a higher resolution and a lower response time. However, my Samsung LCD is going on two years old and there is nothing wrong with it.
  3. Just a quick question to those of you that are now with Virgin. Has youre connection speed dropped? Its taking me ages to stream video's and such. ---EDIT--- Ive just done a speed test on my 10MB connection and my download speed is at 164kbps, which is lower then my upload speed (which is 326kbps). Has it got something to do with them "upgrading" the service?
  4. This is complete and utter bull. The reason why people choose these fast connection speeds (such as the 10MB service, soon to rise to 20MB) is to download larger files more quickly, which lets not forget, you (we) are paying for. So if im paying £40 a month for a 20MB connection, its because i want that connection. I dont think ill hit this 'cap' but if i ever do (an xbox360 demo or two plus some trailers and streaming and such should more or less reach the cap) i will demand 95% of my money back from the hours that theyve capped my download speed for. Has anyone who was with telewest experienced any major slowdown issues before the merger? This just seems like complete made up bull. I'm so angry at this decision, we're paying for a service they dont want us to use, and so theyre going to penalise people that do. I probably wont make the top 5%, but i dont want these restrictions (which they are), so im actively looking for another ISP.
  5. Shift

    Vista Thread

    I've been using vista for quite awhile now, and ive had none of the above. I've not had a security update for quite awhile (its set to auto update and i manualy check the installed updates and scan for newer ones a few times a week). I have a high spec machine and nothing on or about it is clunky, i find it very smooth. Admittedly i had one or two problems with a few drivers when i first got it, but they all got sorted out within one or two weeks, and everything is fine now.
  6. Yes. I'll buy a cheapo switch, then when nvidia get around to fixing their drivers to support underscanning ill connect my PC up to the HDMI slot and my problem wil be sorted.
  7. I've been reading up on it this morning and once again, its to do with the 8800 drivers. The Advanced Timing Options in the driver settings has been disabled in all of the newer drivers (the last one they were in were the 94.XX driver) and powerstrip doesnt support the 8800 cards. So i'll probably buy a £20 KVM switch an xbox 360 VGA cable for around £20 and see if it works (i dont see a reason for why it wouldnt). I could just wait for the next set of drivers and hope that is fixes this, but swapping the component cables between my 360 and Wii is really anoying me now! :]
  8. Shift

    Vista Thread

    I would just like to say at this point that i have been running vista for quite awhile and i have had no problem with OS, the Nvidia drivers are another story, but those have been fixed now, so all is well :]
  9. I have a 26" Samsung LCD, which i use for my PC, Wii, 360 and as a TV. My Wii is linked up to the component and i want to keep it that way. I have one VGA slot that my PC is currently plumbed into and my 360 isnt linked up at all at the moment. I want to have all these linked up as i hate swapping cables around. I bought a DVI to HDMI cable quite awhile ago now, but i cant seem to get it working on my PC (vista ultimate 64 - Nvidia 8800GTX), it stretches the screen way bigger then the viewable area. If any one knows of a solution to this problem please let me know, if not read on Im guessing that DVI to HDMI doesnt currently work, so, my next question is will a simple KVM switch work? If i plug the VGA cable from my PC and 360 into it, will that work, also will i be able to keep my mouse and keyboard plugged into my PC, rather then use the KVM switch. There are plenty of cheap 2 way KVM switches, but i cant seem to find any small (under 5 - I only need 2) VGA switches. Thanks in advance for any help on these matters.
  10. Theyve fixed my stuttering problem in games that use the Unreal engine \o/
  11. If you use WEP use MAC address along side it. You need to enter the MAC address for all your wireless PC's/Consoles then it will only allow those to conntect to your wireless router. After reading this i remembered that i hadnt set up my new wireless router properly, so i set it up :]
  12. I'm a 5 / 5.2 - It changes between the two every time a run it.
  13. People preffer to use what they know, which is fair enough in my opinion. Maybe dead was the wrong word, dieing would have been better. VCR's are being phazed out, all be it not as quick as casset tapes got phazed out.
  14. You cant honeslty think that taping something is easier then setting a HDD recorder to record? Taping on VHS = set the time to record and the time to stop recording, which its self can be a task if youre not use to the VCR, or entering the number, which you need to look in a TV guide for. HDD Recorder = Go into the Channel listing menu (usualy one button), select from a list of current (and future) channels/shows, press select to record. Also, you can get a pretty decent HDD recorder these days for around £150.
  15. I dont actualy care which one ends up winning and becomes the next standard, i just want them to hurry up and decide. I dont see the point in going out and buying a bluray or hd-dvd player when one of them could become absolete in a year or so. Atleast with the DVD format war most of the DVD players played both formats, this time around youll be hard pushed to find a player that plays both HD-DVD and Blu ray, without costing a small fortune. Also; i think its safe to say that VHS is pretty much dead, most electronic stores dont sell them anymore, instead they sell DVD recorders (ugh!) and HDD recorders.
  16. Ive just installed some newer beta drivers (101.70), the stuttering has gone, but my mouse is lagging, lol. I put 4GB of RAM in because i read that thats the sweet spot for a 64bit OS. 2GB propbably would have done the job, but im greedy :] I'm going to play with some settings, see if i can get rid of the mouse lag. ---- Just an update, i uninstalled all the nvidia drivers then reinstalled them (my mobo drivers and the above mentioned 8800 driver), the mouse doesnt lag and i dont stutter. Hopefuly this has fixed it, but only time will tell.
  17. It's been a while since ive posted on these forums, but dont hold that against me I've quite recently bought a new PC: CPU: C2D 6600 RAM: 4GB GPU: 8800 GTX PSU: 750 Watt HDD: 2x 10k RPM 150GB Raptor Drives HDD: 2x 7.5k RPM 500GB WD Drives OS: Vista x64 Ultimate Ok, now for my problem. In games that use the unreal engine the game 'stutters' at random intervals, meaning that the game freezes for about 1 second then carries on as normal. I've read up on the matter and it is to do with the current drivers for the 8800. There are fixes, one is to use rivatuner and enable the Blitting options, another is to edit GAME.ini file in the games directory (you change UseHardwareTL=True to UseHardwareTL=False). But because I'm on vista x64 rivatuner (an overclocking utility) isnt compatible and changing the value in the GAME.ini file makes all the game textures transparent. Two weeks ago i thought id fixed it, i installed a file that was meant to give me more options to edit in the 8800 control panel, it didnt, but the stuttering went away for two weeks, but now its come back. Any help is welcome, i only play a few games on my PC, the game that this problem arises in is Tribes Vengeance (as it uses the Unreal game engine).
  18. If this does turn out to be true then it was a great idea on Nintendos part, Free 'phone' calls to other Wii users, and it would probably always stay active over Wii Connect 24 (or atleast have that option). Its also another selling feature to get Wii's out there to 'non-gamers'.
  19. Ah yes, silly me
  20. Just a thought (and a kind of stupid one), but say youre playing a game, and then while youre playing the game you move, so you decide to sit or stand some where else in the room, will the Wii work out that youve moved or will it think that the controller is in a different position (so if you move left the Wii would think that youre always aiming left)? Also on a similar note, does the analogue addon sence how far away from the wiimote it is or how far away from the sensor bar? This is something of nothing realy, not a concern to me me, but id still like to know how it works.
  21. im planning on getting Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Red Steel, Excite Truck and Wii Sports on launch day. Then ill order the rest from an online store, im planning on getting just about every launch game.
  22. I can remember watching that too, but even with all the research they did into the subject they still managed to get things wrong, i can remember them reporting on the whole epilepsy thing (from the NES days) and saying that it was a Nintendo developed game that provoked the attacks, when in fact it was a capcom game (megaman). I stopped taking the news (BBC/ITV/SKY) seriously ages back, almost everything they report isnt reseached upon correctly, so what you hear on the news in basicaly lies.
  23. The BBC reported something that wasnt true? :shock: In the long run does it realy matter? Cause according to the BBC we'll al be dead from SARS and the bird flu in a matter of weeks/months anyway :p
  24. Reminds me of Pikmin too, and now youve mentioned it, that green one does look like tingle.....I just cant get away from him
  25. Well this is certainly seperating the mature people from the imature people.
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