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Everything posted by Shift

  1. I know that this will never happen, but i like the idea. I think now pokemon has gotten very repetative and a change in the gameplay is in need. What id like to see is battles in real time (melee style), so no more turn based action. Keep the leveling up system, so higher levels find it easier to beat lower leves, but this way any lower level pokemon has a chance of beating a higher level based on the players skill (or trainer skill). That and have a load of online features.
  2. I dont understand why people are shocked. I've been expecting specs like these for about a year or two. The graphics will be great and we'll be seeing the graphics reach their full potential much earlier on cause its more or less the same dev kit as the GameCube. The DS is the perfect example of how well Nintendo make their products. It has a ARM9 processor that runs at 67MHz and an ARM7 processor that runs at 33MHz, on paper these figures suck, but you just have to look at the games that the DS has on it to see that figures dont realy matter.
  3. Just a quickie, Nintendo brought the analogue stick to consoles, the rumble pack and various other innovations, so does that mean Nintendo gets royalties when other companies use their patents?
  4. I thought Sony confirmed that that banana thing was its final controller? Depending on the success of the Revolution this was bound to happen anyway, both Sony and Microsoft now have patents for a FHC of their own. But this always happens, i think Nintendo would have been much better if they didnt reveal the Revolutions controller last year, they should have gone for a total E3 2006 blowout.
  5. Ill tell ya something else im looking forward to, the E3 awards that turn up around a week after the show has ended, theyre always good for a laugh. I can just see whats going to happen now; Best Original Game: Halo 3 Best Console Game: Halo 3 Best of Show: PS3 Best Hardware/Peripheral: PS3 Nintendo will probably have a total Revolution blow out of information, and win one or two awards
  6. I can remember readin that it got canned, then i can remember reading that a number of gaming magazines still had it listed and that Nintendo wouldnt comment on it, but i guess they did in the end huh Ah well, still plenty of DS titles to look forward to :awesome:
  7. Besides the obvious, im realy looking forward to all the DS news, so far we've seen very little or nothing at all of games like Zelda DS, Pokemon and that 2D Metroid game. Im also sure theyll be a few DS suprises, i have no idea what theyll be, but thats what makes them suprises
  8. Sounds like a good idea, now all Nintendo need to do is find a set of people willing to stay awake 24/7 Any pokemon game needs to be offline with online functions.
  9. Shift

    MMORPG ?

    The problem with MMO games is that you can only play them online, thus making a pokemon MMO or a zelda MMO would alienate a lot of the fans of those franchises who dont have an internet connection. I think that the only way Nintendo could create an MMO game is to make a completely new franchise, which is something else that they have been saying.
  10. It wouldnt surprise me if the DS games linked up to a Rev version of pokemon (wirelessly of course), maybe using the DS as a controller or view finder as well as a means to trade pokemon. But what i dont like about the pokemon franchise is the inclusion of more and more pokemon, the original games (red, blue, yellow, green) were amazing and realy enjoyable to play, and it was actualy fun trying to catch all 150 (or 151) pokemon. I lost interest when they started adding more and more pokemon into the newer games as well as different types, i found the original games easy to understand and play, yet i found the newer games more confusing due to the extra pokemon and extra types. I support a mass culling of pokemon!
  11. I wouldnt read too much into this, its more likely to be something software based rather then hardware, such as Nintendo's yet unannounced online plans. A Pokemon title would sell well on any console, i for one am looking forward to the DS games that will be coming out and i think those games (Diamond and Pearl) will tell us what features Nintendo are willing to use, such as how far they will go online with it. Online is good, but making a game into an MMO just wont work, it needs to be offline aswell as online, people need to have that option.
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