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Everything posted by Shift

  1. Thanks for the super fast response The trick on the first one is to drop below the bottom of the screen before wall jumping though the hole, but ill make it easier in the future.
  2. I've made a few levels now but find it funny that as of making this post a couple of them haven't been completed by anyone yet (although only 8 people have played on them) its just funny to see where people keep dying I'm trying to make levels that are challenging but complete-able (nothing too complicated). If someone could have a look at one or both of the levels i have created that no one has completed yet and give me feedback I would appreciate it KaM Lush - 1B65-0000-001F-75CD I consider this one easy, and I don't know why anyone hasn't completed it yet? Little Boxes - C994-0000-0023-68A1 This is kind of a proof of concept for a bigger idea I have once I've unlocked more items, but i wont go down this route if people find this too difficult. Thanks in advance
  3. Ive bought SWTOR collectors edition with all of my reward points. I have also had a look at my preorder list which I totaly forgot about. There is one preorder which is Diablo 3, which was placed in 2008! I didnt realise the game has been known about for that long.
  4. I've just checked my game account and I have a fair few rewards point (enough for a free game). Upon searching the site for games I want, all of which are out of stock I have come to the following two games, and would just like a bit of advice. Guild Wars 2 - Not out yet so would be a bit of a risk preordering it from what I have read. SWTOR Collectors Edition - Not played the beta (I was a SWG player back in the day but I understand the two arent alike in any way), but am hearing mixed reviews about it, so I dont know.
  5. Im 100% sure its on the right channel, as if it wasnt, i wouldnt get any sound. The cables on both the wii and xbox have been unplugged (at the back of the TV and the consoles) and plugged back in again and theyve been truned on and off about 50 times at random points throughout the day. If just one console was doing this then id be thinking it was a fault with the console, but as both my wii and xbox have the same issue it must be the TV. Its just starnge, as I can turn it on tomorow morning and both of them could work fine. Youd think if my TV has gone then it would never work again. I hate intermittent problems like these.
  6. Just wondering if some one could give me a second opinion on an issue I'm having. I have my Xbox 360 and Wii linked up to a fairly old Sumsung LCD TV (cant find the model number). The Xbox is linked up via HDMI and the Wii via component. When I turn one of the consoles on and switch to the correct channel, all I get is sound, but no picture (for both consoles). But this problem only occurs on random days. Yesterday and the day befor they both worked fine, then today I'm having these issues. I've linked my xbox up to my monitor via VGA a few days ago and that worked fine. I've searched and a lot of people seem to be having this issue with their xbox's, and theyve put it down to an over heating gpu, but it just seems odd that my Wii also has this same problem. Just want a second opinion befor I spend £500 on a new TV. Thanks.
  7. Thanks for the links, im looking at them now. The game that id like the server for is Tribes Vengeance, there are only around 90 people that still play the game, but i still enjoy playing it. the problem that im having is that its not on anyones supported games list, however the game itslef is very similar to unreal tournament 2004's net code.
  8. Just looking for a little help. I am looking into setting up a game server/s. Can anyone recommend me any good companies (and their websites)?
  9. Just wondering if someone can clear something up for me? I've just been onto play.com and seen the LG Viewty Lite, which looks the same as the Viewty Smart (less features of course). I'm just wondering if that is what the phone looks like or if they simply have the wrong image (should it be the older look?) Thanks.
  10. Ive just preordered the Lg Arena. Its not out yet, but it has everything i need, is cheaper then the omnia, aswell as having more features.
  11. Ive needed a new phone for about 2 weeks now. Im looking to spend up to £300 on a new (sim free) phone, but i cant decide on what phone to buy. The phones ive been looking at are: LG Renoir Nokia 5800 Nokia N85 Samsung Omnia I'll be doing some tripping around this year so i decent camera would be nice, as would built in wifi (so i dont need to take a camera and my ipod touch with me aswell). Ive read up on them all and they all seem to have their own pro's and con's (from battery, to cost, to useability). The LG Renoir has the best camera of the lot, but ive read that the battery is pretty poor. The Nokia 5800 has a good battery, wifi, and performs well as an mp3/4 player, but only has a 3mp camera. The Nokia N85 has good battery, wifi and a 5mp camera, but with no touch screen which id asume make web browsing more difficult. The Samsung Omnia has a decent battery, wifi, touch screen and 5mp camera, but the cheapest ive found it for is £380 (which im willing to spend), but for £80 lessthe Renoir sports a better camera. Then the cycle continues. Im open to other phones aswell, these are just the ones ive come across so far that fit my needs. Any advice is welcome.
  12. Ive read reviews of all three cameras from loads of sites now (even the ones youve told me about). They all recommed different cameras, so i was still none the wiser at the end of reading the reviews. On the cameras.co.uk, i cant help but feel the reviewer is bias towards canon cameras, im sure canon cameras are very good, but he gives them the highest scores even though they dont take widescreen images or have good video features. At the moment i think its between the samsung nv24 and panasonic fx500, the samsung camera is £50 cheaper and has a wider angle lens. But from some reviews ive read it seems that both suffer from noise?
  13. Im going on holiday pretty soon (a few months) and im in the market for a new digital camera, something pocketable. Im not too bothered about camera features, id like it to have a wide angle lense if possible, but i wouldnt be too bothered if the camera didnt have one. The ones ive been looking at so far are: Samsung NV24 HD Panasonic FX500 Canon IXUS 970 IS I just cant make my mind up on which one to get (or if any of the above are even good), as i know very little about cameras. If anyone can recommend a better digital camera please feel free to do so. Thanks
  14. I better go try and find my curse of monkey island disc then I'll be buying me a 16GB iPod Touch in the next week or so. Unless someone else posts now with a really better alternative to the ipod touch. I find it amazing how much this piece of hardware can do.
  15. Well if i need to jailbreak it to run monkey island itll be totaly worth it
  16. Another question to the current ipod touch owners, ive been reading up on the touch and keep coming across the term "jailbreak" which ive since found out lets you run 3rd party apps on the ipod touch. Is this reccomended and easy to do (and legal)? Or does the recent update make it so that these 3rd party apps work anyway?
  17. The way im seeing it now is that the Ipod touch is a multimedia device that has the ability to go on the net. Where as the Nokia N800/810 are devices that can go on the net but have the ability to play media files. If you get what i mean. -EDIT- Just done a bit more looking and id be pleased with either the ipod touch or n810, I can honestly say that i have no idea as to what the better choice would be for me, as they both have their strenghs and weaknesses. At the end of the day ill mainly be using this to check football scores, send a few emails and catch up on a few episodes of shows that i have missed by using the BBC iPlayer (every now and then), which both can do (the ipod touch needs an add-in to do this, but its free so wont be a big deal). If im honest im now leaning towards the ipod touch again (as ive just found out it too can play monkey island ), its just a shame there isnt a 10GB model, i have 8GB of music that i want which leaves me with no room for anything else, so ill have to go for the 16GB model which is roughly £210, which isnt that bad thinking about it. Also, will my old ipod bits work on the ipod touch? As I have a FM Radio dongle that I use fairly often. -EDIT2- Just a quick one, is there a way to get skype onto the ipod touch? i know it doesnt have a mic, but can you buy a pair of earphones that have a mic aswell yet?
  18. Damn you, i was contempt with the ipod touch till you made your post about monkey island and you got me looking again! Im off out in abit so ive only had a quick look, but as for prices: around £190 for an 8GB Ipod Touch around £150 for a N800 around £250 for a N810 (£220 is the cheapest ive seen, so far) So at the moment im kinda leaning towards the N810, as its not that much more than an 8GB iPod Touch and it has a proper keyboard. Im sure ill end up changing my mind a few more times befor i make a final choice though :awesome:
  19. The first thing i looked at was the DS wifi browser, but after reading a few reviews of it i decided not to bother The ipod touch is looking the favourite at the moment. I dont need one for a few more months, so hopefuly itll come down in price a bit more, not saying its expensive at the moment though, i just like to pay less 8)
  20. So would i need to ask to get permission to connect to the net when im in a hotel, or would i be able to go to my room and just jump onto the net?
  21. Once youre in a wifi hotspot, how easy is it usualy to connect to the net? Will it just find the wifi signal and be ready to go, or do you need to go ask someone to allow you onto the network? --EDIT-- Also now that i know the BBC iPlayer works on it I guess it means ill have to test it in the states to watch Doctor Who on
  22. The Mylo is more or less what i want, but they currently have no plans to release it here. the ipod touch is my second option, and it might be better due to it having more support and thus more gadgets. So i dont know wether to get an ipod touch now, or wait till i go to the states and get a mylo. Im always open to other options though
  23. I dont watch that many flash vids anyway, so i cant see that being a big problem, but just doing a quick search i can see that there are addons to get around that 'down-fall'. After looking for other similar devices after posting this topic not many realy compare to the ipod touch, and the ones that do are almost twice as expensive. I can see me buying one, i just wanted to know what my other options were. Just on a side note, how durable is the ipod touch, i plan on carrying it with me in my pocket a lot and i dont want the touch screen to crap out on me, ill probably buy a case for it anyway. But generaly how durable are touchscreens?
  24. Im off to the states for a while in a few months and i would like to stay online to check emails, footy scores ect. The thing is i dont want to spend a load on a mobile wifi device, £200 or lower idealy, ive seen devices that cost over that, and you might aswell buy a cheap laptop. But for me, i just want something to browse the internet with (without squinting), any other features would be a bonus. Ive been looking at the Sony Mylo (version 2, which is £155 new), and while i know that you cant get one here in the UK that is the sort of thing im looking for. Ive also had a quick look at an Ipod touch, this is my backup plan if i cant find a better device, im not saying the itouch isnt good, id just preffer a normal keypad over the touch pad. Any help is welcome. Thanks in advance.
  25. Well, not having any evidence at all to go by, id say between 1:1000000000 and 1:1.
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