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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. Wow what a show that was tonight. Glad nikki stayed (for the first time I found her really attractive when she was all horny with Pete) and the way they brought in the winner was great.

    The GET GRACE OUT chant made the evening. She's shitting her pants right now. 43, wow she looks around middle 30s, and to think she has a 21yr old daughter!

    Oh and I'm sure the whole golden ticket thing was a fix.

  2. Just got back and unsuprisingly everythings gone. Some good stuff there, I would of liked Starfox Assault or Batallion Wars but its good that I missed it really as it keeps me saving for the hope they put a Lite in. I nearly have 8000 stars now.

  3. Biology yesterday was okay but some parts were tricky.

    The final english exam this afternoon went really well, got off to a good start and the questions were ideal.


    As often as thats happening for each subject though (other than what I'm doing for A Levels) I can't be happy until it's all over.

    French listening/reading tommorow morning. Shit.

  4. Do I have to buy a Dreamcast to play it, because I don't have one. :(

    That's what I did, don't regret it one bit. Got a NEW Dreamcast off eBay for £27 along with 3 games (which I didn't want so sold) what a bargain!


    And Tailzo, I'm still hopeful, check out the links I posted earlier from Shenmue Dojo about it. Although most of it is a mess and full of unconfirmed and fake shizzle at least its there.



  5. I'm not going to judge yet.

    The title will apparently be an RPG/Adventure game which will support online game-play - no specifics were mentioned

    Well thats hopeful, but then like you lot say the title certainly hints at it being Colleseumish. Well, the only other (hopeful) possibility is that it is called 'Battle Revolution' because the battling has had a revolutionary new change, yet the game as a whole isn't revolved around it.

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